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05 Field Medical Officer and GDMO (Bharuch) Vacancy – ONGC,Gujarat

Last Date:11 March,2021
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is inviting eligible candidates to apply for 5 contractual posts of Field Medical Officer and GDMO (Bharuch).Interested Eligible Candidates may send their applications as per prescribed format to concerned E-mail address by 11-03-2021 . All the relevant documents must be sent alongwith application form, as proof of suitability for the posts. Email subject must be formed properly, containing name of post applied for.

Employment Notification 05 Field Medical Officer and GDMO (Bharuch) Vacancy – ONGC,Gujarat

Name of the post– Field Medical Officer and GDMO (Bharuch)
No of post – 05
Pay Scale – Rs 75000,Rs 72000

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 05 Field Medical Officer and GDMO (Bharuch) Vacancy – ONGC,Gujarat

General Instruction:

  • Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), a “Maharatna” Public Sector Enterprise, and India’s flagship energy major engaged in Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas in India and abroad, intends to engage Doctors on contract basis at its Ankleshwar Asset, District- Bharuch (Gujarat) on a consolidated honorarium. Interested and eligible candidates are invited to appear for Interview in-Person / Interview Through Online Method for engagement on Contract Basis (from the date of engagement) till 30.06. 2022
  • Engagement is purely temporary on contract basis for a period up to 30.06.2022. Contract tenure will commence from the date of joining.
  • Engagement on contract would be subject to medical fitness.
  • Selected candidates shall be required to sign a contract agreement as per the terms and conditions of ONGC. The contract shall end on expiry of the prescribed period and no separate notice shall be required to be given.
  • The contract can be terminated at any time by giving one month’s notice, by either side.
  • No claim for regular employment in ONGC, by virtue of this contractual engagement, shall be entertained at any stage.
  • Selected candidates will be paid consolidated monthly remuneration as mentioned above.
  • Twelve days Casual Leave will be granted in a calendar year on a pro-rata basis. One casual leave will be allowed for a month. Maternity leave will be granted to female doctors as per Maternity Benefit Amendment Act, subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions laid down in the Act.
  • Candidature/contract of candidate(s) submitting false certificates or suppression/ submission of incorrect information shall be liable for termination/ disqualification/ rejection at any stage.
  • Only Indian nationals need apply.
  • No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.
  • Interested candidates fulfilling the above conditions should send their application through email to prescribed format along with scanned copies of original certificates including No Objection Certificate (NOC) from existing employer, if any (in case of Govt./ PSU employees).
  • The candidates should be ready to appear for interview in-person or through online method, as decided by ONGC.
  • The selected candidates shall be posted under Ankleshwar Asset and its various locations.
  • For more information about the Company, you may please visit our website
  • Canvassing of any kind shall disqualify the candidate.

How to Apply:

Vacancy Notice 05 Field Medical Officer and GDMO (Bharuch) Vacancy – ONGC,Gujarat

  • Candidates are required to send the scanned copy of neatly typed/hand written Application in the format given at Annexure-I of this advertisement to the email address: as pdf file.
  • Last date of sending application is 11th March 2021.
  • Candidates will be informed about mode of interview i.e. to appear in-person or through online method with details of date, time and venue etc. In case it is decided to conduct interview through online method, the candidate should be able to connect through Google Meet/Zoom/Whatsapp, Webex, etc. as the case may be.
  • All communications with the candidate shall be through SMS/ e-mail.
  • Candidates are required to send the scanned copies (pdf format) of the following documents at the above email address:
    i. Duly filled Application Format available at Annexure-I of this advertisement
    ii. 2 recent passport size photograph
    iii. All original educational certificates (class X onwards)
    iv. Proof of valid registration with the statutory council (wherever applicable)
    v. Self-attested experience certificates, caste/community certificate (if applicable). Dis-ability Certificate in the case of PwD candidate(s).
  • In case the interviews are held by appearing in-person, the candidates shall be required to bring along the original certificates as above at the time of interview.
  • Candidates may please ensure that they are fulfilling all the requisite criteria prior to applying for the post failing which, their candidature is liable to be rejected/ cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process or even after selection.
  • Where a Bachelor’s degree in the relevant field (M.B.B.S) is the minimum prescribed qualification, 5 marks shall be given to a Master’s degree in the relevant field (e.g. MD/MS).
  • Further, additional 5 marks shall be given to a Post Master’s qualification in the relevant field (e.g. M.Ch/ DM).
  • The higher qualifications considered for granting additional marks shall need to be in-line, for example an MBA in Hospital Administration shall not be considered as an in-line qualification where M.B.B.S. is the essential qualification.
  • Qualifying marks in the interview shall be 18 marks for UR/OBC/EWS and 12 marks for SC/ST.

About Us:

  • Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is an Indian public sector multinational crude oil and gas company. Its registered office is in New Delhi. It is owned by the Government of India, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. It is the largest oil and gas exploration and production company in the country, and produces around 70% of India’s crude oil (equivalent to around 57% of the country’s total demand) and around 84% of its natural gas.In November 2010, the Government of India conferred the Maharatna status to ONGC.
  • In a survey by Government of India for fiscal year 2019–20, it was ranked as the largest profit making PSU in India.It is ranked 7th among the Top 250 Global Energy Companies by Platts.
  • ONGC was founded on 14 August 1956 by Government of India. It is involved in exploring for and exploiting hydrocarbons in 26 sedimentary basins of India, and owns and operates over 11,000 kilometers of pipelines in the country. Its international subsidiary ONGC Videsh currently has projects in 17 countries. ONGC has discovered 6 of the 7 commercially producing Indian Basins, in the last 50 years, adding over 7.15 billion tonnes of In-place Oil & Gas volume of hydrocarbons in Indian basins. Against a global decline of production from matured fields, ONGC has maintained production from its brownfields like Mumbai High, with the help of aggressive investments in various IOR (Improved Oil Recovery) and EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) schemes. ONGC has many matured fields with a current recovery factor of 25–33%. Its Reserve Replacement Ratio for between 2005 and 2013, has been more than one.During FY 2012–13, ONGC had to share the highest ever under-recovery of INR 89765.78 billion (an increase of INR 17889.89 million over the previous financial year) towards the under-recoveries of Oil Marketing Companies (IOC, BPCL and HPCL).On 1 November 2017, the Union Cabinet approved ONGC for acquiring majority 51.11% stake in HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited). On Jan 30th 2018, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation acquired the entire 51.11% stake of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation.
  • Before the independence of India in 1947, the Assam Oil Company in the north-eastern and Attock Oil company in the north-western part of the undivided India were the only oil-producing companies, with minimal exploration input. The major part of Indian sedimentary basins was deemed to be unfit for the development of oil and gas resources.
  • After independence, the Central Government of India realized the importance of oil and gas for rapid industrial development and its strategic role in defense. Consequently, while framing the Industrial Policy Statement of 1948, the development of the petroleum industry in the country was considered to be of utmost necessity.

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