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Technical Officer (Delhi) Vacancy – ECIL,Delhi

Last Date:30 Januaray,2021
Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL)

3 posts of Technical Officer (Delhi) on contract basis in Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) are to be filled by eligible candidates through a walkin Interview to be held on 30-01-2021 (10 AM).Candidates with required eligibility may appear in the Interview with filled application, Bio data and all original documents, photocopies of all certificates in the proof of age, caste, quaification, experience and photographs at the given venue.

Employment Notification Technical Officer (Delhi) Vacancy – ECIL,Delhi

Name of the post – Technical Officer (Delhi)
No of post – 03
Pay Scale – Rs 23000

Educational Qualification:
First class Engineering Degree in Computer Science/ Electronics & Communication/ Electrical & Electronics/ Information Technology with min 60% marks and one yrs experience.

Apply to Technical Officer (Delhi) Vacancy – ECIL,Delhi

General Information:

  • ECIL, a Public Sector Enterprise under Department of Atomic Energy is looking for dynamic and result-oriented personnel for the following positions on contract basis for a period of Six months and two years to work at NFC-Kota & TBRL, Chandigarh against the requirements of TCD. Qualification and experience for the post is given below:
  • The walk-in-Interview will be held on 30.01.2021 at ECIL Zonal Office, D-15, DDA Local Shopping Complex, A-Block Ring Road, Naraina, New Delhi -110 028, (Near Narina Vihar Metro Station, Gate No-1) Ph.No.011-25774645/011- 25771352.
  • A First class Engineering Degree in Computer Science/ Electronics & Communication with minimum 60% marks in aggregate from any recognized
    Institution/University with one-year post qualification experience in the field of Computer networking.
  • A First class Engineering Degree in Electronics & Communication/ Electrical & Electronics/ Information Technology with minimum 60% marks in
    aggregate from any recognized Institution/University with one-year post qualification experience in the field of Computer networking.
  • Relaxation of age will be allowed 3 years for OBC & 10 years for PWD category as per Govt. directives.
  • Eligible candidates may download the application format from our website and attend the interview between 1000 hrs to 1200 hrs. on 30.01.2021 with duly filled in application along with all original certificates in support of date of birth, qualification, experience and caste etc., with one set of photocopies and recent passport size colour photograph at the venue indicated above.
  • The selection will be based on performance in interview. ECIL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify the vacancies notified/recruitment process if need so arises, without assigning any reason.
  • No TA/DA will be paid for attending selection.
  • Some unscrupulous elements may approach you with the assurance of procuring contractual appointment for you in ECIL through illegal gratification. You must not fall prey to such assurance or exploitation and must not entertain or encourage such elements in any way; It is emphasized and re-assured that the selection exercise will be done on the basis of merit only and in a transparent manner.
  • Applicants may attend the walkin interview on 30-01-2021 (10 AM) with their application in the given format along with attested photocopies of the documents related to qualification, experience, age, cast etc to the given venue.
  • Make sure to go through the eligibility criteria as those without required eligibility would not be allowed to appear in the Interviews. Reach the Venue well before time of interview to avoid any issues.
  • ECIL Zonal Office, D-15, DDA Local Shopping Complex, A-Block Ring Road, Naraina, New Delhi -110 028, (Near Narina Vihar Metro Station, Gate No-1)

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Technical Officer (Delhi) Vacancy – ECIL,Delhi

  • ECIL was setup under the Department of Atomic Energy on 11th April, 1967 with a view to generate a strong indigenous capability in the field of professional grade electronics. The initial accent was on total self-reliance and ECIL was engaged in the Design, Development, Manufacture and Marketing of several products with emphasis on three technology lines viz. Computers, Control Systems and Communications. Over the years, ECIL pioneered the development of various complex electronics products without any external technological help and scored several ‘firsts’ in these fields prominent among them being country’s
    First Digital Computer
    First Solid State TV
    First Control & Instrumentation of Nuclear Power Plants
    First Earth Station Antenna
    First Computrized Operator Information System
    First Radiation Monitoring & Detection Systems
    First Automatic Message Switching Systems
    First Operation & Maintenance Center For E-108 Exchange
    First Programmable Logic Controller
    First Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder
    First Electronic Voting Machines
  • The company played a very significant role in the training and growth of high caliber technical and managerial manpower especially in the fields of Computers and Information Technology. Though the initial thrust was on meeting the Control & Instrumentation requirements of the Nuclear Power Program, the expanded scope of self-reliance pursued by ECIL enabled the company to develop various products to cater to the needs of Defence, Civil Aviation, Information & Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Insurance, Banking, Police, and Para-Military Forces, Oil & Gas, Power, Space Education, Health, Agriculture, Steel and Coal sectors and various user departments in the Government domain. ECIL thus evolved as a multi-product company serving multiple sectors of Indian economy with emphasis on import of country substitution and development of products & services that are of economic and strategic significance to the country.
  • ECIL was setup under the Department of Atomic Energy on 11th April, 1967 with a view to generate a strong indigenous capability in the field of professional grade electronics. The initial accent was on total self-reliance and ECIL was engaged in the Design, Development, Manufacture and Marketing of several products with emphasis on three technology lines viz. Computers, Control Systems and Communications.
  • Over the years, ECIL pioneered the development of various complex electronic products without any external technological help and scored several ‘firsts’ in these fields prominent among them being country’s
  • To contribute to the country in acheving self reliance in strategic electronics.
  • ECIL’s mission is to consolidate its status as a valued national asset in the area of strategic electronics with specific focus on Atomic Energy, Defence, Security and such critical sectors of strategic national importance.
  • To continue services to the country’s needs for the peaceful uses Atomic Energy. Special and Strategic requirements of Defence and Space, Electronics Security Systems and Support for Civil Aviation sector.
  • To establish newer technology products such as Container Scanning Systems and Explosive Detectors.
  • To explore new avenues of business and work for growth in strategic sectors in addition to working for realizing technological solutions for the benefit of society in areas like Agriculture, Education, Health, Power, Transportation, Food, Disaster Management etc.

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