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05 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Vacancy – NML,Jharkhand

Last Date:18 January,2021
National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML)

NML JRF Notification 2021 is open (ADVT. NO. 01/2021) and inviting application for the posts of 05 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Vacancy from B.E/B.Tech pass candidates interested in sarkari result NML JRF Online application can apply before 18 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply National Metallurgical Laboratory NML JRF job opening at official website

Employment Notification 05 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Vacancy – NML,Jharkhand

Name of the post – Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
No of post – 05
Pay Scale – 31000/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
BE/B.Tech degree holders in Metallurgy, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering with valid GATE score.

Apply to 05 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Vacancy – NML,Jharkhand

General Instruction:

  • National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML) invites Application for the post of 05 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Vacancy. Apply Online before 18 January 2021. Qualification/eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below…
  • CSIR-NML invites applications from motivated candidates with consistently good academic credentials for Junior Research Fellowship under CSIR-GATE-JRF. Selected candidates must apply through online application portal of AcSIR and register to be considered for Integrated Dual Degree PhD (IDDP) programme at AcSIR-NML only. As the JRF-GATE fellowship is awarded for pursuing PhD, therefore there will be no automatic exit after M.Tech.
  • 5(five) Junior Research Fellow (JRF) positions under CSIR-GATE-JRF scheme
  • BE/B.Tech degree holders in Metallurgy, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering with valid GATE score
  • The upper age limit for JRF is 28 years which is Relaxable upto 5 years in case of candidates belonging to scheduled casts/scheduled Tribes, OBC, Women and physically handicapped applicants.
  • Stipend & Tenure: Rs.31000 per month + HRA .In addition, contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/- per annum (calculated on pro rata basis for fraction of year) is also provided.
  • Further on completion of two years as JRF-GATE, the fellowship may be upgraded to SRF-GATE and stipend may be increased to Rs. 35000/- per month in the subsequent years on the basis of assessment as per CSIR-JRF-NET guidelines.
  • The total duration of fellowship is five years within which the candidate is expected to complete the PhD degree.
  • Interested eligible candidates, who are Indian national and fulfil the above eligibility conditions, have to send the scan of all original certificates/documents in support of their qualifications/age/caste/experience(s) and duly completed application in the enclosed prescribed PROFORMA (attached in with a recent colour passport photograph pasted on it along with one self attested copy of all relevant testimonials/certificates. The applicant must also send their recent updated CV to latest by 18/01/2021 by 4 pm.
    The link to attend the MS teams interview/ online interview will be sent upon receipt of the documents.
  • Candidates are advised to constantly keep on visiting NML Website at for any update/change in the matter.
  • Interested candidates may apply in prescribed form along with all relevant self-attested documents send to Email: on or before 18.01.2021

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 05 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Vacancy – NML,Jharkhand

  • National Metallurgical Laboratory is an Indian research center that functions under the aegis of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Ministry of Science and Technology
  • In 1944, the then Government released10 million (US$140,200) to set up National Physical Laboratory, National Chemical Laboratory and National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML). This was seen as a step by the Government to develop industry in pre-independent India, and also as an incentive to private firms to support industrial research. As a result, the Tata Trust promised to donate ₹1.17 million (US$16,000) to NML.A year later, Ardeshir Dalal – the then member of planning and development for the government – confirmed the location of NML to be Jamshedpur.In 1946, the governing body approved the final plans for NML. As per that, the laboratory was to be set up with an initial capital expenditure of ₹4.28 million (US$60,000).
  • On 21 November 1946, Honorable Mr. C. Rajagopalachari laid the foundation stone of the laboratory in front of representatives from the iron and steel industry.Dr. George Sachs, an American metallurgist was appointed as the first director of the laboratory.Since October 1949, the technological block of the laboratory started functioning effectively.On 26 November 1950, the country’s first prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru inaugurated the laboratory.This was followed by a two-day conference that was held in the presence of the directors of National Physical Laboratory, National Chemical Laboratory, Central Road Research Laboratory, Fuel Research Institute, NML and Central Glass and Ceramic Research Laboratory. The conference noted the essential articles that were not produced in the country, but will be required during emergencies.
  • The foundation stone for National Metallurgical Laboratory was laid by Hon’ble Sri C. Rajagopalachari on 21st November, 1946. It was formally inaugurated and dedicated to the nation on 26th November, 1950 by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru “in a spirit of hope and in a spirit of faith in the future’. The laboratory was an element of Sir Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar’s vision of providing India with a network of research institutions for taking the country ahead in science and technology. CSIR-NML played a significant role in the industrial revolution of India starting from 1950 especially in the areas of mineral processing, iron and steel making, ferroalloys and extraction of non-ferrous metals, notably magnesium. Asia’s largest creep testing facility was also set up at CSIR-NML in the early 1970s and even today it ranks as the second largest creep testing lab in Asia.
  • CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML) is a premier Indian research organisation dedicated to various facets of Minerals, Metals and Materials – science, technology, industrial services and human resource development. Since inception, CSIR- NML has diversified its research areas ranging from extractive metallurgy, alloy development and import substitution, refractory material development, corrosion studies, mathematical and physical modeling of metallurgical processes, mineral research, advanced materials and materials tailoring, integrity evaluation of critical industrial components, surface engineering and cleaner and sustainable metals production. The Laboratory has made notable contributions in the areas of mineral beneficiation and agglomeration, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, alloy development and processing, materials science & engineering and, resource conservation & environment. A historical accounts of past achievements (1950-2010) of CSIR-NML is painted in the Diamond Jubilee commemorative volume ‘la vintage metallurgie: 60 years of marriage of science to industry’(

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