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Assistant Commandant Recruitment in Indian Coast Guard

Indian Coast Guard Recruitment

The Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union, offers a challenging career to young and dynamic Indian Male/Female candidates for various branches as an Assistant Commandant recruitment in Indian Coast Guard(Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer). Registration of ‘online’ application will be through Coast Guard recruitment website

Branch and Eligibility for Indian Coast Guard

Indian citizens having following minimum qualifications are eligible to apply:-

Employment Notification Assistant Commandant Recruitment in Indian Coast Guard



(a)General DutyBorn between 01 Jul 1997 to 30 Jun 2001 (Both dates inclusive).Male

Apply to Assistant Commandant Recruitment in Indian Coast Guard


(i) Candidates who have passed Bachelor’s degree from any recognised university with minimum 60% marks in aggregate (i.e.

1st Semester to 8th Semester for

Vacancy Notice Assistant Commandant Recruitment in Indian Coast Guard

BE/B.Tech Course or 1st year to last year for Bachelor Degree candidates wherever applicable).


(ii) Mathematics and Physics as subjects up to intermediate or class XIIth of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with 60% aggregate in Mathematics and Physics. {Candidates not in possession of Physics and Maths in 10+2 (intermediate) or equivalent level are not eligible for General Duty (GD)}.


Pilot Entry


Born between 01 Jul 1997 to 30 Jun 2003 (Both dates inclusive).Male/


Candidates holding current /valid Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) issued/ validated by Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).

Minimum educational qualification – XIIthpass (Physics and Mathematics) with 60% marks in aggregate.



& Electrical)

Born between

01 Jul 1997 to

30 Jun 2001 (Both dates inclusive).

Male(i) Engineering degree with 60% marks in aggregate or Should have passed Sections A and B examination from the Institution of Engineers (India) in any of the discipline listed below:-


(aa) Engineering Branch.Naval architecture or Mechanical or Marine or Automotive or Mechatronics or Industrial and Production or Metallurgy or Design or Aeronautical or Aerospace.


(ab) Electrical Branch.Electrical or

Electronics or Telecommunication or Instrumentation or Instrumentation and Control or Electronics and

Communication or Power Engg. Or Power Electronics.


* All the above streams of Engg. Must be recognized by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).


(ii) Atleast 60% marks in aggregate in Physics and Maths in 12th class.


Three year diploma course with an aggregate of 60%.

* Short Service Appointment (SSA) – Short Service Appointment as Assistant Commandant is for a period of 08 years which may be extended to 10 years and further extendable up to 14 years.

Note. (i) Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (non-creamy layer) candidates as per Govt. of India rules in vogue.

  • Maximum 5% relaxation in aggregate in the degree certificate for SC/ST candidates. No relaxation is applicable for 12th class marks.
  • Income certificate for EWS (Economically Weaker Sections) as per Government of India format (no other format will be entertained).
  • Indian Coast Guard reserves the right to fix the cut off percentage for issue of PSB call up letters.

How to Apply to Indian Coast Guard

  • Applications will be accepted only ‘Online’ tentativelyfrom1200 hrs on 06 Dec to 17 Dec 2021 upto1730 hrsfor the above said posts. The important instructions for filling up of the online applications are as given below: –
  • The name of the candidate, father/mother’s name and date ofbirth should be same as mentioned in theXth class passing certificate. Any mismatch in name & date of birth in the applicationwill result in rejection of the application.
  • Indicate exact percentage of XIIthand Graduation marks upto two decimals and this is not to be rounded off.
  • Candidates to choose any one venue for PSB out of the options displayed.
  • Filling up of information like personal email ID and Mobile number of the candidate is compulsory. The date, time and venue of the test and other information will be informed through personal email ID or CG Recruitment website.
  • Applicants, either current or permanent address of online applicationshould be same as the address mentioned in caste/category certificate (SC, ST, OBC& EWS).
  • In case of OBC Non Creamy Layer (NCL), the category certificate should be as per the format for appointment for post under the Govt. of India. The format of the OBC (Non Creamy) certificate is available on ICG website (No other format will be entertained). Any other format will lead to cancellation of candidature.

To fill up “Online” application the candidates need to logon to the Website click on “opportunities”button. To know more click on the links given below.

click above to download
the notification for recruitment

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