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04 Horticulture Assistant Vacancy – NLC,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:07 January,2021
Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC)
Tamil Nadu

NLC India Horticulture Assistant Notification 2021 is open (06/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 04 Horticulture Assistant Vacancy from Diploma in related Subjects pass candidates interested in sarkari result NLC India Horticulture Assistant Online application can apply before 07 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited NLC India Horticulture Assistant job opening at official website

Employment Notification 04 Horticulture Assistant Vacancy – NLC,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post – Horticulture Assistant
No of post – 04
Pay Scale – 22000/- Per Month

Educational Qualification:
Should possess Diploma in Horticulture/Floriculture from a recognized Institution. (Minimum qualifying percentage of marks in notified qualification is 60 %)

Apply to 04 Horticulture Assistant Vacancy – NLC,Tamil Nadu

General Information:

  • Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
  • Candidates who have Passed the notified qualification only are eligible to apply.
  • Candidates from PSE/Govt./Quasi Govt. should produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) at the time of Selection.
  • Depending on the response and requirement, NLCIL reserves the right to raise / relax the eligibility conditions.
  • Candidates are informed that mere submission of applications shall not give them any right to be called for Selection.
  • NLCIL reserves the right not to fill up any or all the posts notified at its discretion and vacancies may also be increased / decreased depending upon organizational requirements.
  • Travelling Expenses (To & Fro to the extent of II-Class sleeper Train fare by the shortest route from the Communication address to the selectionvenue) shall be reimbursed to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-servicemen categories shortlisted for selection, subject to production of proof of journey performed, along with reservation and the tatkal booking charges, if any.
  • The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to being found Medically Fit as per the prescribed health standards of NLCIL and they will be required to undergo medical examination by the Industrial Medical Officer of the Company, prior to being appointed after due selection.
  • Candidates to be called for selection shall be permitted to attend Written Test/Practical Test without physical verification of original documents / certificates prior to Written Test. Their eligibility shall be ascertained based on the information furnished by them online and copies of documents / certificates submitted. Their candidature shall be provisional at all stages of selection and NLCIL shall have the right to reject their candidature at any stage of selection. Verification of original documents will be conducted after the selection process and prior to joining for the provisionally selected candidates alone.
  • If the SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/ EWS/Disability certificate has been issued in a language other than English/ Hindi, the candidates should submit a selfcertified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi.
  • Candidature of a registered applicant is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or on joining, if any information provided by the candidate is false or if not found to be in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement, the Candidate’s employment will be terminated.
  • Candidates already removed / terminated / deserted their employment from NLCIL will not be considered.
  • Persons already resigned from NLCIL may also apply, subject to fulfilling the notified eligibility criteria.
  • A candidate who has availed Voluntary Retirement (VR) from CPSE/PSU/State PSU/Central Govt./State Govt. and having received ex-gratia payment as VR compensation can also apply provided that he/she is prepared to repay/return the VRS compensation to the PSU from where he has received such compensation to the extent required as laid down in the VR scheme/relieving letter and other Govt. rules as applicable at the time of VR. If such candidate who has got VR is selected by NLCIL the appointment order would be sent to such person only after getting clearance from the PSU concerned about the repayment of ex-gratia compensation. Further, all instructions / guidelines of Government of India issued in respect of VRS will also apply apart from the above.
  • In case of persons in the category of blindness, locomotor disability (both arm affected – BA) and cerebral palsy, the facility of Scribe shall be given/opted for, if so desired by the person, as per the relevant provisions of Act / Rules / Guidelines of Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. Scribe certificate, as applicable, in the prescribed format has to be submitted.
  • NLCIL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/reopen/alter the recruitment process, if the need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.
  • Candidates can contact the Helpline No.04142-255135 between 10:00 Hours and 17.30 Hours on all working days i.e., Monday to Saturday or write to Candidates are hereby advised not to contact telephone numbers of any other officials / divisions.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 04 Horticulture Assistant Vacancy – NLC,Tamil Nadu

  • Candidates should apply only through online mode NLCIL Online Application Portal in NLCIL website
  • No manual / paper applications will be entertained and candidates are advised not to send any hard copy to this office.
  • Before registering / applying online, the candidates should ensure that they have valid e-mail ID, which should remain valid at least for one year,
    or till the recruitment process is completed.
  • Candidates should upload required scanned copies of documents / certificates in prescribed format to establish their eligibility.
  • Scrutiny of applications for short listing of candidates for written examination will be solely based on documents / certificates uploaded by the
    candidates at the time of registration / submission of application through ONLINE.
  • After submitting applications through ONLINE, candidates should take a print out of registration cum application form and produce it along with
    self-attested copies of certificates / documents, at the time of document verification.
  • Candidates should submit single application only for any post. In case of multiple applications / registrations for any post, the last registered
    application shall only be considered.
  • The Online application portal will be active from 10:00 hours on 18/12/2020 to 17:00 hours on 07/01/2021.

About Us:

  • NLC India Limited (NLC) (formerly Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited) is a ‘Navratna’ government of India company in the fossil fuel mining sector in India and thermal power generation. It annually produces about 30 million tonnes of Lignite from opencast mines at Neyveli in the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India and at Barsingsar in Bikaner district of Rajasthan state. The lignite is used at pithead thermal power stations of 3640 MW installed capacity to produce electricity. Its joint venture has a 1000 MW thermal power station using coal. Lately, it has diversified into renewable energy production and installed 1404 MW solar power plant to produce electricity from photovoltaic (PV) cells and 51 MW electricity from windmills.
  • It was incorporated in 1956 and was wholly owned by the government of India. A small portion of its stock was sold to the public to list its shares on stock exchanges where its shares are traded. It is under the administrative control of Ministry of Coal.
  • Lignite Deposit was a chance finding when some ‘brown substance’ gushed out with water in Rao Bahadur M. Jambulingam Mudaliar’s 620 acre own farm artesian well during 1934. He acted swiftly and contacted the then British Raj, which sent Geologists to Neyveli. It was later identified as ‘Lignite’. He generously extended substantial portion of the sprawling land-bank for soil exploration. Through his effort and donated his 620 acres land to the Madras Government.
  • NLCIL has been a forerunner in the country in the energy sector for 62 years, contributing a lion’s share in lignite production and significant share in thermal power generation. It was inaugurated by the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1956.

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