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03 Project Associate/Project Assistant/Laboratory Mechanic Vacancy – NIT,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:19 April,2021
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (NIT)
Tamil Nadu

National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (NIT Trichy) invites application forms from all suitable and interested candidates for the recruitment to 3 contractual posts of Project Associate/Project Assistant/Laboratory Mechanic on consolidated salary.Send applications before due date of 19-04-2021 . Late received applications and applications received in other format will be summarily rejected.

Employment Notification 03 Project Associate/Project Assistant/Laboratory Mechanic Vacancy – NIT,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post– Project Associate/Project Assistant/Laboratory Mechanic
No of post – 03
Pay Scale – Rs 31000,Rs 25000,Rs 18000

Educational Qualification:
B.E./B.Tech. in Civil Engineering with first class and M.E./M.Tech. in any stream of Civil Engineering with first class,Diploma in Civil Engineering

Apply to 03 Project Associate/Project Assistant/Laboratory Mechanic Vacancy – NIT,Tamil Nadu

General Information:

  • Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the position of Project Associate, Project Assistant and Laboratory Mechanic for the Central Coir Research Institute (CCRI) sponsored project titled “Evaluation of Pavement Performance of Coir Reinforced Rural Roads in Tamilnadu” in the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli.
  • Eligible candidates may send their duly filled applications (only in the prescribed format) along with the copy of the relevant supporting documents by speed post/courier to Dr. Sunitha V, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli – 620 015, super scribed on the cover “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PROJECT ASSOCIATE/ PROJECT ASSISTANT/ LABORATORY MECHANIC**
    UNDER COIR PROJECT” (**Strike out whichever post not applied for). The last date for receipt of applications (hardcopy) is 19.04.2021. The advance copy may be sent to my mail id (
  • Candidates before appearing for the Written Test and/or Interview shall ensure that they are eligible for the position they intend to apply.
  • Mere fulfilling the above criteria will not be sufficient. The higher criteria for the selection of the candidates may be imposed based on the number of applications. Based on the number of applicants, shortlisted candidates may be called for Written Test and/or Interview.
  • Preference will be given to the candidate who is having good academic record, research potential, relevant experience and GATE score. However, the selection of the candidate would purely be based on their performance in the Written Test and/or Interview
  • The date of Written Test and/or Interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates by E-mail.
  • Please note that no TA/DA is admissible for attending the Written Test and/or Interview.
  • The selection committee decision is final. If any applicant is found to canvass in any manner, the candidate selection shall be summarily rejected.
  • The application form shall be enclosed with the Self-attested photocopies of the documents of educational and experience certificates and send to given address by 19-04-2021 . Candidature will be cancelled if any information or claim is not found substantiated at the time of verification of documents. National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli decision shall be final in this regard.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 03 Project Associate/Project Assistant/Laboratory Mechanic Vacancy – NIT,Tamil Nadu

  • NIT Tiruchirappalli, through its Vision, Mission and Core Values, defines herself as:
    An Indian institution with world standards
    A global pool of talented students, committed faculty and conscientious researchers
    Responsive to real-world problems and, through a synergy of education and research, engineer a better society
  • To be a university globally trusted for technical excellence where learning and research integrate to sustain society and industry.
  • To offer undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and modular programmes in multi-disciplinary / inter-disciplinary and emerging areas.
  • To create a converging learning environment to serve a dynamically evolving society.
  • To promote innovation for sustainable solutions by forging global collaborations with academia and industry in cutting-edge research.
  • To be an intellectual ecosystem where human capabilities can develop holistically.
  • Honest in intention, fair in evaluation, transparent in deeds and ethical in our personal and professional conduct that stands personal and public scrutiny.
  • Commitment to continuous improvement coupled with a passion for innovation that drives the pursuit of the best practices; while achievement is always acknowledged, merit will always be recognized.
  • Building capacity through trust in others’ abilities and cultivating respect as the cornerstone of collective effort.
  • No one left behind; no one neglected; none forgotten in the mission of nation-building through higher learning.
  • International Accreditation and Ranking in tertiary education largely guide goal-setting. The perception built by the stakeholders, crucially influence the process of repositioning. Benchmarking with global universities who are in the top 200 in world rankings in terms of teaching, innovation and research, funding and internationalisation. Hence, the need to set the following goals:
    Attracting top talent and global collaborations
    Building world-class research infrastructure to facilitate multi- / inter- / trans-disciplinary research
    Initiatives towards financial sustainability
    Social outreach activities of national / international importance
    Top 10 in India ranking in Engineering Discipline
    Top 500 in World Ranking in five years

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the employment notification

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