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05 Project Associate Vacancy – CECRI,Tamil Nadu

Last Date: 01 December,2020
Tamil Nadu

CECRI Project Associate Recruitment 2020 is open (PS-05/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 05 Project Associate Vacancy from M.Sc, BE/B.Tech in related Subjects pass candidates interested in sarkari result CECRI Project Associate Online application can apply before 01 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Central Electro chemical Research Institute CECRI job opening at official website

Employment Notification 05 Project Associate Vacancy – CECRI,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post – Project Associate
No of post – 05
Pay Scale – 31000/-,28000/-,42000/- Per Month

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 05 Project Associate Vacancy – CECRI,Tamil Nadu

General Instruction:

  • Age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/PH/Women candidates up to 5 years and 3 years for OBC for all the above positions as per GOI instructions.
  • Reservation: If all things are equal, SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates may be given preference over general candidates to ensure due representation.
  • The date of determining the qualification and age limit shall be 01.12.2020.
  • Candidate(s) who worked as Project Assistant in CECRI or any other Lab. / Instt. of CSIR for more or equal to Five Years are not eligible for post codes P01, P02, P03 & P05. The total tenure of 5 years shall be calculated as per period candidate (s) spent on one project and / or different projects taken together in CECRI or any other Lab. / Instt. of CSIR and Project Assistant or any other designation of equal status.
  • Final Semester/year students who are awaiting results are not eligible to be considered.
  • Incomplete applications (ie. Non indication of post code applied, without photograph, signature and all Semester Marksheets/Consolidated Mark Statement of UG & PG and applicable certificates etc.) will not be entertained and will be summarily rejected.
  • Candidates applying for more than one post code are requested to mark a tick () in the boxes against each post code provided in application form.
  • If the candidate does not have a valid gmail id, he/she should create a gmail id before before submitting application. Details regarding Interview through Google Meet will be sent to the gmail id only.
  • Candidates should specifically note that the applications received after the closing date for any reason whatsoever (such as envelopes wrongly addressed, delivered elsewhere, postal delay etc.) will not be entertained by CSIR-CECRI.
  • In case of Universities/Institute awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA grades etc., candidates are requested to convert the same into percentage based on the formula as per their university/institute (copy of documented proof of the conversion factor must be attached).
  • Eligible/shortlisted candidates shall attend the Online Interview through Google Meet only.
  • CSIR-CECRI shall not be responsible if a candidate could not be interviewed online due to connectivity issues/ network error / low bandwidth at his/her end.
  • Number of positions required is indicative in nature, there may be an increase/decrease in the number based on requirement(s).
  • In case of receipt of large number of applications from candidates, the Selection Committee shall adopt its own criteria and shortlist the candidates for online interview in proportionate to the available vacancies.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be provided with Google Meet code 10 minutes prior to interview in their respective Gmail ID. Shortlisted candidates will have to be readily available on the date of interview.
  • (if any change is there, they will be intimated accordingly). In the event of non-response to our Gmail and SMS sharing Gmeet code, the candidate is forfeiting his/her opportunity and thereafter no requests for re-scheduling interview shall be considered.
  • The original documents including educational qualification, Birth/SSLC certificate,community and experience certificate, etc., in respect of selected candidate will be verified at the time of joining. Your joining in the project is subject to verification of certificates.
  • Selected candidate will be provided either accommodation in the Institute campus (if available) or shall be paid HRA.
  • The engagement is purely on temporary basis, initially for a period of six months which may be extended or curtailed depending on the tenure of the project/satisfactory performance or conduct of the appointee as the case may be and does not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit on any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSIR-CECRI.
  • If any selected candidate provides any false information, his/her candidature is liable to be rejected.
  • Selected candidates from containment zone/other states/other districts of Tamil Nadu may have to undergo quarantine as prescribed by Medical Officer at CSIR-CECRI, Health Centre, Karaikudi.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 05 Project Associate Vacancy – CECRI,Tamil Nadu

  • Central Electro Chemical Research Institute is one of a chain of forty national laboratories under the aegis of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in New Delhi. Founded on 25 July 1948 at Karaikudi in Tamil Nadu, CECRI came into existence on the January 1953. During the last fifty years CECRI has been recognized as the premier institution for research and development in electrochemical science and technology not only in India but also in the South East Asia, with a total strength of over 600 personnel comprising scientists, engineers, technologists, skilled workers, administrative and other staff, with a combined laboratory space of 400,000 sq ft (37,000 m2). in a campus of 300 acres (1.2 km2). There are two extension centers for CECRI, located at Chennai, and Mandapam Major R&D programs at CECRI are in the areas of corrosion science and engineering, industrial metal finishing, batteries (primary and secondary), electrometallurgy, electropyrometallurgy, electrochemicals (organic and inorganic), Materials Science, and electrochemical instrumentation and pollution control. The programs are directed towards development of new processes or products or novel use of electrochemistry. Techniques, upgrading of the already developed technology, and basic research are carried out. An excellent library, computer center, workshop, and centralized characterization and measurement laboratory lend active support.
  • Over the years, 755 patents have been filed, 250 processes have been developed and 140 sponsored projects and 110 grant-in-aid projects have been undertaken. More than 140 processes have been released to 525 licensees for commercial exploitation. The institute staff has published more than 5500 research papers including several review articles in both national and international journals of repute, edited several books and conference proceedings and maintained intimate contacts with the academic institutions within and outside the country. Recognition of contribution made by CECRI to Indian industry has come in the form of 50 major and minor awards. Direct earnings by the way of foreign exchange savings and energy efficient electrochemical technologies including corrosion prevention amount to about Rs.500 crores.
  • CECRI also conducts short term refresher courses for the benefit of industry and educational institutions, brings out journals (Bulletin Of Electrochemical, Corrosion Update and Battery Newsletter) and runs a B.Tech. program (Chemical and Electrochemical engineering of Anna University). The institute is alive to societal obligations and actively participates in the Rural Science Forum (VPF), Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development (STED), and Swadeshi Science Movement (SSM) and Ambedkar Nagar in collaboration with other agencies.
  • Centre For Education offers the unique 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme in Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering. This is the World’s first unique technology program in Chemical and Electrochemical engineering and also one among the best engineering disciplines in the entire Asian region. The course is conducted in a research atmosphere with scientists and specialized engineers as faculty members and with largest laboratory facilities available in the field of Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering. The curriculum of B.Tech program recognizes the profound challenges in Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering technology. In the first year, the students are introduced to basic engineering subjects, which lay a strong foundation for Chemical and Electrochemical engineering. During the second and Third year, the attention shifts to Chemical engineering aspects. At the end of third year, students participate in Industrial Internship programs. The final year of study concentrates on electrochemical science and technology and in addition, students undertake research and design projects. The Centre for Education also organizes yearly industrial visits for the students to get first hand experience in Industrial processes.

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