Advt. No. : 03/2018
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) invites applications for the post of 7110 Constable & S.I Vacancy Qualification/ eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below…
Employment Notification 7110 Constable & SI Vacancy – HSSC,Haryana
1.Name of the post- Constable(Male & Female)
No of post- 6174
Pay Scale- Rs. 21700 — 69100 /-
2.Name of the post- India Reserve Battalions Of Haryana State
No of post- 500
Pay Scale- Rs. 21700 — 69100 /-
Apply to 7110 Constable & SI Vacancy – HSSC,Haryana
3.Name of the post- Sub Inspector(Male & Female)
No of post- 463
Pay Scale- Rs. 35400 — 1 12400 /-
Education Qualification:
Male Constable,Female Constable,India Reserve Battalions Of Haryana State:- Candidate Must Pass 10+2 or its equivalent + Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard Or higher educations.
Sub Inspector (Male),Sub Inspector (Female):- Candidate Must Pass Graduation From any recognized university or its equivalent. + Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard Or higher educations.
Vacancy Notice 7110 Constable & SI Vacancy – HSSC,Haryana
General Instructions:
- Please read the instructions and procedures carefully before you start frlling the Online Application Form.
- The candidate shourd frl a]l details while frJling the online Apprication Form.
- SFr appllnng online, Registration No. ana pGwora wU Ue generat;.
- Take print out of the registration no. and pu””*o.a screen for future reference of your application status and for Rr priniing of your online fired appfi””tio, form and e-Challan form.
- After successful submission of application candidates should take print out of application form and e_Challan.
- The Hard copy of apprication form al0ng with all required documents must be ,*,,qo”$t at the time of verification/ security.
- Candldates are advlsed to flll Name, Father’s [ame, Date of Blrt Slguature etc. After final submiss be allowed. Candidate wiII be respor appllcatioa form aad ao ary conespondence will be entertalned ln thls regard.
- Reservatlon of posts3- Reservation will be as per Haryana Government Instructions.
Starting Date for Submission of Online Application:28-04-2018.
Last Date for Submission Of Online Application:28-05-2018.
Interested Candidates may apply Online through from 28.04.2018 to 28.05.2018
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the employment notification
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