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08 Technical Officer & Scientist Vacancy – NIAB,Telangana

Last Date:08 December,2020
National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB)

NIAB Technical Officer Notification 2020 is open (Advt. No. : 22/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 08 Technical Officer & Scientist Vacancy from M.Sc in related Subjects pass candidates interested in sarkari result NIAB Technical Officer Online application can apply before 08 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply National Institute of Animal Biotechnology NIAB Technical Officer job opening at official website

Employment Notification 08 Technical Officer & Scientist Vacancy – NIAB,Telangana

Name of the post – Technical Officer & Scientist
No of post – 08
Pay Scale – 190000/- , 100000/- , 60000/- Per Month

Educational Qualification:
Ph.D in life Sciences with minimum 7 years post Ph.D relevant experience in any university / Institute / Industry of repute and knowledge of specific areas / expertise is required.,/M.Sc in Life Sciences with minimum three years of post qualification experience in any university / Institute / Industry of repute and knowledge of specific areas expertise is required.

Apply to 08 Technical Officer & Scientist Vacancy – NIAB,Telangana

General Information:

  • Brief about NIAB : NIAB, is an autonomous institute under the aegis of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill up the following contract positions in project for 1 year ( likely to be continued) for the Vaccine Testing Facility at NIAB,
  • Essential: Ph.D in life Sciences with minimum 7 years post Ph.D relevant experience in any university / Institute / Industry of repute and knowledge of specific areas / expertise is required.
  • Knowledge and/or experience of vaccine quality testing and or virology / viral bacterial cultures/ DNA /RNA work etc.
  • M.Sc in Life Sciences with minimum three years of post qualification experience in any university / Institute / Industry of repute and knowledge of specific areas expertise is required.
  • Appointment will be made on contract for a period of one year with an initial probation period of six months. The contract is likely to be extended.
  • All educational, professional and technical qualification should be from a recognized Board/University.
  • The experience requirement specified above shall be the experience acquired after obtaining the minimum educational qualifications specified for the post.
  • Closing date of application will be the CRUCIAL DATE for determining eligibility with regard to age, essential qualification etc. Age may be relaxed in case of extra ordinary candidates. Retired persons having experience in relevant area can also apply.
  • In case a large number of applications are received, in house screening will be done to limit the number of candidates to those possessing higher/relevant qualification and experience. Screening committee’s decision will be final and can not be challenged.
  • With regard to any provisions not covered in this notification, the bye laws of NIAB / Govt. of India rules / guidelines shall prevail.
  • The application in the attached format (annexure-I) alongwith CV may be submitted by e-mail to or by hand on or before 8th December, 2020.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 08 Technical Officer & Scientist Vacancy – NIAB,Telangana

  • NIAB is aimed to harness novel and emerging biotechnologies and take up research in the cutting edge areas for improving animal health and productivity. The Institute’s focus of research will be on Animal Genetics and Genomics, Transgenic Technology, Reproductive Biotechnology, Infectious Diseases, Bioinformatics and Nutrition Enrichment. The institute aims at translational research leading to the development of novel vaccines, diagnostics and improved therapeutic molecules for farm animals. The Institute plans to promote bio entrepreneurship by providing support environment for commercial tenants involved in the development of farm animal based products.
  • Development of sustainable and globally competitive livestock industry through innovative technology.
  • Vision: To demonstrate excellence in promoting and commercializing leads in biotechnology and to produce globally competitive livestock products, pharmaceuticals and biologicals for animal health care.
  • This Department of Biotechnology aided autonomous Institute is created for development of sustainable and globally competitive livestock industry through innovative technology. I believe that animal health and efficiency in generating animal based products with a target to increase quantity as well as quality of such products is the ultimate motive behind scientific research which are being and which will be undertaken by this institute. To make a mark, we need to generate new avenues, different than what others are already following in this field. Biotechnological advancement in any field may be adopted to facilitate our research and for obtaining set goals precisely at faster pace. Selfless and frank Intra-institutional and inter-institutional collaborative efforts to achieve desired targets swiftly for our farmer centric nation will be the core philosophy of this institute, in my view. This is required for fortifying our efforts towards obtaining food security and accessibility for all as well as for generating healthy herds of our animals with elite qualities. I wish those who join hands to work in this institute and those who are entrusted with facilitating our growth, strengthen and improve our philosophy to make it a distinguished institution.
  • The primary mandate of NIAB is towards the development of sustainability and globally competitive livestock (farm animals) for public and industry through innovative and cutting edge technology. There will emphasis on showing excellence in production of globally competitive livestock products, pharmaceuticals (medicines), nutritional products and other biologicals related to animal health care.
  • The main focus of NIAB will be to nurture the bio-entrepreneurship in the animal biotechnology field and to perform hard core translational research involving livestock and beneficial to mankind. There will be research laboratories of various disciplines e.g. Genomics, Nutrition enrichment, transgenic technology, infectious diseases and Reproductive biotechnology. NIAB will conduct teaching and research programs of M.Sc. and Ph.D. to train young scientists. Dr. Subeer S. Majumdar took charge as new director since 1 August 2016.

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