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07 Research Assistant, Project Technician and Various Vacancy – NIV,Karnataka

Last Date:31 March,2021
National Institute of Virology (NIV)

National Institute of Virology (NIV) is inviting eligible candidates to apply for 7 contractual posts of Research Assistant, Project Technician and Various.Interested Eligible Candidates may send their applications as per prescribed format to concerned E-mail address by 31-03-2021 . All the relevant documents must be sent alongwith application form, as proof of suitability for the posts. Email subject must be formed properly, containing name of post applied for.

Employment Notification 07 Research Assistant, Project Technician and Various Vacancy – NIV,Karnataka

Name of the post– Research Assistant, Project Technician and Various
No of post – 07
Pay Scale – Rs 24500,Rs 18000,Rs 31000

Educational Qualification:
12th pass ,Graduate (three years degree) in Science/ relevant subjects and 3 yrs experience OR Master’s Degree in the relevant subject.

Apply to 07 Research Assistant, Project Technician and Various Vacancy – NIV,Karnataka

General Information:

  • Candidates meeting the age criteria and possessing the required qualifications, experience,etc. and willing to work for COVID-19 related activities may apply and fill the Application Form in the prescribed format only and send it to the email ID on or before the last date and time of receipt of applications as mentioned above without any enclosures. There is no need to send hard-copy of any application form/documents.
  • Candidate should type “Application for the post of ___ in the subject line while sending their application through e-mail. Candidates applying for more than one post should SEPARATELY apply for each post. Failing to do, the application/s will be rejected.
  • The list of shortlisted candidates will be intimated through mail and these candidates will be called for interview/personal discussion (online). Finally the selected candidates will be intimated through mail after personal interview and document verification.
  • Keeping in view of the various precautions due to COVID-19, the interview/personal discussion will be conducted through Skype/video call only. Details will be intimated through mail to the shortlisted candidate.
  • Late and incomplete applications or applications not submitted in the prescribed format or without photo and signature will not be considered.
  • Number of vacancies may vary.
  • These positions will be filled purely for temporary extramural project for appointment purely on temporary CONTRACT basis and co-terminus with the project.
  • The advertised posts are tentative without commitment for its filling. Recruitment will depend upon requirement of the Institute and approval of the competent authority.
  • Emoluments: The rates of emoluments/stipend shown in this advertisement are as per ICMR guidelines and may vary according to the sanction of ICMR.
  • Age Concession: Age relaxation is admissible in respect of SC/ST/OBC, Physically Handicapped candidates in accordance with the instructions issued by ICMR from time to time.
  • Cut-off date for age limit will be the closing date of applications i.e. 31.03.2021.
  • Reserved category candidates must produce their Caste Validity Certificate. OBC candidates must possess a latest valid non-creamy layer certificate. On selection, these may be produced before the joining during document verification.
  • Separate application should be submitted for each post. Engagement of application for a particular position will be decided by selection committee/appointing authority.
  • Qualification & experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from an Institution of repute. Experience should have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification.
  • Mere fulfilling the essential/educational qualification does not guarantee the selection.
  • Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organizations are not eligible to apply.
  • The institute reserves rights to consider or reject any application/candidature.
  • Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage.
  • Contract appointee cannot be permitted to register for Ph.D., due to time constraints.
  • Contract appointee will be posted as per the requirement of the Institute. If required, they are liable to serve in any part of the country.
  • Contract appointee shall not have any claim on a regular post in this institute or any other ICMR Institute or in any Department of Government of India and their contract service will not confer any right for further assignment or transfer to any other project or appointment/absorption in funding agency or in this institute. Benefits of Provident Fund, Pension Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, etc. are not admissible. An
    undertaking to that effect must be submitted at the time of joining.
  • Contract appointee shall not have any claim on a regular post in this institute or any other ICMR Institute or in any Department of Government of India and their contract service will not confer any right for further assignment or transfer to any other project or appointment/absorption in funding agency or in this institute. Benefits of Provident Fund, Pension Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, etc. are not admissible. An
    undertaking to that effect must be submitted at the time of joining.
  • nitial contract appointment will normally be for a period of six months and further continuation/ extension of the service will depend on requirement of the Institute, performance evaluation and approval of the competent authority in case to case basis.
  • In the event of selection, a candidate must produce all documents or certificates in original relating to (1) Educational qualifications (2) Date of Birth (3) Experience certificates (4) One recent passport size photograph (5) Identity proof i.e. Adhar/PAN/Voter ID/Driving License etc. (6) One set of self-attested photocopies of all documents (7) SC/ST/OBC Certificate, if applicable, for verification at the time of joining the post.
  • Candidates who fail to bring the original certificates at the time of joining and if any discrepancy is found in the documents such candidates will not be allowed to join the selected contract post and the position will be offered to the waiting list candidates.
  • Speed test on computer in English will be conducted as qualifying criteria for Contract Data Entry Operator after verification of essential qualification at the time of joining. In case it is not found satisfactory, offer of appointment will be terminated.
  • Corrigendum/addendum/further information; if any; in respect of this advertisement, will be published on our website ( only.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 07 Research Assistant, Project Technician and Various Vacancy – NIV,Karnataka

  • The National Institute of Virology, Pune is an Indian virology research institute, and one of the translational science cells part of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).[1] It was previously known as ‘Virus Research Center’ and was founded in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation. It has been designated as a WHO H5 reference laboratory for SE Asia region.
  • The Virus Research Center (VRC), Pune came into existence in 1952 under the joint auspices of the ICMR and the Rockefeller Foundation, as a part of the global programme of investigations on the arthropod-borne group of viruses.In view of its expanded scope and activities, the VRC was re-designated as the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in 1978.
  • The NIV is identified today as the WHO Collaborating Center for arboviruses reference and hemorrhagic fever reference and research. NIV is also the National Monitoring Centre for Influenza, Japanese encephalitis, Rota, Measles, Hepatitis and Coronavirus.
  • The National Institute of Virology is one of the major Institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).It was established at Pune, Maharashtra, India in 1952 as Virus Research Centre (VRC) under the auspices of the ICMR and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF), USA.It was an outcome of the global programme of the RF for investigating the Arthropod Borne viruses. Since the studies on arboviruses and their arthropod vectors involve most of the basic principles and techniques of general virology, entomology and zoology, these viruses were also considered to be an ideal group, to begin with, for intensive training and research in virology. The RF withdrew its support in 1967 and since then the institute has been funded by the ICMR.
  • The institute was designated as one of the collaborating laboratories of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1967 and it started functioning as the regional centre of the WHO for South-East Asia for arbovirus studies from 1969. Since 1974, it has been functioning as a WHO collaborating centre for arbovirus reference and research. In 1995 it has been redesignated as the WHO Collaborating Centre for Arbovirus and Haemorrhagic Fever Reference and Research and Rapid Diagnosis of Viral Diseases.
  • NIV is also the National Centre for Hepatitis and Influenza. The field unit of NIV at Bengaluru is one of the centres under National Polio Surveillance Programme conducting surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis cases from Karnataka as a part of Global Polio Eradication Programme of the WHO South-East Asia region since 1997. World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Arboviruses, Influenza and Measles as well as National Reference Centre for Hepatitis, Avian Influenza and emerging infectious diseases.

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