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03 Assistant Executive & Dy. Executive Vacancy – RECPDCL,Noida (Uttar Pradesh)

Last Date: 21 November,2020
REC Power Distribution Company Limited (RECPDCL)
Noida (Uttar Pradesh)

RECPDCL Executive Recruitment 2020 is open (Advt. No. : RECPDCL/HR/2/2020) and inviting application for 03 Assistant Executive & Dy. Executive Vacancy from B.E./B.Tech passed candidates interested in sarkari result RECPDCL Executive Recruitment application can apply before 21 November 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply REC Power Distribution Company Ltd RECPDCL Executive job opening at official website

Employment Notification 03 Assistant Executive & Dy. Executive Vacancy – RECPDCL,Noida (Uttar Pradesh)

Name of the post – Assistant Executive & Dy. Executive
No of post – 03
Pay Scale – 85000/- Per Month

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 03 Assistant Executive & Dy. Executive Vacancy – RECPDCL,Noida (Uttar Pradesh)

General Instruction:

  • RECPDCL is rendering expert consultancy services in power sector in general and Distribution sector in particular across the country. The spectrum of consultancy services include inter-alia, Project Management Consultancy (PMC) works, IT implementation in Power Sector, Smart Metering, Smart Grid, Solar Projects, Third Party Quality Inspection, Monitoring of Rural Electrification works, Feeder Renovation Program, Energy Audit, HVDS study, Load flow study of power system networks, preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPRs), Power Transmission network and other power projects including various Govt. of India Schemes viz., DDUGJY, R-APDRP, IPDS, PMDP etc. to the Central/State power utilities across the Country, Consultancy Assignments to Government, Central/State Electricity Regulatory Commission.
  • The posts are purely temporary in nature and offered on fixed tenure basis initially for a maximum period of three years further extendable by one year and six months subject to satisfactory performance, i.e. maximum for a period of four years and six months. These positions are not against any permanent vacancy. The placement will not entitle the candidate for any regular / permanent employment in RECPDCL in future.
  • The cut-off date for age and experience shall be 31st Oct 2020.
  • Mere fulfilling of eligibility criteria shall not confer any right to the applicant for being called for the interview/appointment. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
  • Teaching experience, Internship, Induction and any other training period will not be counted as experience.
  • RECPDCL also reserves the right to cancel/amend the advertisement and/or the selection process there under. The number of positions filled may increase or decrease depending on the requirement of RECPDCL.
  • Candidates who do not possess post qualification experience in areas mentioned under “Work Experience” need not apply.
  • Candidates should be able to furnish their relevant Degree and Post Qualification Work-Experience certificates at the time of Interview.
  • Category should be carefully filled-up in the online application format as this will not be allowed for change at a later date. OBC candidates who do not belong to “Non-Creamy Layer” should submit their application under unreserved category only.
  • Applications should be submitted online through RECPDCL’s website, i.e.
  • (Career Page) in the prescribed format.
  • The candidates can apply only one post against the advertisement.
  • The candidates applied for more than one post may attract the disqualification of applications.
  • Candidates are advised to possess a valid e-mail ID & Mobile No. which is to be entered in the online application Form. They are also advised to retain this e-mail ID active for at least one year as any important intimation to the candidates shall be provided by RECPDCL through e-mail. They are further requested to check their e-mails regularly for any communication from RECPDCL in this regard.
  • Candidates if invited for personal interview will be reimbursed to and fro actual fare limited to 2rd AC Train Fare from the starting station or mailing address whichever is nearer to the place of interview by the shortest route on production of proof of journey. Lodging charges will not be provided.
  • Candidates employed in Govt./Semi Govt/PSU/Autonomous Body shall be required to apply through proper channel. However, in the event of difficulty, they may send the application directly and produce the relieving order from their organization in the event of selection.
  • Incomplete applications i.e. columns of the format not filled in or those in format other than the one prescribed in our website against this advertisement will not be entertained.
  • Candidates are required to enclose self-certified copies of all the relevant documents in support of Date of Birth, Qualification, Experience, Category Certificate, latest pay slip etc., along with their applications. However, supporting documents in original as prescribed will be required for verification at the time ofinterview
  • Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the essential eligibility criteria prescribed for the post for which they are applying. In case it is found at any stage of the selection process or even after appointment that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information or suppressed any relevant information/material facts or does not fulfill the essential eligibility criteria, his/her candidature / service are liable for rejection/termination without notice.
  • Management reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview, reject the application without assigning any reason/change the number of posts / raise the standard of specification .
  • No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates not called / selected for interview/appointment.
  • Only Indian Nationals need to apply.
  • Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  • Applicants should have sound health. Engagement of selected candidates shall be subject to medical fitness test as prescribed by RECPDCL. No relaxation in medical standards shall be allowed.
  • Applicants can apply to only one post, best suitable to them.
  • Eligible applicants would require to register and apply online through RECPDCL’s website, i.e. (Career Page) from 04.11.2020 at 11.00 AM to 21.11.2020 up to 06.00 PM. Candidates are also required to upload self-attested copies of proof of age, qualification, post qualification experience and caste certificate along with the application. Before applying read, the instructions carefully mentioned in detailed advertisement and fill the online application form with providing correct information.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 03 Assistant Executive & Dy. Executive Vacancy – RECPDCL,Noida (Uttar Pradesh)

  • REC Power Distribution Company Limited (RECPDCL) an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007 certified company, a wholly owned subsidiary of REC Ltd, was incorporated on 12th July, 2007. It received certificate of commencement of business on 31st July, 2007. The company focus is on facilitating the power utilities in the areas of their operation specifically related to the Power Distribution sector, by providing expertise to capitalize on the emerging needs and demands of Power Sector.
  • RECPDCL is rendering expert and value added consultancy services to power utilities across the country i.e., in 41 Power Distribution Companies (DISCOMs) and 4 Co-operative societies in 27 States across India with a project cost more than ₹ 85,000 Crore.
  • To facilitate availability of electricity for accelerated growth and for enrichment of quality of life of rural and semi-urban population.
  • To act as a competitive, client-friendly,development-oriented organization and promoting projects covering power generation, power conservation, power transmission and power distribution network in the country.
  • To Promote, develop, construct, own, operate, distribute and maintain 66 KV and below voltage class electrification/distribution electric supply lines/Distribution System.
  • To enter into joint venture partnership in distribution/Decentralised Distributed Generation (DDG) sector or merge any company or any of the companies/subsidiaries formed by the company in pursuance of its objects as aforesaid.

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