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03 Project Associate I Vacancy – CIMFR,Jharkhand

Last Date:04 Febuary,2021
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CIMFR)

A Walkin Interview will be organized by Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CIMFR) for appointing eligible candidates to work on 3 posts of Project Associate I on contract basis in the concerned project.Candidates have to appear with application format, Bio data and all original documents, photocopies of all certificates in the proof of age, caste, quaification, experience and photographs on 03-02-2021 & 04-02-2021 (10 AM) at the given venue. Make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria before appearing in the Interview.

Employment Notification 03 Project Associate I Vacancy – CIMFR,Jharkhand

Name of the post– Project Associate I
No of post – 03
Pay Scale – Rs 25000 – 31000

Educational Qualification:
BE/ BTech in Instrumentation/ Mechanical Engineering.

Apply to 03 Project Associate I Vacancy – CIMFR,Jharkhand

General Condition:

  • Applications with self attested enclosures are invited from the eligible candidates having requisite qualification for engagement of Project Associate-I (Project Assistants Level-II)(purely temporary position under different projects).Walk in- Interviews for the same positions will be conducted on 03/02/2021 & 04/02/2021 at Digwadih Campus, of CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research. for engagement of Project Assistant & Project Associate -I, purely on temporary basis, for time bound projects. Other details are given below;
  • Any Notification/Addendurn/Corrigendum related to date of Walk-ln-Interview, will be available, only on the lnstiitute’s website: www ctmfr nie in.
  • idate must produce All semesters original Educational Certificates for checking before appearing in the Walk-In-Interview, otherwise he/she may be debarred from appearing in Walk-In- Interview.
  • Candidate should read the advertisement properly and fill up hard copy of application in which Applicant should mention Advertisement no.
    and date, Name of Candidate, Father’s name, Date of Birth, Educational Qualification, Percentage, Year of Passing, Category, Address, Mobile Number, Email address, Experience, if any, in their application Form and take print out and bring the same application which along with all the required certificate marit sheets etc on the date of walk-In-Interview. C-andidates are also requested to carry the conversion fomula of CGPA/DGPA in percentage.
  • Candidate(s) will be engaged for the period of one year initially or upto completion of project period, whichever is earlier. Selected calididates invariably refer to the Advertisement Number during any correspondence with Office.
  • After joining of selected candidate(s), accommodation facility will be made available in the premises of csIR{IMFR or at the Project site, otherwise House Rent Allowance will be payal]le as decided by concerned committee.
  • A Panel of waitlisted Candidate will be made for any other running/ongoing/proposed Project of CSIR{IMFR. No Transport Allowance is Admissible to the Candidate. Hindi Language can be opted as a Medium of communication during the Walk-ln-Interview. Medical Facility at the Dispensary of Institute will be made available to the selected working candidate only. Candidates must report at the mentioned place of Walk-ln-Interview upto 11.30 am on the date of Interview Duration of walk-ln-Interview, depends upon the number of candidates on that particular date.
  • Eligible applicants are required to attend walkin interview on 03-02-2021 & 04-02-2021 (10 AM) with their application in the given format along with attested photocopies of the documents related to qualification, experience, age, cast etc to the given venue.
  • Applicants must bring their all original certificates at the time of interview for verification purpose. Reach the venue before commencement of interview.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 03 Project Associate I Vacancy – CIMFR,Jharkhand

  • CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research CSIR-CIMFR, previously known as Central Mining Research Institute and Central Fuel Research Institute, is based in Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India. It is a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, an autonomous government body and India’s largest research and development organisation.[1] The establishment of CSIR-CIMFR [2]was aimed to provide R&D inputs for the entire coal-energy chain from mining to consumption through integration of the core competencies of the two premier coal institutions of the country.
  • CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad, a constituent laboratory under the aegis of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi aims to provide research and declopment for the entire coal-energy chain encompassing exploration, mining and utilization. The laboratory also strives to develop mineral based industries to reach the targeted production for the country’s energy security and growth with high standards of safety, economy and cleaner environment. In view of the National Missions recently declared by the Government of India, CIMFR has realigned its vision, missions and policies and also redefined targets for short and long term. This would promote rapid sustainable national techno-economic growth with equal emphasis on self-sustenance. CSIR-CIMFR is located in the town of Dhanbad, known as coal capital of India of Jharkhand state of India. It is strategically situated in the Damodar basin of Eastern part of the country which is endowed with rich coal deposits and hosts several large mineral based industries.
  • To Develop And Deliver Sustainable Cutting Edge Technologies For Social Upliftment And Industrial Advancement.
  • To Be An Internationally Acclaimed Mining And Fuel Research Organization.
  • To innovate safe and economically viable technologies, to make the best use of available knowledgebase and to transfer know-how in line with National Missions and the Dehradun Declaration with focus on –
  • Maximum recovery of fossil fuels, ores and minerals;
  • Clean coal initiatives with optimum and effective utilization of low grade coal along with waste management;
  • know-how and R&D service support to mining industry in general and coal industry in particular from “Mine to Market”;
  • scientific support to strategic and other important sectors like atomic energy, defence, railways, hydro-electric projects, archeology, city planning, agriculture etc.;

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the employment notification

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