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06 Section Officer, Accounts Assistant, MTS and Various Vacancy – IIT,Uttaranchal

Last Date:26 April,2021
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT)

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee) will appoint 6 eligible candidates as Section Officer, Accounts Assistant, MTS and Various for Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMRC) Roorkee.Interested candidates may apply by sending applications as per format and accompanied by all required documents of qualification, experience, age so as to reach the given address by 26-04-2021 .

Employment Notification 06 Section Officer, Accounts Assistant, MTS and Various Vacancy – IIT,Uttaranchal

Name of the post– Section Officer, Accounts Assistant, MTS and Various
No of post – 06
Pay Scale – Rs. 44900- 142400,Rs 35400 – 112400

Educational Qualification:
Bachelor’s degree/Master’s degree ,H.S.C. (12 th) and 3 yrs Diploma in Electronics OR PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application) and 10 year experience.

Apply to 06 Section Officer, Accounts Assistant, MTS and Various Vacancy – IIT,Uttaranchal

General Information:

  • Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMRC) Roorkee is an Educational Media Centre under the administrative and financial management of CEC, New Delhi – an Inter University Centre (Autonomous body) of UGC New Delhi.
  • The last date for submission of filled –in applications within 45 days from the date of advertisement publication and 52 days from the date of advertisement for the candidates who are residing in Andaman Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep.
  • The application should reach through Registered/Speed Post before/till last date to the Director, Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMRC), IIT Campus, Roorkee -247 667 (Uttarakhand).
  • Application received after last date will not be considered. EMRC Roorkee shall not be responsible for postal delay, if any. Envelope, containing application, should be superscribed with the name of the post applied for.
  • A crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- for General and OBC category drawn in favor of the Director, EMMRC Roorkee, payable at Roorkee should be sent with the filled in application form. SC/ST and Physically Challenged candidates are not required to submit the demand draft.
  • The candidates, who have applied on the above posts against last recruitment advertisements no. 01/2017 or 01/2019, need to submit only filled in application form without application fee and thus their application form will be treated afresh as per the terms/conditions and requirement of this
  • The candidates applying for more than one post must use separate Application Form for each post (along with required demand draft in original) and send them in separate covers superscribed with the name of the post applied for.
  • Persons serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs, should send their application either THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL or should furnish a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE at the time of interview. They can, however, send an advance copy along with DEMAND DRAFT in Original.
  • Age relaxation if applicable, shall be as per norms/ rules of the Govt. of India/CEC, New Delhi. The age limit shall be determined with reference to all posts as on the last date for the application.
  • The service conditions including pay scale and age of superannuation shall be as per CEC rules/norms. If selected, candidate may be assigned any duty depending upon exigency of work.
  • Incomplete applications or without relevant supporting enclosures (self-attested copies of degree/ certificates/marks sheets/ experience certificate, reprint of important publications, etc) will be outrightly rejected.
  • The Centre shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by the candidate at any time during tenure of service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedent/background for which he has been convicted by any court and has suppressed the said information, then his services shall be terminated.
  • In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after issue of the appointment letter, CEC/EMRC Roorkee reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidates.
  • Candidate having experience in CEC/Media Centres will be preferred.
  • Short listed candidates will be called for test and or interview.
  • No TA will be given for appearing in the test and or interview.
  • Canvassing in any form may lead to cancellation of candidature.
  • The requirement of the experience could be relaxed at the discretion of the Selection Committee if the candidate is otherwise found suitable.
  • The competent authority reserves the right to cancel the advertisement for all the posts or any of the post advertised in the notification, without assigning any reason.
  • In the post of Section Officer (Admn.) at S.No. 1 under column of qualification, the word “adaptationist’s” may be read as “a deputationists”.
  • In the post of Technician at S.No. 4 under the column of qualification, “(Diploma 3 years structure)” may be read as without bracketing.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 06 Section Officer, Accounts Assistant, MTS and Various Vacancy – IIT,Uttaranchal

  • Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (abbreviated IIT Roorkee or IITR) is a premier public technical and research university located in Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, headed by Director Ajit Kumar Chaturvedi. It is formerly known as University of Roorkee (1949-2001) and Thomason College of Civil Engineering (1847-1949). Established in 1847 in British India by the then lieutenant governor, Sir James Thomason, it is the oldest technical institution in Asia. It was given university status in 1949 and was converted into an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in 2001, thus becoming the seventh IIT to be declared. IIT Roorkee has 22 academic departments covering Engineering, Applied Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences and Management programs with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological education and research.
  • IIT Roorkee has a strong entrepreneurial culture, with many alumni who have moved on to found technological and social ventures in India and abroad, and have played an important role in the development of India. Ten alumni have won the Padma awards and twenty-five alumni have won the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology. The institute has produced seven chairmen of the Indian Railway Board, chairman of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, more than a hundred secretary-level officers in the Government of India, two presidents of the Confederation of Indian Industry, Governors of states of India, chairmen of University Grants Commission (India), six directors of the Indian Institutes of Technology, Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors of prominent Indian Universities, and presidents of Engineering and Scientific organizations like the Indian Institution of Engineers, the Indian National Science Academy and the Indian National Academy of Engineering.
  • The institution has its origins in a class started in 1845 to train local youth in engineering to assist in public works then beginning.In 1847 it was officially established.It was renamed as the Thomason College of Civil Engineering in 1854 in honour of its founder, James Thomason, lieutenant governor 1843–53.The first Indian to graduate from the Roorkee College was Rai Bahadur Kanhaiya Lal in 1852.
  • The Department of Civil Engineering was established in 1847 and is the oldest engineering department in India.The Electrical Engineering department of the Thomson College was established in the year 1897, and was one of the earliest such specializations in the world.The architecture department is the first in India in instituting a master’s degree course in Architecture (M. Arch.) in the year 1969–70.

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the employment notification

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