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03 Field Investigator Vacancy – NLU,Delhi

Last Date:20 April,2021
National Law University (NLU)

National Law University Delhi (NLU Delhi) is inviting eligible candidates to apply for 3 contractual posts of Field Investigator.Interested Eligible Candidates may send their applications as per prescribed format to concerned E-mail address by 20-04-2021 . All the relevant documents must be sent alongwith application form, as proof of suitability for the posts. Email subject must be formed properly, containing name of post applied for.

Employment Notification 03 Field Investigator Vacancy – NLU,Delhi

Name of the post– Field Investigator
No of post – 03
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 03 Field Investigator Vacancy – NLU,Delhi

General Information:

  • Women in Indian cities face sexual harassment on public transport system with an awful consistency. Even though these crimes often takes place in common places there is no official data or is very less data on massive scale of such issues prevalent in the society. These harassments are mostly invisible and anonymous in our society due to large number of underreporting or non-reporting of such case. The current research study entails an analyses of paradigms around women safety concerns in cabs in Delhi/NCR region and to identifying the key problems faced by women in said situations. Also, to assess various legislative initiatives by the Delhi Government against such crimes in Delhi/NCR region. In furtherance to develop
    a model ensuring safer travel for women commuters in cabs and control such incidences from occurring in near future in Delhi/NCR region. The project is being funded by National Commission for Women (NCW).
  • The Centre for Criminology and Victimology has been set up at NLUD with the aim to contribute towards the fundamental and applied research and action in the field of Criminology, Criminal Law, Criminal Justice, Victim Justice, and Victimology. Towards this end, the Centre promotes research, training, policy analysis and consultancy in the aforesaid fields. The Centre brings along pertinent interdisciplinary research and learning strategies to identify the lacunae in our criminal justice and victim justice systems while systematically addressing the same. The Centre also provides ready consultancy to various law enforcement and governmental agencies by offering research based solutions to legal conundrums. Additionally, the Centre conducts trainings, research workshops and conferences especially in the areas of Criminal Justice, Victim Justice, and Victimology.
  • The Centre is looking to engage three full-time Field Investigators, in offline mode, to support research and ancillary activities for the Project and the Centre.
  • The duration of the assignment initially is for three months starting immediately.
  • The investigators shall primarily be required to collect primary data from the field (within Delhi/NCR).
  • Additionally, the investigators will be involved with other research related activities of the Project.
  • All Applicants are required to apply by 20th April 2021, 11.59 pm. Applications beyond this date and time will not be accepted.
  • The applicants are required to submit their CV, a Statement of Purpose (maximum 400 words) and a writing sample (published/unpublished, sole authorship to – with the subject ‘Application for Field InvestigatorsTransport and Crime.
  • Shortlisted candidates shall have a telephonic interview.
  • Once selected the candidates shall be informed of their selection via email.
  • Eligible candidates may apply for concerned posts by sending their application to concerned email address, as per prescribed format. No need to send print to National Law University Delhi at this stage. Keeping a print copy for future use is advised though. Only eligible candidates will be entertained, therefore candidates must make sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 03 Field Investigator Vacancy – NLU,Delhi

  • National Law University, Delhi (NLUD) is a National Law University in India, offering courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Situated in Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi -110078, India, NLUD is one of the national law schools in India built on the five-year law degree model proposed and implemented by the Bar Council of India. The National Law University Act, 2007 provides for the Chief Justice of India to be the university’s visitor, whereas the Chief Justice of the High Court of Delhi to function as the university’s chancellor. whereas its vice-chancellor functions as the chief administrator.
  • NLUD offers a five-year undergraduate, B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) program. Seventy seats are offered and ten additional seats are allocated to foreign nationals. The undergraduate program is based on a credits system with additional seminar courses for further learning, pursuant according to the interests of the students. The program consists of approximately fifty subjects to be studied over the duration of ten semesters, with five subjects in each semester. Students are expected to submit fifty research projects before their graduation. The curriculum remains intensive and has led to concerns being brought about stress levels amongst the students.
  • NLUD also offers a one-year LL.M. program. The admission is through a written test which is conducted by the University followed by an interview.It additionally offers Postgraduate Diploma program in Urban Environmental Management, Judging and Court Management, and IPR and Patent Law along with Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D).
  • NLUD also offers a one-year LL.M. program. The admission is through a written test which is conducted by the University followed by an interview.It additionally offers Postgraduate Diploma program in Urban Environmental Management, Judging and Court Management, and IPR and Patent Law along with Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D).
  • NLUD does not utilise the Common Law Admission Test like other National Law Universities do;admissions to the undergraduate (UG) B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) program are done through the All India Law Entrance Test (AILET), a test conducted every year by the university.
  • The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranked it second among law colleges in 2020.

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