Last Date:16 April,2021
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS)
Himachal Pradesh
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) proposes to engage 4 positions of Senior Research Fellow (RARI Mandi) through Walk-In-Interview in the concerned project. The engagement is temporary or contractual in nature.Walk-In-Interview will be held on 16-04-2021 (10 AM) at the given venue. Candidates appearing for interview on respective date should present the documents for verification.
Employment Notification 04 Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – CCRAS,Himachal Pradesh
Name of the post– Senior Research Fellow
No of post – 04
Pay Scale – Rs 35000
Educational Qualification:
Apply to 04 Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – CCRAS,Himachal Pradesh
General Information:
- Institute intends to engage follow ing p o sto fS R F on contract basis for the projects “A yurveda Mobile Health Care Project under Schedules cast sub plan and Reproductive Child H ealth Program m e” only for a period o f one year .The details o f the posts are given below:-
- Interested candidates fulfilling the qualifications prescribed above may appear for w ritten test/ interview on above m entioned address, date and tim e along w ith their original certificates for verification. Applicants should submit their application in the prescribed format, two passport size photographs and self attested photocopies o f the certificates at the tim e o f interview.
- Age lim it o f the candidate w ill be determ ined as on the date o f interview, relaxation in the case o f SC/ST/OBC as per the Central Govt. Rules.
- Appointment is only for a period o f one Year .
- The engagem ent o f the above post will be purely on contractual basis and no right to claim for continuation or regular appointment.
- Applicants should bring their bio-data along with original certificates, experience certificates etc. with a set o f photocopies and two recent passport size photographs.
- N o TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test/ interview.
- The format for subm ission o f bio-data m ay be downloaded from Council’s w ebsite
- The Assistant D irector incharge, RARI, Jaral Pandoh M andi reserves the right to postpone or cancel the written test and interview w ithout assigning any reason.
- All candidates who are fulfilling all eligbility conditions, may attend this Walk-In-Interview on 16-04-2021 (10 AM).Candidates must come with valid Identity proof in original for interview.Original documents should be produced at the time of personal interview for verification.
- Aspirants who do not produce the requisite particulars, will not be eligible to attend the interview.
- The appointment of the candidates will be subject to being found qualified in Interview.
- No fee is required to be paid to the said post.
About Us:
Vacancy Notice 04 Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – CCRAS,Himachal Pradesh
- The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) is an autonomous body of the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy), Government of India. It is an apex body in India for the formulation, coordination, development and promotion of research on scientific lines in Ayurveda and Sowa-Rigpa system of medicine.
- To develop scientific evidence in Ayurvedic Principles, drug therapies by way of integrating ancient wisdom with modern technology and to bring Ayurveda to the people through scientific innovations related to diagnostics, preventive, promotive as well as treatment methods and also introduce scientific research for sustained availability of quality natural resources, to translate them into products and processes and in synergy with concerned organizations to introduce these innovations into public health systems.”
- To aim for AYUSHMAN Bharat by way of promoting better health through evidence based Ayurvedic principles and practices..
- To develop CCRAS into a dynamic, vibrant and model research organization for undertaking, coordinating, aiding and promoting research in Ayurveda.
- To bring-up modern scientific knowledge, technology to explore Ayurveda scientific treasure following prevalent scientific methods.
- To attain global leadership in research for treatment and prevention of emerging important lifestyle related disease and health requirement.
- The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), an autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India is an apex body in India for undertaking, coordinating, formulating, developing and promoting research on scientific lines in Ayurvedic Sciences. The activities are carried out through its 30 Institutes/Centres/Units located all over India and also through collaborative studies with various Universities, Hospitals and Institutes. The research activities of the Council include Medicinal Plant Research (Medico-Ethno Botanical Survey, Pharmacognosy and Tissue Culture), Drug Standardization, Pharmacological Research, Clinical Research, Literary Research & Documentation and Tribal Health Care Research Programme.
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the employment notification