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06 Assistant Professor and Embryologist Vacancy – JIPMER,Puducherry

Last Date:18 January,2021
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER)

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) invites applications from interested and eligible candidates for Assistant Professor and Embryologist.Send applications in prescribed format along with enclosures in support of Caste, educational qualification, experience etc to the given address. The application should reach by 18-01-2021 .

Employment Notification 06 Assistant Professor and Embryologist Vacancy – JIPMER,Puducherry

Name of the post – Assistant Professor and Embryologist
No of post – 06
Pay Scale – Rs 101500,Rs 60000

Educational Qualification:
MD/ MS/ DM/ DNB in concerned Specialty and 1-3 yrs experience / MBBS degree OR M.Sc. in Life Sciences / Zoology / Microbiology / Genetics / Physiology / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Anatomy / Endocrinology OR B.V.Sc. Degree and 1 yrs experience.

Apply to 06 Assistant Professor and Embryologist Vacancy – JIPMER,Puducherry

General Conditions:

  • Applications are invited by the Director, JIPMER, from eligible candidates to fill the below mentioned posts on contract basis. Eligible applicants shall submit their application as per the instruction in page no. 3.The mode of recruitment for the following posts will be by, Interview. The date of interview for the eligible candidates will be intimated later. Kindly refer JIPMER website for updates regarding the Interview. Also refer page no. 4 for Terms and Conditions of contractual employment for the following posts.
  • The appointment is purely on CONTRACT BASIS and will be initially for a period of 11 months with effect from the date of joining and extension will be granted for further period, if it is required by the administration. If the contract is not extended further, the same will lapse automatically.
  • The appointment can be terminated at any time before the expiry of the period of 11 months referred to above, with one month’s notice without assigning any reason or if the person’s work is considered unsatisfactory by the Competent Authority.
  • If the appointee wishes to resign his/her job, he/she has to serve one month’s notice or remit one month’s salary or pay thereof, as the case may be proportionate to the shortfall in the notice period.
  • The appointee shall perform the duties as assigned to him/her. The Competent Authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional allowances will be admissible in case of such assignment.
  • The appointee shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity,Medical Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion, Allowances etc. or any other benefits available to the regular employees of this Institute.
  • The appointee shall not be granted any claim or right for regular appointment to any post of JIPMER Puducherry/JIPMER Karaikal.
  • The appointee shall be on a whole time appointment at JIPMER, Puducherry and shall not accept any other assignment, paid or otherwise and shall not engage himself/herself in a private practice of any kind during the period of contract.
  • The appointment to the said post will be subject to medical fitness from the competent medical board for which he/she will be sent to the designated Medical Authority.
  • On appointment, the appointee will be required to take an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India or make a solemn affirmation to that effect in the prescribed proforma.
  • The appointee will not be entitled to any T.A. for attending the interview and joining the appointment.
  • Other conditions of service will be governed by relevant rules and orders issued from time to time.
  • If any declaration given or information furnished by him/her proves false or if he/she is found to have willfully suppressed any material, information, he/she will be liable for removal from the service and also such other action as the Government may deem it necessary.
  • The Competent Authority reserves the rights to increase or decrease the number of vacancies.
  • The Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted, as per the prevailing rules will be deducted at source before effecting the payment, for which the Department will issue TDS Certificate/s.
  • The contract appointment is purely temporary and will remain valid up to contractual period for which the engagement is approved on each occasion.
  • The contract appointee will not be eligible to get official accommodation/quarters allotment within the campus as applicable to the other regular employees of this Institute.
  • The contract appointee shall in no case represent or give opinion or advice to others in any matter which is adverse to the interest of the Institute.
  • Canvassing of any kind will lead to disqualification.
  • The Contractually engaged person(s) should not have been convicted by any court of law.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 06 Assistant Professor and Embryologist Vacancy – JIPMER,Puducherry

  • The Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) is a medical school located at Pondicherry, the capital of the Union Territory of Puducherry, in India. JIPMER is an Institute of National Importance (INI) and a tertiary care referral hospital that is under the direct administrative control of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India with autonomy to run its internal administration.
  • JIPMER, spread over a campus of 195 acres (0.79 km2), has over 300 faculty members, over 700 resident physicians and over 3,000 nursing, administrative and support staff. Every year, it admits 150 undergraduate students and 200 postgraduate students.[citation needed] The year 2019-20 saw over 24,00,000 outpatient visits, 350,000 inpatient admissions, and 70,000 surgeries performed at JIPMER.
  • The erstwhile French India established the Ecole de Medicine de Pondichery to train French citizens in Pondichéry.It was one of the earliest institutions of tropical medicine and the teaching staff consisted of surgeons and doctors of the French navy and troupes colones. Students who were trained here were granted a diploma called Médicin Locale that allowed them to practice medicine in the colonial territories. The college then was located in the heart of the Pondicherry, opposite Le place de Gaulle, which is now the Legislative Assembly Hall.
  • Following the de jure transfer of Puducherry to India in 1956, the Government of India took over the college and renamed it as Medical College, Pondicherry. For a short period, this was also called the Dhanvantri Medical College.
  • The foundation stone for a new medical college building was laid at Gorimedu, on the outskirts of the town by SE Le Comte Stanislas Ostrorog, Ambassadeur de France aux Indes,
  • Dhanvantari Medical College moved to Gorimedu, to a new campus called Dhanvantari Nagar.
  • The institution was given its current name in honour of India’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, as “Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research” (JIPMER), on 13 July 1964, by Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the then President of India.

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