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08 Civil Engineers Vacancy – GSPHC,Gujarat

Last Date:26 April,2021
Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation (GSPHC)

Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation (GSPHC) announced a Walk-In-Interview for the recruitment to 8 contratual posts of Civil Engineers under a given project. The number of vacancies can vary.Aspirants satisfying the eligibility conditions, should attend the Interview on 26-04-2021 (11 AM) along with duly filled application form and relevant documents.

Employment Notification 08 Civil Engineers Vacancy – GSPHC,Gujarat

Name of the post– Civil Engineers
No of post – 08
Pay Scale – Rs 20000

Educational Qualification:
Degree of B.E. (Civil) and min 2 yrs experience.

Apply to 08 Civil Engineers Vacancy – GSPHC,Gujarat

General Instruction:

  • GSPHC Ltd, a State PSU engaged in construction activities requires Civil Engineers on contractual basis for 11 months for Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot&Gandhinagar division office of the Corporation. For interview schedule, Date, Qualification, experience, contractual remuneration and details of Walk in Interview Places, concerned candidate may visit website of the Corporation cited below.
  • Walk in interview will be conducted at Head Office of the Corporation at following address Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation Ltd.
    B/h.LokayuktBhavan, CHH Road, Sector 10-B, Gandhinagar
  • The candidate should have obtained atleast50% marks in Degree of B.E. (Civil) with recognized University along with minimum 02 years of relevant experience(Preference will be given to those candidates who have proficiency in the construction work of High rise Buildings).
  • Age Limit maximum upto35 years as on 26/04/2021.
  • Lumpsum emoluments will be in the range ofminimum Rs.20,000/- .
  • Concerned candidate should bring with them all original testimonials alongwith one set of Xerox copies (Self attested) with latest passport size photograph and proof of Residential Address at the time of interview.
  • Above requirement is purely on contractual base for 11 months only. After completion of same, the contract will automatically be terminated. The candidate cannot claim any permanent right of this contract in future.
  • Concerned candidate should attend Walk in Interview with their complete Bio-Data alongwith prescribed format filled-in with necessary details. (Please see Annexure-I)
  • Regd.Office : Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation Ltd. B/h. LokayuktBhavan, CHH Road, Sector 10-B Gandhinagar, Telphone- 07923256800, Fax : 07923256220 CIN U45201GJ1988SGC011453,Email- Website :
  • Candidates may attend themselves for the Walk-In-Interview on 26-04-2021 (11 AM). Candidates who does not fulfill any one of the conditions, will not be allowed to appear in the interview. They are to ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria before coming to appear the walk in interview.
  • Based on their performance in Interview only. Prior to the interview, a written test will be conducted by the Selection Committee of Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation .

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 08 Civil Engineers Vacancy – GSPHC,Gujarat

  • Policemen upto the rank of Police Inspectors are entitled for rent free accommodation as a part of their service conditions. The total strength of policemen in the state is about 82,181 and availability of quarters are about 46,838. At present, the level of satisfaction in the area of availability of Housing is about 69%. Therefore, in order to provide 100% satisfaction in the area of availability of housing, it is necessary to construct about 35,343 residential quarters for the police.
  • At the same time, many residential quarters/police lines are quite old and in a dilapidated conditions. It is therefore necessary that renovation / addition / alteration and strengthening measures for the same be taken up. Due to increase in strength of Police man in the State and increase of condemn of old Quarters, Satisfaction level of quarters is decreased.
  • To undertake construction of residential, non-residential and all others type of buildings required for Gujarat Police, Jails, Home Guards and for other in the state of Gujarat.
  • To engage in the business of builders, contractors, engineers, architects, surveyors, estimators and designers in respects of all type of police buildings, office accommodations, residential buildings, administrative offices etc. including maintenance thereof.
  • Introducing innovative ideas for buildings and designs.
  • To undertake all kinds of construction & allied works as also welfare activities required for the Gujarat Police and others entrusted by the Government from time to time.
  • To carry out the above works departmentally or through approved contractors or both.
  • To formulate and various housing schemes for serving and retired employee in the Police Department, Government of Gujarat.
  • Keeping above in view, process is underway in consonance with the Companies Act, 1956 to change the name of the Corporation as “Gujarat State Police Housing & Welfare Corporation Ltd.”

click above to download
the employment notification

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