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05 AGM, Accounts Officer and Manager Vacancy – TIDCO,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:08 December,2020
Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO)
Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 5 posts of AGM, Accounts Officer and Manager.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 08-12-2020 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 05 AGM, Accounts Officer and Manager Vacancy – TIDCO,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post – AGM, Accounts Officer and Manager
No of post – 05
Pay Scale – Rs 59,300 – 1,87,700,Rs 56,100 – 1,77,500

Educational Qualification:
MBA / under graduate / Graduate degree .

Apply to 05 AGM, Accounts Officer and Manager Vacancy – TIDCO,Tamil Nadu

General Conditions:

  • The candidate shall file her/his application only after agreeing to all the terms and conditions mentioned in this document. Any candidate who is not in agreement with any of the terms indicated in this document, shall not file any application for this post.
  • The rule of reservation of appointments is applicable to this recruitment. The distribution of vacancy is made with reference to the 200 – point roster in force as on date, in continuity with previous recruitment.
  • The appointment shall be based purely on the policies as decided by TIDCO. Comparison with any other organisation and subsequent claims shall not be entertained.
  • The Candidate to be selected and appointed are liable to be transferred / deputed from TIDCO to its joint ventures and to other organisations.
  • Correct and true information regarding arrest, convictions/ debarment/disqualification by any recruiting agency, criminal or any disciplinary proceedings initiated or finalized, participated in agitation or any Political Organization, candidature in election for Parliament/ State Legislature/Local Bodies etc., if any, should also be furnished to TIDCO at the time of application, ie., the details thereof.
  • The details / particulars furnished in the online application for this recruitment alone will be taken into consideration. The application of the
    candidate found prima in-eligible will be rejected. Subsequent claims of community, educational qualification, experience, etc., if any preferred on later stages of the process will not be entertained. TIDCO will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the application. Any request for change of address, details
    mentioned in the submitted application will not be entertained subsequently.
  • Decision of TIDCO in all matter regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, qualifications and other eligibility norms, the documents to be produced, mode of selection,date and time of selection and any other matter relating to this Recruitment Process will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence and personal enquires shall be entertained by TIDCO in this behalf.
  • Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this notification. Candidates are therefore advised to carefully read this notification and follow all the instructions given.
  • A candidate’s admission to the examination/ interview and subsequent processes is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the call letter(s)/ attending interview by the candidate does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by TIDCO.
  • TIDCO would be free to reject any application, at any stage of the process or cancel the candidature of the candidate in case it is detected at any stage that a candidate is found unfit for the post.
  • Not more than one application shall be submitted by the candidate for a post. In case of multiple applications are made for a single post, only the latest valid (submitted) application will be retained.
  • Any candidate trying to exert any undue influence, directly or indirectly shall be disqualified.
  • The candidate should ensure that the signatures appended by him/her in all the places viz. in his/her call letter, attendance sheet, etc. and in all correspondence with TIDCO in future should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind.
  • A recent recognizable photograph should be uploaded by candidate in the online application and candidate should ensure that copies of the same are retained for use at various stages of the process.
  • Candidates will have to appear for the interview at his/her own expense. Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit and as per other requirements of TIDCO as mentioned in this notification and is subject to the final decision of TIDCO.
  • Words of masculine gender in these instructions should, wherever the context so requires, be taken to include feminine gender and other genders.
  • Intimations will be sent by email only to the primary email mentioned in the application form submitted by the candidates. Hence, the applicant shall enter valid and functional mobile number and email ID.
  • TIDCO shall not be responsible if the information / intimation does not reach candidates in case of change in the mobile number, technical fault or otherwise, beyond the control of TIDCO and the candidates are advised to keep a close watch on our authorized website ( for latest updates, till the recruitment process gets completed.

Seclection Process:

Vacancy Notice 05 AGM, Accounts Officer and Manager Vacancy – TIDCO,Tamil Nadu

  • TIDCO will shortlist suitable candidates based on their marks in SSLC/equivalent, HSC/Equivalent, qualifying UG degree, qualifying PG degree or Professional courses in the ratio of 1:10. They will be asked to send their experience certificates and project management certifications, as applicable within a time limit of 5 days.
  • The shortlisted candidates will be further evaluated based on the experiences relevant to the job and scores will be assigned accordingly.
  • Based on this, candidates will be called for the interview in the ratio of 1:5 per post.
  • The post of Manager being a junior level post, the scoring will be as follows.
  • The above scores are subject to a maximum score of 10 marks
  • In case of any candidate having work experience in more than one of the above categories, the sum of the scores obtained for each experience will be considered, subject to a maximum score of 10.

About Us:

  • Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) is a governmental agency in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It is responsible for the development of industries in the state by formulating policies that help industry growth, and by establishing industrial estates. It often partners with TANSIDCO (Small Industries Development Corporation). TIDCO has established the Tidel Park in Chennai and Tidel Park in Coimbatore for information technology companies, and Ticel Park in southern Chennai (near Tidel Park) for chemical companies.
  • To plan and execute projects for setting up of industries or developing lines of production.
  • To establish and administer industries for production of plant, machinery, tools, implements, materials, chemicals substances, goods or things of any description which in the opinion of the Company are likely to promote or advance the industrial development of the State of Tamil Nadu.
  • To promote and operate schemes for industrial development of the State of Tamil Nadu and to prepare feasibility reports, project reports market studies, blue prints, and statistics.
  • To engage in the processing and manufacture of metallic products, chemicals, cement, sugar, yarn, plants, machinery or any other commercial, consumer or industrial products.
  • Tamil Nadu was one of the first states in the Indian Union to formulate an IT policy. In 1997, the state government released an industry specific policy for the IT industry to achieve the goals spelt out in the ninth Five Year Plan. However, the pace of change in the IT industry necessitated a revision of the plan. In 2002, the government of Tamil Nadu released a new IT policy.
  • As per the 2002 report of NASSCOM, IT and IT-enabled services industry will account for over 7% of India’s GDP and 30% of foreign exchange within a decade. This revolution will generate over four million jobs in the Knowledge sector (IT and ITES industries). The government of Tamil Nadu released an ITES policy in 2005 to highlight the advantages of ITES investment in the state.

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the employment notification

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