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05 Assistant Professor Vacancy – Jadavpur University,Kolkata (West Bengal)

Last Date: 04 December,2020
Jadavpur University
Kolkata (West Bengal)

Jadavpur University Assistant Professor Recruitment 2020 is open (A2/C/3/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 05 Assistant Professor Vacancy from Post Graduate in related Subjects pass candidates interested in sarkari result Jadavpur University Assistant Professor Online application can apply before 04 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Jadavpur University job opening at official website

Employment Notification 05 Assistant Professor Vacancy – Jadavpur University,Kolkata (West Bengal)

Name of the post – Assistant Professor
No of post – 05
Pay Scale – 57700 – 182400/-

Educational Qualification:
Post Graduate Degree (M.A.) in Arts / Science / Social Science / Humanities Music / Drama / Dance, with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade and M.Ed. with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade.

Apply to 05 Assistant Professor Vacancy – Jadavpur University,Kolkata (West Bengal)

General Information:

  • Blank application form in ‘pdf’ format is available at the JU website : Download the application form for filling up.
  • Please pay the application fee of Rs. 500/- following the payment link given (US $ 50.00 or equivalent Rupee for Indian citizen staying outside in D.D.) as indicated in the JU website ( Follow instructions for making payment and take print out of the receipt of payment / challan obtained. For making online payments, (a) Net banking, (b) Debit / Credit / Rupay card, (c) Challan (for making cash payment at SBI branches) options will be available.Use anyone of the options for making payment.
  • Fill up the blank application form and send the complete application form (one original and seven photocopies) along with attested photocopies of all certificates including NOC (if applicable), “Non Creamy Layer certificate” (up to date) for OBC candidate and testimonials, and a copy of the receipt of payment / challan, to the ‘Registrar, Jadavpur University, Aurobindo Bhavan, 188, Raja S.C. Mallick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata – 700 032 by Registered post / Speed post .
  • Please super scribe the envelop with the name of the post applied for and the Advertisement No.
  • Those who are already in service should apply through proper channel.
  • Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate.
  • Mere application does not guarantee a call for interview as the method of screening will be applied as per the selection criteria of the University. Selection will be made as per university selection procedure. University reserves the right for selection.
  • All qualifications, experience will be recognized till the last date of submission of application.
  • The State Government norms for reservation are applicable.
  • Please follow JU website for any update / notification time to time regarding above selections.
  • University will not be liable for any kind of postal delay.
  • Incomplete applications will be rejected without any intimation.
  • Apply separately for more than one post paying fees accordingly.
  • Details of the method of Screening and Selection as approved will be followed. Research publication will be considered as per the journal list published in the UGC/ University website.
  • NET / SLET / SET shall remain the minimum eligibility for appointment of Assistant Professor but the candidates who have been awarded a Ph.D. degree in accordance with UGC regulation 2009 and 2016 (minimum standards and procedures for award of Ph.D. / M.Phil. degree) in this case, shall be exempted from the requirement of minimum eligibility condition of NET / SLET / SET for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor.
  • Further those who have registered for the M.Phil. / Ph.D. programme prior to July, 11th, 2009 shall be exempted from the recruitment of minimum eligibility condition of NET / SLET/ SET as per UGC rules, for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor.
  • All the table for API calculation to be filled by the applicant as per UGC regulation as endorsed by the State Government vide G.O. No. 516 – Edn(u) / 1U-91/10 dt. 16th May, 2017 alongwith it’s clarification on API score vide G.O. No. 1059-EH/1U 32/2019 dated 27.9.2019.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 05 Assistant Professor Vacancy – Jadavpur University,Kolkata (West Bengal)

  • To trace the history of Jadavpur University is to trace a part of India’s freedom movement, at least from the Swadeshi Movement onwards. It was 1905 -1906
  • Bengal stood divided. The times were feverish.
  • The hegemony of the British establishment had to be challenged. Education had to play a new role in this changed scenario. It had to become a new form of resistance through which the emergent nationalist spirit could be propagated. With this in mind the National Council of Education (NCE) came into being. Its primary aim was to impart education – literary, scientific and technical on national lines exclusively under national control. To achieve self-reliance, through education. The foundation of the NCE was made possible by the munificence – scholarly as well as monetary – of the likes of Raja Subodh Chandra Mallik , Brajendra Kishore Roychowdhury of Gouripur as well as Sir Rash Behari Ghosh (first President of NCE), poet Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo Ghosh.
  • In 1910 the Society for the Promotion of Technical Education in Bengal which looked after Bengal Technical Institute (which later became College of Engineering and Technology, Bengal) was amalgamated to NCE. NCE henceforth looked after the College of Engineering and Technology, Bengal which by 1940 was virtually functioning as a University. After Independence, the Government of West Bengal, with the concurrence of the Govt. of India, enacted the necessary legislation to establish Jadavpur University on the 24th of December 1955.
  • Now Jadavpur University has successfully established itself as a foremost Indian University with a vast repertoire of courses offered, an enviable list of faculty members and has come to be known for its commitment towards advanced study and research.
  • Generous donations for the great cause of national education came from Raja Subodh Chandra Mallik, after whom the road on which Jadavpur University stands, is named, Brojendra Kishore Roy Choudhury, Maharaja Suryya Kanto Acharya Choudhury and others and National Council of Education (N.C.E.), Bengal proceeded with its programme. Subsequently came a princely bequest of Rs13lakhs from Sir Rashbehari Ghosh, the legendary legal luminary.
  • Calcutta Corporation under the guidance of its Mayor Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das leased out to N.C.E. the present site of Jadavpur Campus where its Engineering College was shifted in 1924. The Aurobindo Building, now housing the administrative offices, used to be the venue of teaching of the Engineering College.

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