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08 Accounts Assistant Vacancy – IWAI,All India

Last Date:14 February,2021
Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI)
All India

IWAI Accounts Assistant Notification 2021 is open (Advt. No. : IWAI-11014/11/2020-Admn.) and inviting application for the posts of 08 Accounts Assistant Vacancy from Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result IWAI Accounts Assistant Online application can apply before 14 February 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Inland Waterways Authority of India IWAI Accounts Assistant job opening at official website

Employment Notification 08 Accounts Assistant Vacancy – IWAI,All India

Name of the post – Accounts Assistant
No of post – 08
Pay Scale – 35400 – 112400/-

Educational Qualification:
B.Com from a recognized university with at least 3 years’ post qualification experience OR Degree from recognized University with Inter CA/Inter ICWA.

Apply to 08 Accounts Assistant Vacancy – IWAI,All India

General Instruction:

  • The Authority is following Central Govt. rules and orders in service matters. Leased accommodation and medical reimbursement are provided as per the rules of the Authority.
  • The vacancy shown against above mentioned post is tentative and may increase / decrease depending on the requirement of Authority.
  • The post has all India transfer liability; candidates selected for the above mentioned post may be posted in the Head Quarters at NOIDA or Regional offices at Patna / Guwahati / Kolkata / Kochi / Vijayawada and Sub-Offices of IWAI at Varanasi, Prayagraj, Farakka, Sahibganj, Kollam, Chennai and any Regional Offices / Sub-Offices likely to be opened in future.
  • The syllabus of the Computer Based Online Test shall be of the standard of prescribed eligibility criteria, which may consist of 120 multiple choice objective questions, comprising Part-A and Part-B ; Part-A consisting of 100 questions shall be relevant to the related discipline, covering
    the syllabus of prescribed eligibility criteria for the post and Part-B consisting of 20 objective Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) shall be from the Quantitative Aptitude (Simple Maths), Data Interpretation, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning and Simple English of the 12th Standard and time allotted for the Test will be 2.00 hour. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 mark each and for every wrong answer, 0.25 marks would be deducted. Computer Based Online Test is tentatively to be conducted in the month of April, 2021, for which candidates shall be required to download the Admit Card from the web-site of IWAI only.
  • The progress on the selection process shall be updated in the website of IWAI and hence no telephonic inquiry shall be entertained. Candidates are advised to regularly check the website of IWAI viz for the updated information.
  • Mere possession of essential qualifications will not entitle a candidate to be selected for the post. The decision of the Authority as to the eligibility of a candidate shall be final and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • The name of the Caste and Community of the candidate must appear in the “Central List of Other Backward Classes’.
  • The candidate must not belong to the Creamy layer as prescribed by the Central Government.
  • The candidate needs to furnish their latest OBC Certificate (Not prior to 2019) in the format prescribed by the Government of India, issued by the Competent Authority.
  • The process of interview has been done away with for Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts and hence category wise merit list shall be prepared only on the basis of marks secured by the candidates in the written examination. In case two or more candidates score equal marks in the online test, weightage will be given to the candidate scoring more marks in Part A. If there is tie even afterthis, merit list will be prepared based on the Date of Birth of the candidates – the candidate born earlier shall be placed before the candidate born later.
  • Interested candidates possessing requisite qualifications and experience may submit their application online using link available in the IWAI web-site i.e. ; online link for submission of application shall be active w.e.f. 15.01.2021. Closing Date / Last date of submission of online application is 14.02.2021 (23:59 Hrs.).
  • Candidates seeking reservation benefits under SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD Category must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notice and as per the instructions issued by Govt. of India. They should be in possession of the valid Community
    Certificate / Income Certificate / Medical Certificate at the time of submission of application and they will have to upload self-attested copies of valid Certificates from the Competent Authority in the prescribed format.
  • In case of persons in the category of blindness, loco motor disability (both arm affected – BA) and cerebral palsy, the facility of Scribe shall be given if opted for by the candidate and if found eligible as per the relevant provisions of Act / Rules / Guidelines of Govt. of India (Refer OM F. No. 34-02/2015-DD-III dated 29.08.2018 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment).

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 08 Accounts Assistant Vacancy – IWAI,All India

  • Candidates must apply online through the website Enter IWAI Home page >>Recruitment>Apply online for Recruitment to the post of Accounts Assistant in IWAI 2021.
  • No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Applications received through any other mode will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected.
  • Only online applications along with the prescribed Application fee and soft copy of the required documents submitted before the closing date will be accepted.
  • Incomplete applications and Applications submitted without Photograph along with Signature / Proof of Date of Birth (School Certificate) and relevant documents as per specification / application fees will be summarily rejected.
  • Detailed instructions for filling online application and Online Fee payment are available on the website of IWAI. Candidates should read the instructions carefully before making any entry or selecting options.
  • Application once submitted cannot be modified; hence utmost care should be taken to furnish the correct details before submitting online application.
  • Candidates are advised to submit only single online application. However, if somehow, he/she submits multiple online applications, then he/she must ensure that online application with the higher Registration Number is complete in all respects including fee. The applicant, who submits multiple online applications should note that only the online application with higher Registration Number will be entertained by IWAI and fee paid against one Registration Number shall not be adjusted against any other Registration Number.
  • Candidates are not required to submit to IWAI either by post or by hand the printouts o their online applications or any other document. They will be required to submit printout of online applications along with documents in support of their eligibility etc. at the time of documents verification in case they are shortlisted for appointment
  • Candidates are required to keep active the E-Mail ID and Mobile Number registered in online application during the currency of this recruitment process. IWAI will send E-Admit Cards, Offer Letters and other communications only at the registered E-Mail ID/Mobile of candidates. Hence, under no circumstances, the candidates should provide E-Mail ID to anyone else.

About Us:

  • India has an extensive network of inland waterways in the form of rivers, canals, backwaters and creeks. The total navigable length is 14,500 km, out of which about 5200 km of the river and 4000 km of canals can be used by mechanised crafts. Freight transportation by waterways is highly under-utilised in India compared to other large countries and geographic areas like the United States, China and the European Union. The total cargo moved (in tonne kilometres) by the inland waterway was just 0.1% of the total inland traffic in India, compared to the 21% figure for United States. Cargo transportation in an organised manner is confined to a few waterways in Goa, West Bengal, Assam, and Kerala.
  • Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) is the statutory authority in charge of the waterways in India. It was constituted under IWAI Act-1985 by parliament of India Its headquarters is located in Noida, UP. It does the function of building the necessary infrastructure in these waterways, surveying the economic feasibility of new projects and also administration. On 31 August 2018, IWAI made 13 standardised state-of-art design public for the transportation of cargo and passengers keeping in mind Ganges complex river morphology, hydraulics, acute bends, currents etc. in National Waterway – 1. The first implementation will be between Varanasi-Haldia stretch in assistance and investment from World Bank.
  • Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) was created by Government of India on 27 October 1986 for development and regulation of Inland waterways for shipping and navigation. The Authority primarily undertakes projects for development and maintenance of Inland Waterway Terminal infrastructure on National Waterways through grant received from Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Road Transport and Highways. The head office is at Noida. The Authority also has its regional offices at Patna, Kolkata, Guwahati and Kochi and sub-offices at Prayagraj, Varanasi, Bhagalpur, Farrakka and Kollam.

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