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08 JRF, SRF vACANCY – JSAC,Ranchi (Jharkhand)

Last Date: 23 November,2020
Jharkhand Space Applications Center (JSAC)
Ranchi (Jharkhand)

JSAC Recruitment 2020 aka Jharkhand Space Applications Center notification page for latest vacancy updates, eligibility criteria and how to apply JSAC Vacancy 2020 . We check and verify the job location, selection process and age limit from JSAC Job 2020 Official website. We provide all details including application fee, salary pay and scale and JSAC Exam 2020 Date. Sarkari Result Naukri is best Place for searching all JSAC recruitment 2020 updates. Moreover we will provide you full syllabus of JSAC vacancy 2020 and current exam parent to get success. Official Website is

Employment Notification 08 JRF, SRF vACANCY – JSAC,Ranchi (Jharkhand)

Name of the post – JRF, SRF
No of post – 08
Pay Scale – 25000, 28000

Educational Qualification:
MSc, M Tech.

Apply to 08 JRF, SRF vACANCY – JSAC,Ranchi (Jharkhand)

General Instruction:

  • Jharkhand Space Applications Center (JSAC), Ranchi has to recruit bright, hardworking, reliable and competent professional on purely contract basis for the project executed in JSAC. The posts are on contract basis for a minimum period of one year and may be extended as per the guideline of the project.
  • The reservation rules of Government of Jharkhand will be applicable for OBC, SC and ST for the candidate having their domicile in the State of Jharkhand for which they will have to attach a copy of relevant caste certificates and domicile certificate issued by Competent Authority along with their application. The candidates belonging to reserved categories from State, other than Jharkhand, will be treated as General Candidate. In case vacancy is available in the General category against a particular post, their merit will be prepared in the General category only. The details of the posts, project name and emoluments are as follow;
  • . Candidates will have to produce original documents at the time of interview.
  • Applications without the requisite information in the prescribed format without signature/without photograph/without self attested true copies of the testimonials and mark sheets/ incomplete and without enclosures, and those received after due date shall be rejected. The JSAC will not be responsible for any postal delay and no consideration will be made in this regard.
  • Mere fulfillment of the minimum requirements of the post will not entail a candidate to be called for interview.
  • No Interim queries regarding written test/interview/ selection will be entertained.
  • The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect can register their application only through ON-LINE mode. The On-line registration of applications will be available on website of JSAC from 15.10.2020 at 11:00AM.
  • The candidates have to submit printout of duly filled online application form/s in hard copy along with all supporting documents in sealed envelope superscripting with “Application for the post of “. The hard copy of application should reach to “The Director, Jharkhand Space Application Center, Department of IT & e- Governance, Govt. of Jharkhand, 2nd Floor, Engineers Hostel -1, Near Gol Chakkar, Dhurwa, Ranchi, Jharkhand, PIN- 834004” by Registered / Speed post only on or before 23.11.2020 till 5.00 PM.
  • Incomplete application and the application received after due date will not be entertained and will be summarily rejected.
  • The On-line Registration will be terminated by 04:00 PM on 10.11.2020. The candidature of such applicants who fail to complete the online registration by the stipulated date and time will not be considered and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained
  • Candidates applying are required to the pay application fee online to Jharkhand Space Application Center Account No. – 490210110012465, IBC Code – BKID0004902, Bank of India, Club Side Branch, Main Road, Ranchi or by Demand draft in favour of Director, Jharkhand Space Applications Center, payable at Ranchi & the candidates have to fill the UTR No./DD No. & Date of payment in the online application form. The fee structure is as follows;
    a.General candidates Rs. 1000/
    b.OBC candidates Rs. 500/-
    c.SC/ST/PH candidates Exempted
  • The applicants applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the aforesaid post and must fulfill all the eligibility criteria on or before 01.10.2020, failing which their application will be rejected. Application fee once paid is non-refundable, even if the application is incomplete /rejected or candidate is not able to submit the application. A candidate who wants to apply for more than one post will have to send the application separately along with separate fee.
  • The place of posting will be at Ranchi. However, the incumbent is liable to be posted anywhere in Jharkhand State as & when required.
  • The appointment will be purely contractual on project basis.
  • Candidates who do not possess the prescribed educational qualifications as on 01.10.2020 need not apply.
  • The candidate must be Citizen of India.
  • Canvassing of any kind will lead to disqualification.
  • He/She is expected to confirm to the rules of conduct and discipline as applicable to the employees of the Center.
  • The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law.
  • In case any information given or declaration by the candidate is found to be false or if the candidate has willfully suppressed any material information relevant to his appointment, he/she will be liable to be removed from the service and appropriate action will be taken as deemed fit by the appointing authority.
  • The decision of the competent authority regarding selection of candidates will be final and no representation will be entertained in this regard.
  • Candidates already in service must submit their applications (hard copy/print out) along with No objection Certificate (NOC).
  • All disputes will be subject to jurisdictions of Court of Law at Ranchi.
  • The Director, JSAC reserves right to increase or decrease the number of posts.

Selection Procedure:

Vacancy Notice 08 JRF, SRF vACANCY – JSAC,Ranchi (Jharkhand)

  • The candidates will be screened out on the basis of minimum required qualification. The screened candidate will be called for interview and the final list will be prepared on the basis of merit list of interview. Written test may also be conducted if required for short-listing of candidates. Intimation of interview will be sent separately to the eligible candidates only. Decision of JSAC will be final in this regard.
  • The Minimum Essential Educational Qualification, experience and job profile for each post is given above. Candidates are required to ensure that they meet the essential minimum qualification and experience in all respects before applying. In case a candidate is found ineligible at any stage, even after appointment, his/her candidature will be cancelled.

About Us:

  • Jharkhand Space Applications Center (JSAC) under Department of Information Technology, Govt. of Jharkhand is a premier Remote Sensing Center established in the year 2003 with its space application activities taking the lead and initiative for the overall development of the State. The new State has ample opportunity & unlimited potential to develop and progress where space based technology along with IT plays an important role With the Space Technology based applications and solutions being adopted systematically in Government Departments, Jharkhand Space Applications Center (JSAC) is emerging as a pioneer organization in giving value-added services and decision support in various sectors like Agriculture, Environmental Conservation, Forestry, Geology, watershed, Mines and Minerals, Industry, Transport, Soil and other natural resources, Urban Planning, etc. for the development of the State.

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