Advt. No. 04/201 6
Applications are invited in the prescribed form from bonafide citizens of India for selection of candidates for recruitment to the Tripura Civil Service Grade-II and Tripura Police Service Grade-II, Group-A Gazetted, Scale of pay 15,600/- to 3 9,100/-, Pay Band-4 with grade pay Rs . 5,400/-. All are permanent posts, the vacancy position are as follows:-
1.Post Name- Tripura Civil Service Grade-II
No. of Vacancy- 30 Posts
Pay Scale- Rs. 15600-39100/-
Grade Pay- Rs. 5400/-
Employment Notification TPSC Require 45 TCS & TPS
2.Post Name- Tripura Police Service Grade-II
No. of Vacancy- 15 Posts
Pay Scale- Rs. 15600-39100/-
Grade Pay- Rs. 5400/-
Other Important information:
(1) The number of posts is subject to increase or decrease depending upon the requirement of the Department.
(2) Physical Fitness & Medical Examination: A candidate must be in a good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his/her duties as an officer of the service. A candidate who after such medical Examination as the Government or the Appointing Authority as the case may be, may prescribe is found not to satisfy these requirements, will not be appointed. Any candidate called for the personality Test by the Commission may be
required to undergo the Medical Examination.
(3) No restriction shall be imposed on number of chances for appearing in the examination.
(4) During submission of Application Form, the candidate need not enclose any self attested certificate. Candidates qualifying in the Main Examination will be asked to submit all relevant self attested certificates as noted in the application form to the Reception Counter of the TPSC in due course failing which the candidature will be summarily rejected.
(5) Prescribed Form availability:- The 4(four) pages Application Form printed in colour font will be available from all Branches/Extension counters of Tripura Gramin Bank in the State of Tripura on deposit of the prescribed Recruitment Fee through the Special Deposit Slip to the Account No. 14711 in favour of the Secretary, T.P.S.C. in the same Branch/Extension counter as a single window system without any extra charge/Commission from the candidates.
Apply to TPSC Require 45 TCS & TPS
How to Apply TPSC Vacancy- Advance copy of Application in the prescribed form duly filled in by the candidate and 2 copies of recent stamp size photographs of the candidate affixed on the Application and Admit Card along with the copies of self-attested certificates, self addressed envelope bearing postage stamp of Rs 5/- to be submitted to the Reception Counter of the TPSC Secretariat on or before 31.05.2016.
Last date- 31.05.2016
Vacancy Notice TPSC Require 45 TCS & TPS
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the employment notification
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