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03 Hospital Clinician Vacancy – MAFSU,Maharashtra

Last Date:28 October,2020
Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU)

3 contractual posts of Hospital Clinician in Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU) will be filled through a walkin Interview to be held on 28-10-2020 (10 AM) from among eligible candidates.Candidates with eligibility may appear in Interview with filled application, Bio data and all certificates as proof of age, caste, quaification, experience and photographs at the given venue.

Employment Notification 03 Hospital Clinician Vacancy – MAFSU,Maharashtra

Name of the post – Hospital Clinician
No of post – 03
Pay Scale – Rs 45000

Educational Qualification:
B. V. Sc.& A.H. / M.V. Sc. in Clinical subjects

Apply to 03 Hospital Clinician Vacancy – MAFSU,Maharashtra

General Information:

  • Applications are invited form the eligible candidates for the post of Hospital Clinician on temporary contractual basis in the Department of Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Mumbai Veterinary College, Mumbai. Hospital Clinician will be appointed purely on temporary basis initially for the period of 03 months thereafter, based on his / her performance the services will be continued for further period. The detail application form can be downloaded from University website
  • The interested candidates should remain present on below mentioned address with filled proforma of application with original and self-attested photocopies of all essential documents for verification in person on 28/10/2020 between 10:00 am to 11.00 am on their own expenses for interview. Those who appear late after 11:00 am shall not be permitted for interview. Interview will be conducted 11.30 am onwards. Essential Educational qualification and emoluments for posts are mentioned as under:
    Address for verification of : Conference Hall adjacent to Associate Dean Office, documents and interview Mumbai Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai 400 012 Contact No.: 022-24131180/7030
    Place of posting : Department of Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Mumbai Veterinary College (MVC), Mumbai.
  • Valid Registration with MSVC.
  • Candidates needs to submit relevant proofs of their qualifications, age, relevant experience, valid MSVC Registration etc. with their application and must produce original documents at the time of interview.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates appearing for interview.
  • Selected candidates can be discontinued / leave the job justifying proper reasons and giving at least one-month prior notice to this office or he / she has to deposit one month’s salary in the office at the time of joining if selected.
  • The selection committee reserves the rights to reject one or more applications at their discretion without any reason thereof.
  • The consolidated pay given in this advertisement may be changed in future as per decision of university.
  • Canvassing/Misconduct or misbehavior in any manner at interview place may result into barring /cancellation of candidature.
  • The selected personnel are full time worker and required to adhere to the disciplinary regulation of the MAFSU/ College; hence, regular attendance of the personnel will be maintained by keeping an attendance register.
  • Non-maintenance of the discipline and failure to perform the assigned duties will make the candidate liable for deduction of salary, termination during the appointment period as per rules.
  • The Upper Age Limit for unreserved and reserved candidates will be as per Government of Maharashtra rules.
  • The selected candidate has to work in rotational clinical duties at Out Patient Department and affiliated Hospital and entitle for one adjusted weekly off.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 03 Hospital Clinician Vacancy – MAFSU,Maharashtra

  • The foundation of The Mumbai Veterinary College, Mumbai, in 1886 marked the establishment of the veterinary profession in this country. The Mumbai Veterinary College was inaugurated by Prof. J. H. Steel, B.Sc. F.R.C.V.S., a person with experience and dynamism as its first principal. Principal J. H. Steel can be considered as the father of modern Veterinary education in India. He also can be called the father of modern Veterinary Journalism.
  • The Mumbai Veterinary College was initially housed in the vast compound of Bai Sakarbai Dinshaw Petit Hospital for Animals, Parel, Mumbai which was established in 1883 by Sir D. M. Petit Baronet. Prof. J. H. Steel was assisted by three Indian Medical Officers and an European Farrier to conduct the teaching. But when trained Veterinary graduates became available in 1889, two of them, Principal J. H. Steel, in his annual reports during the four years he presided over the college, outlined his ambitious ideas for the future development of the college. He reported “The average amount of knowledge conveyed to our students before they become practitioners will equal that given in the First Batch Of Veterinary Students 1886 British school. Our best men may not be equal to the best European graduates but they will not fall far short and the shortcoming, if any will disappear in time with further development of the college”. Indeed Principal. Steel in his comprehensive reports also dealt with other aspects such as affiliation of the college to that local university and the minimum admission standard. In his annual administration report (1888) he states ” It is confidently expected that in a very few years it (Mumbai Veterinary College) would be affiliated to the Bombay University and the time will have arrived when admission may be refused to non-matriculates “.
  • On establishing the college in Bai Sakarbai Dinshaw Petit Hospital for Animals, certain buildings belonging to the Hospital were handed over to the Government for the use of the college. The large central Main College Building 1908 bungalow was utilized as the college building with certain alterations and additions such as two large lecture rooms, a library, a museum, pharmacy and office rooms for the Principal and Professors and quarters for the Resident Veterinary Officer. The curricular teaching and the clinical work of the hospital was placed in the hands of the Principal and the Faculty while general management of Hospital and patients was undertaken by the Secretary, S. P. C. A. Mumbai. This dual control system worked for some time but later on due to certain religious sentiments of Jain- Hindu members of the S. P. C. A. post-mortem and dissection of animals which are the aids in diagnosis and advancement of the science could not be performed in the S. P. C. A. Hospital compound. The Government of Mumbai therefore, constructed a post-mortem room and the dissection hall outside the Hospital compound Pathology laboratory 1891 but in its vicinity. Other buildings such as students’ hostels, shoeing forge were added from time to time. A three storied building with Roman gothic architecture, called Patho-Bacteriological Laboratory was built by Sir D. M. Petit and handed over to the Government in 1891. A Lazaretto for animals suffering from contagious diseases and an incinerator were constructed. New building – a prototype of I. V. R. I. building Mukteshwar was built by the Government in the compound adjoining S. P. C. A. Hospital in 1908. A hostel building was also added in 1921.
  • The band of newly educated Veterinarians coming out of Mumbai Veterinary College did yeoman service to veterinary education, research and extension and through it to the land and people of India. What Veterinary Scientific work is seen in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, East Africa today is due to these graduates who have spread far and wide. This continued until Veterinary Colleges at Lahore and Rangoon began to give instructions in English and other colleges were opened at Calcutta. Madras and Patna giving equivalent training. Mumbai veterinary College, therefore, get’s the credit of taking the initiative in this movement of Veterinary education and research and this college has therefore, been rightly styled as “The PIONEER” of modern veterinary education in India.

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