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09 Academic Consultant Vacancy – OSOU,Odisha

Last Date:16 November,2020
Odisha State Open University (OSOU)

OSOU is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 9 contractual posts of Academic Consultant Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 16-11-2020 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 09 Academic Consultant Vacancy – OSOU,Odisha

Name of the post – Academic Consultant
No of post – 09
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:
Master Degree with 55% marks in concerned/ allied subject

Apply to 09 Academic Consultant Vacancy – OSOU,Odisha

General Conditions:

  • The engagement is purely temporary on contractual basis. No claim for any permanent post in the Odisha State Open University will be entertained in future.
  • The engagement is for a period of one year. During this period one may leave the assignment by giving one month notice. In case the University is not satisfied with the performance one month notice will be served before issuance of termination letter.
  • Further extension / renewal may be considered on satisfactory performance of the work assigned and as per the requirement of the University.
  • They will be responsible for designing the syllabus, preparation of self-instructional material, imparting instructions, giving guidance or rendering assistance to students for pursuing courses of studies in the University. In carrying out the said work assigned to them by the University they will make full use of modern information and communication technology and give due regards to intellectual Property Rights, Copy Rights and policies framed by the Government from time to time. Academic Consultants will visit different parts of the State of Odisha for orientation of counsellors and induction of students of open and Distance learning (ODL) System.
  • They will perform any other work assigned to them by the University from time to time.
  • They will be paid remunerations as per the University Rules.
  • Office timing and holidays, as prescribed by Government of Odisha, shall be applicable to them. However, persons willing to work beyond office hours and on holidays to build up a new University shall be preferred.
  • Their place of posting will be at the University headquarters, Sambalpur.
  • In case of their selection, they have to sign a contract and the contract period will start from the date of their actual joining the University.
  • Depending on the experience of the applicant and requirement of the University, positions for Academic Consultant will be filled up on full-time /part-time basis.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 09 Academic Consultant Vacancy – OSOU,Odisha

  • An Act to establish and incorporate an Open University in Odisha for introduction and promotion of Open University and Distance Education Systems in the educational pattern of the State and for Coordination and Determination of Standards in such systems.
  • To provide an innovative system of university level education, flexible and open, in regard to methods and pace of learning, combination of courses, eligibility for enrolment, age of entry, conduct of examination and operation of the programmes with a view to promote learning and encourage excellence in new fields of knowledge.
  • To establish, maintain or recognize institutes, schools, regional centres and study centres and such other institute at such places in the State as it may deem feet;
  • To play a positive role in the development of the State and promote status of employment of people of Odisha through education, research and training;
  • To introduce add-on courses related to the need of employment;
  • To use communication technology for advancement and dissemination of learning and knowledge; To ensure access, equity, excellence and inclusive education
  • The Odisha State Open University shall have jurisdiction over the whole of the State of Odisha. The University shall focus on education, research and training by diversity on means of distance and continuing education including the use of new educational technology available to common man at affordable cost. Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates issued by the University shall be treated at par with Degrees/Diplomas issued by other Universities established by centre/states and recognized by UGC. Emphasis will be placed on Skill Based Education to enhance employ ability of the students. Besides Skill Based and vocational courses, focus will be on Teacher Education, Business & Management Studies, Computer Science courses, Engineering Science (short-term), paramedical courses, agriculture and foreign language courses. Add-on courses will be offered targeting students already admitted in Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the State .The fee to be charged from the students shall be made reasonable and affordable by disadvantaged groups. All Norms and Regulations prescribed by statutory bodies like UGC, AICTE, NCTE, NCI, BCI, DEB, and MCI etc. shall be strictly followed in offering academic programmes by the Odisha State Open University.
  • The Governor of Odisha is the Chancellor of the University. By virtue of his office, Chancellor is the head of the State Open University.
  • The headquarters of the University shall be located at Sambalpur. To fulfill its mandate the Open University shall establish Regional Centres and Study Centres in different parts of the State using the existing infrastructure of Government/Govt. Aided Colleges and other institution.

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