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03 Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – NAU,Gujarat

Last Date:10 December,2020
Navsari Agricultural University (NAU)

Navsari Agricultural University (NAU) is willing to fill up 3 contractual posts of Senior Research Fellow from Interested and eligible Candidates.Interested candidates may apply by sending their applications to mentioned venue so that it reaches by 10-12-2020 along with required documents pertaining to age, qualification and experience.

Employment Notification 03 Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – NAU,Gujarat

Name of the post – Senior Research Fellow
No of post – 03
Pay Scale – Rs 31000

Educational Qualification:
MSc in related trade.

Apply to 03 Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – NAU,Gujarat

General Condition:

  • Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) which are to be filled on temporary basis in the NAHEP-CAAST sub-project entitled “Establishment of Secondary Agriculture Unit for Skill Development in Students and Farmers at NAU, Naysari” funded by ICAR, New Delhi (B.H. 332/02108). Details regarding date/time, venue, position along with Unit is as given below.
  • The above position is purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project, it will be filled from date of joining till 28.02.2021. The recruitment will be extended as per the availability of the grant. There is no provision for re-employment after termination of project.
  • The SRF Service is on full time basis.
  • Selected candidates can be discontinued owing to administrative reasons at any time by issue of one week’s notice. They may also leave the assignment on their own by giving one week’s notice. At the end of contract period, the appointee has no right to claim any employment or engagement in the NAU.
  • Terms and Conditions stated in the revised guidelines for Senior Research Fellows vide F.NO.Ag. Edn. 6/27/2014-HRD dated 306 July 2019 shall hold true for the SRF”s of this product with regard to payment of HRA, TA/DA, Grant of leave, deduction in Income Tax. Age Limit, I PR etc.
  • Above age limit is relaxable to SC/ST/OBC as per Government of Gujarat rules.
  • No TA, DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
  • The applicant must bring their original documents with them and one set of photocopy of related documents/testimonials at the time of interview, failing which he/she shall not be allowed to appear the interview.
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from his/her employer and experience certificate in original should he produced at the time of joining the duties.
  • Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
  • Interview committee reserves all rights to reject any or all candidate.
  • The relevant details pertaining to recruitment is available on NAU website: under career & job section.
  • Application from interested candidates in the prescribed format along with copies of relevant certificates should reach our office address on or before 10/12/2020. The address is Director of Research & Dean PG Studies Office, University Bhavan, Naysari
  • Application will be accepted by hand or by post/courier. “Application for the post of Senior Research Fellow in NAHEP-CAAST Sub – Project” should be mentioned on each cover.
  • List of eligible and non-eligible candidates and mode of interview conducted will be uploaded on the university website after scrutiny.
  • The interested candidates are requested to send complete bio-data as per attached Application form. Attach the certificated copies of all the relevant documents chronologically as per attached “Document Checklist” and documents should be self-attested.
  • Candidates having interest in these contractual posts in Navsari Agricultural University may send their applications by 10-12-2020 as per given format. Applications must reach the address with all relevant documents of qualification, experience, age and photographs.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 03 Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – NAU,Gujarat

  • The iconic educational and farmers welfare institute of the south Gujarat, Navsari Agricultural University (NAU) with Navsari as head quarter came into existence with the promulgation of Gujarat Agricultural University Act 2004 on May 1, 2004. NAU’s jurisdiction covers seven districts of South Gujarat viz., Surat, Navsari, Bharuch, Valsad, Narmada, Tapi and Dangs. At present, there are 10 Colleges imparting 7 bachelor’s, 45 Master’s and 26 doctoral degree programmes. There are faculty of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Veterinary Sciences, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Biotechnology and Fisheries Science. Further, there are 25 research centres at 15 locations to carry out need based research on mandate crops viz., paddy, sugarcane, cotton, sorghum, small millets, mango, banana, sapota and vegetables. NAU, extensively reach to the farmers and cover sprawling south Gujarat through its 5 Krishi Vigyan Kendras located at Navsari, Surat, Waghai, Vyara and Dediyapada and Sardar Smruti Kendra, T & V and ATIC at Navsari to undertake dissemination of newer technologies to end users of seven districts of South Gujarat.
  • A total of 8 out of 10 colleges of NAU are Accredited by “National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board” of ICAR, New Delhi up to March 31, 2021. As per the “Ranking of Agricultural Universities” conducted by ICAR, NAU ranked 22nd (2016), 9th (2017) and 14th (2018) during last 3 years. NAU is cosmopolitan campus and during the year 2019-20, has admitted a total of 945 students including 605 students to undergraduate degree programmes and 340 students to postgraduate degree programmes. University also admitted 289 students in four diploma courses offered by seven Polytechnics.
  • NAU has given top priority to agricultural research and as a result scientists developed 70 varieties in 21 crops including 14 varieties of cotton, 13 of rice, 8 each of sugarcane and pulses, 7 each of small millets and vegetables etc. The University also developed 542 technologies including 237 in the field of Natural Resource Management, 152 in Horticulture and Agro-forestry, 75 in Plant Protection, 36 in Agricultural Engineering, 28 in Animal Production & Fisheries, 6 in Animal Health, 7 in Basic Sciences and one in Social Science for benefitting farming community. Under Mega Seed Project, NAU has produced 56550 q of breeder, foundation, truthful and certified seeds, 60980 q of sugarcane setts, 95.77 lakh saplings of various fruits and vegetables, 24.04 lakh tissue culture plantlets of sugarcane and banana, 8.0 lakh litres of different Biofertilizers & Biopesticides, 2.0 lakh fruit-fly traps, 6.0 lakh litres banana pseudostem sap, etc over last 13 years. The research stations of NAU, received Best Performing AICRP centre on fruits (2016), small millets (2017) and tuber crops (2018) and sugarcane (2018). At present, a total of 19 AICRPs including 3 voluntary centers are operational at NAU.
  • University library of NAU has received Best Usage of “J-Gate@CeRA” award (2018) and Best CeRA Ambassador Award (2019) for West Zone by ICAR-CeRA. Further, NAU has 21 boy’s hostels, 15 girl’s hostels and 1 International hostel to accommodate more than 3500 students. University also has student’s amenities like indoor and outdoor sports facilities including gym, auditorium, bank, post office and health centre.

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