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Technical & Tradesman Opening in Assam Rifles

Govt Jobs in Assam


(a) Last date of receipt of applications from eligible candidates for Assam Rifles for all candidates for determining the age criteria. Candidates should not have been Technical and Tradesmen Recruitment Rally 2021-22 is 25 Oct 2021 (23:59 hrs).Applications received thereafter will not be entertained.

Employment Notification Technical & Tradesman Opening in Assam Rifles

Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman Recruitment Rally 2021-22 is scheduled from 01 Dec 2021 onwards for enrolment into Group B and C posts against 1230 vacancies based on applications received from eligible male / female candidates for the trades/ posts as mentioned in Appendix A’ & B’. Candidate must be a citizen of India. Vacancies have been earmarked State/UT wise hence a candidate must submit Domicile/Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) Of State/UT while filling online application form. If a candidate produces Domicile/PRC issued by a State other than the State mentioned in his/her application, he/she shall not be allowed to change the Sate at the time of Verification Of documents and his/her candidature shall be canceled straightaway. Therefore candidates should fill the application form very carefully.

How to Apply to Defense of India

To apply, fill up the online application by clicking on *ONLINE APPLICATION” option on the website. The candidates will fill the requisite details as prescribed in the application form. After the application has been filled up, the candidates has the option to make online payment via link given for online payment or alternatively the payment can be made at SBI Bank Counters as well. In both options the candidate will have to upload copy of the challan or receipt online. Candidates while reporting for Physical Standard Test (PST)/ Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will produce original copy Of payment receipt / challan for offcial records. In case of non submission of receipt / challan the application may be rejected. The candidates will also produce the printed copy of online Application Form duly completed and a copy Of notification downloaded from the Assam Rifles website, failing which the candidature Of the applicants may be rejected. The online applications portal will be functioning form the day of publications of the advertisement to the last date of receipt Of the applications.

Apply to Technical & Tradesman Opening in Assam Rifles

All further information regarding conduct of various events of the recruitment rally be intimated to the candidates through Email/SMS only. Hence, providing functional Email ID and mobile phone number in Online Application Form by the applicants is mandatory. The mobile phone number so provided should not be DND activated. The candidates will be responsible for non-receipt Of information regarding recruitment process due to providing of wrong Email ID and mobile phone numbers in Online Application Form filled by them. Before submission of the online application, candidates must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the form. After submission of the online application form, no change/correction/modification will be allowed under any circumstances. Request received in this regard in any form like Post, Fax, Email, by hand etc shall not be entertained. Assam Rifles will not be responsible for the candidates not being able to submit their applications for any reason before closing date.

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now to Assam rifles

Vacancy Notice Technical & Tradesman Opening in Assam Rifles

click above to download
the vacancy notification

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