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07 Project Associate, Project Scientist & Various Vacancy – NGRI,Telangana

Last Date: 17 January,2021
National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI)

NGRI Project Associate Notification 2021 is open (Advt. No. : NGRI-1/2021/PA/Rectt.) and inviting application for the posts of 07 Project Associate, Project Scientist & Various Vacancy from B.E/ B.Tech, M.Sc, Ph.D pass candidates interested in sarkari result NGRI Project Associate Online application can apply before 17 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply National Geophysical Research Institute NGRI Project Associate job opening at official website

Employment Notification 07 Project Associate, Project Scientist & Various Vacancy – NGRI,Telangana

Name of the post – Project Associate, Project Scientist & Various
No of post – 07
Pay Scale – 25000/-, 56000/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
B.E/ B.Tech, M.Sc, Ph.D.

Apply to 07 Project Associate, Project Scientist & Various Vacancy – NGRI,Telangana

General Instruction:

  • Interested candidates (Indian Nationals only) fulfilling the criteria (as on the last date of online registration) towards age, education qualifications etc. as detailed above may appear for Interview as per the instructions given below in Terms & Conditions.
  • Registration (Online): Candidates appearing for Interview against the above Post Codes are required to register on-line (For details, please visit CSIR-NGRI website).The online registration opens on 11.01.2021 (at 10:00 AM) and closes at 06:00 p.m. on 17.01.2021.
  • The date of online interview will be notified separately.
  • If the number of candidates registered online for Interview is very high, then the Candidates will be shortlisted by a screening committee based on academic qualification and /or experience. In case of short listing is done by screening committee, then the committee will adopt its own criteria for bringing down the number to be called for interview. All shortlisted candidates will be provided link for attending the interview which will be held through video conference. The link will be provided separately.
  • The candidates are advised to fill up the information in the online registration from carefully and correctly. All the certificates to be uploaded as single PDF[not more than 10 MB] in the application.
  • Any false information may lead to ban in appearing any future recruitment / engagement process in CSIR – NGRI and the same may be informed to other CSIR labs/Institutes, other Government Organisations / agencies also.
  • The number and levels of positions may increase or decrease at the time of actual selection or may be cancelled also. The engagement is for various time-bound projects viz., Grant-in-Aid / Sponsored Projects / In-house projects etc. which is co-terminus with the projects and may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the Project, satisfactory performance/conduct of the appointee. It is not a regular appointment, temporary or otherwise and therefore it does not entitle the incumbent(s) any claim, implicit or explicit on any CSIR/NGRI post.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 07 Project Associate, Project Scientist & Various Vacancy – NGRI,Telangana

  • The National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) is a geoscientific research organization established in 1961 under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India’s largest Research and Development organization. It is supported by more than 200 scientists and other technical staff whose research activities are published in several journals of national and international interest.
  • Research areas covered by this institute include hydrocarbon and coal exploration, mineral exploration, deep seismic sounding studies, exploration and management of groundwater resources, earthquake hazard assessment, structure of earth’s interior and its evolution (theoretical studies), geophysical instrument development and geothermal exploration.
  • The National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), a constituent research laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) was established in 1961 with the mission to carry out research in multidisciplinary areas of the highly complex structure and processes of the Earth system and its extensively interlinked subsystems. NGRI has the mandate to conduct research for public-good science to enable government agencies, public and private sector stakeholders to make informed decisions about use of geo-resources sustainably and improve preparedness and resilience to natural hazards. As a close understanding of Earth processes and its intersections with the growth and development of the human society only can secure the future, it is our vision to develop the knowledge base of Earth system processes and apply it to produce strategies to minimize loss of life and property from natural disaster as well as manage water, energy, and mineral resources for enhancing the quality of life.
  • The research activities fall broadly under three themes: Geodynamics, which revolve round investigating and modeling fundamental aspects of the Earth system and processes, Earthquake Hazards, which encompass features on the surface and subsurface of crust which may potentially endanger lives and properties through catastrophes like earthquakes and landslides as well as deterioration in pollution levels of groundwater and soil, changes in climatic conditions and associated environmental issues. The theme Natural Resources comprise of implementation of techniques to identify primary geo-resources, which are the pillars of human civilization and fount of economic growth like groundwater, hydrocarbons as well as alternate energy sources and minerals.

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