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06 Midwifery Educator Vacancy – UKHFWS,Uttarakhand

Last Date:13 February,2021
Uttarakhand Health & Family Welfare Society (UKHFWS)

UKHFWS inviting application for the post of 06 Midwifery Educator Vacancy For B.Sc/ M.Sc (Nursing) Pass candidates interested in sarkari result UKHFWS Midwifery Educator application can apply before 13 February 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Uttarakhand Health Family Welfare Samiti UKHFWS Midwifery Educator job opening at official website

Employment Notification 06 Midwifery Educator Vacancy – UKHFWS,Uttarakhand

Name of the post– Midwifery Educator
No of post – 06
Pay Scale – 40000/- Per Month

Educational Qualification:
M.Sc/ B.Sc Nursing candidate with a minimum of 5 years of clinical experience in maternal care, with passion towards midwifery, clinical/ hands on experience of conducting deliveries and willingness to continue clinical practice and conduct deliveries. Candidates with teaching experience in OBG nursing and will be given preference. Research experience in an added advantage.

Apply to 06 Midwifery Educator Vacancy – UKHFWS,Uttarakhand

General Instruction:

  • All Candidates are required to submit their CV and a personal statement (1000 words maximum) explaining their motivation to join this training program. CVs submitted without a personal statement essay will not be considered for the recruitment process.
  • Candidates must be asked to submit the name and contact details (name, email and contact number) of two references at the time of application who know them professionally.
  • MS word, PPT, excel etc.; use of internet to extract information from journals, public libraries etc.
  • Selection Process includes a Written Test, OSCE and Interview.
  • Selected Midwifery Educators must be asked to sign an undertaking stating that they would be willing to commit 5 years to training of Midwives. They should also be willing to continue clinical practice during the above duration.
  • Interested candidates to send their application at above address along with self attested copy of the documents for qualifications, mark sheets, experience certificates and CV with Personal Statement as mentioned above in Additional General Requirements.
  • Candidate must write on the envelope “Application for the post of ___________”. Blank must be filled with the post for which application is being sent.
  • The application must reach at the above mentioned address up to 13/02/2021 by 04:00 PM through Indian Speed Post/ Indian Registered Post only. Applications sent through any other mode will not be accepted. Applications received after last date shall not be entertained.
  • The shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. No TA/ DA will be given for appearing in the interview.
  • Candidates are required to mention their correct email id and mobile number for communication.
  • Proforma for the Application Form and Terms of Reference (ToR) are available on the website
  • All posts are purely contractual and non-transferable. These posts can be cancelled/ increased/ decreased anytime by the competent authority.
  • Any candidate who is already working in NHM, Uttarakhand (State Level/ District Level/ Block Level/ in any program of NHM) must send NOC from the Mission Director, NHM/ CMO of the concerned district with the application OR produce it at the interview (if called for interview).
  • The selection of candidate will depend upon the eligibility and suitability of the candidate for the post as found by the selection committee during interview.
  • Uttarakhand Health & Family Welfare Society shall not be responsible for non-receipt of application due to postal delay/ loss in transit.
  • Age: 45 years or younger as on 01st January 2021. Only Female Candidates may be admitted for the Midwifery Educator Program in view of cultural
  • Must be a registered R.N.R.M with Indian Nursing Council and should furnish an active registration certificate. Candidate must have to be registered with Uttarakhand Nursing Council, if s/he is selected for this post.
  • Interested candidates may apply in proscribe application form along with all relevant documents send to 3 rd Floor, Directorate of Heath, Danda Lakhond, PO – Gujrada, Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun – 248001 on or before 13.02.2021.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 06 Midwifery Educator Vacancy – UKHFWS,Uttarakhand

  • Uttarakhand Health & Family Welfare Society was constituted in the year 2002 with aim to serve as umbrella society for all national programs and effect health sector reforms with the help of external funding agencies such as USAID.
  • By vertical merger of all 6 important National Programs and recruitment of skilled staff the objective was to bring operational efficiencies in implementation of NPs at state and district level through smooth & effective fund flow, reporting mechanism and monitoring to oversee that the programs are running as planned and are on schedule in order to achieve the better health outcomes. All funds from Gol for operationalzing the NPs are received in UKHFWS and then released to program officers of different programs at state and district societies as envisaged in state & district action plans.
  • Funds management, utilization certificates and audit
  • Management of NGOI PPP component of all programs
  • Development of HR policies and job descriptions for various categories of health staff working in department of Medical, Health & FW
  • To carry out civil works procurement, maintenance and logistics of equipments etc under non- budgetary funds.
  • Monitoring and evaluation including concurrent evaluation of all national programs.
  • Planning of all national programs including RCH II planning.
  • Development of training policies, training of trainers and training capacity of the state.
  • Mobilization and hiring of technical assistance inputs at state and district level
  • To provide integrated and sustainable system for primary health care delivery with focus on urban poor living in slums and other health vulnerable groups in cities.
  • To enhance capacities among city stakeholders to plan and implement urban health programs.
  • To strengthen linkages between communities and primary level health facilities and referral system from primary to secondary facilities.
  • To improve health status of the urban poor through increased coverage of key reproductive child health services and adoption of healthy behaviours.

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