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1515 Group ‘C’ Civilian Vacancy – Indian Air Force,All India

Last Date:09 May,2021
Indian Air Force
All India

Indian Air Force released an Official Notification for the post of 1515 Group ‘C’ Civilian Posts at the various Air Force Stations/Units from 10th, ITI, 12th, Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result Indian Air Force Group C Civilian Posts Offline application can apply before 09 May 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Indian Air Force Group C Civilian Posts govt job opening at official website

Employment Notification 1515 Group ‘C’ Civilian Vacancy – Indian Air Force,All India

Name of the post– Group ‘C’ Civilian
No of post – 1515
Pay Scale – As per Rules

Educational Qualification:
12th,10th Class, ITI,Degree.

Apply to 1515 Group ‘C’ Civilian Vacancy – Indian Air Force,All India

General Information:

  • Application received after due date will not be considered. IAF will not be responsible for any kind of postal delay.
  • Pre-scrutiny of the application in terms of age limit, minimum qualification, documents and certificates will be carried out by the respective unit before calling the suitable candidates for the written test / skill / practical / physical test.
  • Selected candidate will be subject to all India service liability.
  • Merely fulfilling the basic selection criteria does not automatically entitle a person to be called for test / skill / practical / physical test.
  • Candidates are to bring original certificates viz. SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD/ESM, educational qualification / technical qualification and experience certificates at the time of the skill / practical / physical test.
  • There will be simultaneous conduct of test for all categories. The responsibility of deciding the category for which the candidate would like to appear will be choice of the applicant himself. No separate exam will be conducted for candidates applying for more than one category, if the exams are held on the same date.
  • To avoid the risk of Covid-19, candidates are advised to follow all instruction/guideline issued by Central / State Govt. for preventive of Covid-19 from time to time.
  • At the entrance any candidate showing complaints of influence like illness (ILI), may not be allowed for the test considering the safety of other persons.
  • The Air Officer Commanding/Station Commander / Commanding Officer of the concerned AF Station has the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. Similarly, respective command/Unit has the right to change the number of vacancies / reservation status at any AF Station at any time before selection.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 1515 Group ‘C’ Civilian Vacancy – Indian Air Force,All India

  • Eligible candidates can apply to any of the above Air Force Station of their choice subject to the vacancies and qualifications. Application as per format given under (typed in English/Hindi), duly supported with the following documents is to reach the concerned Air Force Station as per choice within 30 days from the last date of the publication of this advertisement in ’Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar’.
  • All documents in support of Education Qualification, Age, Technical Qualification, Physically Handicapped, Experience Certificate & Caste Certificate (issued by the competent civil authorities in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates) etc to be accompanied with the application should be self attested.
  • In case of appointment of OBC candidates against their reserved quota their caste should be listed under Central List of OBCs as candidate belonging to castes listed under Central list only are eligible for appointment to Central Services. The latest rules with regard to creamy layer in OBCs are to be followed. Candidates seeking reservation as OBC is required to submit alongwith application a certificate to the effect that he does not belong to any of the creamy layer.
  • In case of ex-serviceman self attested photocopy of discharge book is to be submitted alongwith the application.
  • Application form duly typed in English /Hindi with recent photograph (passport size) duly self attested. Any other supporting document (self attested), Self addressed envelope with stamp (s) Rs. 10/- pasted. Address should be typed in English / Hindi. Separate application for each post should be forwarded. Applicants to mention clearly on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE
  • Two passport size photograph (same as fixed on the application form).

About Us:

  • The Indian Air Force was officially established on 8 October 1932. Its first ac flight came into being on 01 Apr 1933. It possessed a strength of six RAF-trained officers and 19 Havai Sepoys (literally, air soldiers). The aircraft inventory comprised of four Westland Wapiti IIA army co-operation biplanes at Drigh Road as the “A” Flight nucleus of the planned No.1 (Army Co- operation) Squadron.
  • Four-and-a-half years later, “A” Flight was in action for the first time from Miranshah, in North Waziristan, to support Indian Army operations against insurgent Bhittani tribesmen. Meanwhile, in April 1936, a “B” Flight had also been formed on the vintage Wapiti. But, it was not until June 1938 that a “C” Flight was raised to bring No. 1 Squadron ostensibly to full strength, and this remained the sole IAF formation when World War II began, although personnel strength had by now risen to 16 officers and 662 men.
  • Problems concerning the defence of India were reassessed in 1939 by the Chatfield Committee. It proposed the re-equipment of RAF (Royal Air Force) squadrons based in lndia but did not make any suggestions for the accelerating the then painfully slow growth of IAF except for a scheme to raise five flights on a voluntary basis to assist in the defence of the principal ports. An IAF Volunteer Reserve was thus authorised, although equipping of the proposed Coastal Defence Flights (CDFs) was somewhat inhibited by aircraft availability. Nevertheless, five such flights were established with No. 1 at Madras, No. 2 at Bombay, No. 3 at Calcutta, No. 4 at Karachi and No. 5 at Cochin. No. 6 was later formed at Vizagapatanam. Built up around a nucleus of regular IAF and RAF personnel, these flights were issued with both ex-RAF Wapitis and those relinquished by No. 1 Squadron IAF after its conversion to the Hawker Hart. In the event, within a year, the squadron was to revert back to the Wapiti because of spares shortages, the aged Westland biplanes being supplemented by a flight of Audaxes.
  • At the end of March 1941, Nos. 1 and 3 CDFs gave up their Wapitis which were requisitioned to equip No. 2 Squadron raised at Peshawar in the following month, and were instead issued with Armstrong Whitworth Atalanta transports, used to patrol the Sunderbans delta area south of Calcutta. No. 2 CDF had meanwhile received requisitioned D.H. 89 Dragon Rapides for convoy and coastal patrol, while No. 5 CDF took on strength a single D.H. 86 which it used to patrol the west of Cape Camorin and the Malabar Coast.

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