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07 Research Associate, Project Assistant and Various Vacancy – IICA,Haryana

Last Date:30 April,2021
Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA)

Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) is inviting eligible candidates to apply for 7 contractual posts of Senior Research Associate, Project Assistant and Various.Interested Eligible Candidates may send their applications as per prescribed format to concerned E-mail address by 30-04-2021 . All the relevant documents must be sent alongwith application form, as proof of suitability for the posts. Email subject must be formed properly, containing name of post applied for.

Employment Notification 07 Research Associate, Project Assistant and Various Vacancy – IICA,Haryana

Name of the post– Research Associate, Project Assistant and Various
No of post – 07
Pay Scale – Rs 60,000-80,000

Educational Qualification:
LLB,Graduate in any discipline.

Apply to 07 Research Associate, Project Assistant and Various Vacancy – IICA,Haryana

General Information:

  • Interested and eligible candidates are invited to submit applications for various positions in Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, purely on contractual basis. The details of eligibility conditions, remuneration, terms etc. can be downloaded from the website: An online Interview is being conducted on every Wednesday.
  • Interested and eligible candidates can forward their CVs at .
  • One candidate can apply for one position at a time.
  • The number of position(s) can be increased/decreased at any point in time as per the discretion of the Head of the Institution.
  • The position shall remain open until any suitable candidate is selected.
  • If number of applications received is high in number and if it is not possible to call all eligible candidates for interview, the Institute will further shortlists the candidates based on higher experience in the relevant fields or candidates with higher educational qualification as the case may be.
  • Selected candidates shall be required to sign a contract with IICA and join the duties immediately.
  • No other allowances will be payable. However if the person, travel out of the Headquarters he will be entitled to TA/DA as admissible.
  • The assignment is on a full time basis and the person will be required to attend the office on all the working days and on holidays, if required.
  • The period of engagement will be initially for a period of six months/ one year, which may, at the discretion of the competent authority be either extended or curtailed depending on performance and requirement.
  • The person will be required to maintain decorum, discipline as expected of a Central Government Officer.
  • The contract can be terminated by either side by giving notice for a period of one month or one month’s consolidated emoluments in lieu there of.
  • The contract can be terminated without notice by the competent authority, if at any time the conduct, performance, activities of the individual are found detrimental to the interests of the organization.
  • Initial engagement period of the selected candidates may be curtailed or enhanced with the approval of the Competent Authority at the time of issuing the offer of engagement.
  • The number of positions or remuneration as indicated at Table-1 hereinabove may be decreased or increased with the approval of the competent authority, subject to requirement.
  • Conditions may be relaxed by the competent authority in exceptional circumstances.
  • The appointment will be made on the recommendations, on the basis of written test and/or interview, of a Selection Committee constituted for this purpose.
  • No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview.
  • Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reasons.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 07 Research Associate, Project Assistant and Various Vacancy – IICA,Haryana

  • The Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) is a civil service training institute under the aegis of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India for the Indian Corporate Law Service cadre. Handling and dealing with various subjects, matters and affairs in the arena and spectrum of corporate affairs regulation, governance and policy. It was established in 2008 at Manesar, Haryana. It is the sole institution in the country that has been authorised by Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India to run its flagship Graduate Insolvency Program. It houses National Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility, one of the Apex body in India in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility. NFCSR gives policy support to government for CSR and organises various training program in CSR. It also provides various services to Corporates for CSR including Impact Assessment, Need Assessment, Baseline survey, Real time monitoring etc.
  • It also houses the training academy of top cadre of Indian Corporate Law Service. ICLS is an organised Group A service, recruited through All India Civil Service Examination. ICLS officers are posted across the length and breadth of Country in various line and Staff capacities.
  • IICA operates through various Schools and Centres. It has School of Corporate Law, School of Competition Law and Market Regulations, School of Corporate Governance and Public Policy, School of Finance. It has Centre for Business Innovation, Centre for Insolvency and Bankruptcy, Centre for Environment and Sustainable development.
  • IICA works and operates to deliver as well as create avenues and opportunities for research, education, training and advocacy.
  • The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in India had established the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) to function as a think tank, action research, service delivery and capacity building support to the Ministry, corporate sector, professionals and related stakeholders.
  • The Institute is headed by the Director General. It has various Schools, Centres, Departments, Academies and Foundations under its ambit looking after different specialized disciplines and areas within the entire gamut of Corporate Affairs horizon. Dr. Sameer Sharma, IAS is DG of IICA
  • IICA is providing support to the Ministry in review/revision of existing corporate laws, rule and regulations, as well as in framing of new ones, as per requirements of a dynamic economic environment. In addition, it is providing training to Indian Company Law Service(ICLS) and other officials working for the Ministry, and supporting organizational reform initiatives. IICA is also helping in continuous improvement of service delivery in diverse areas like MCA21, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, investor education and protection, etc. The institute is promoting and encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship, particularly in small and medium enterprise. It is providing quality action research, consultancy and information services/support to all its stakeholders including the Government, companies, professionals, Directors of companies, investors, etc. IICA is helping develop and maintain a knowledge Management system, covering all aspects, issues, experiences relating to Indian and global corporate functioning/affairs, linked to internal and external information with speed and in formats designed for ease of access, navigation and utilization. The Institute will provide comprehensive coverage of all disciplines/subjects involved in, or impacting on, corporate functioning. The mandates for IICA mentioned above are not exhaustive.

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the employment notification

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