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09 Operator, Junior Staff Nurse & Various Vacancy – MIDHANI,Hyderabad (Telangana)

Last Date:23 January,2021
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI)
Hyderabad (Telangana)

MIDHANI Operator Notification 2021 is open (MDN/HR/R8/NE/4/20) and inviting application for the posts of 09 Operator, Junior Staff Nurse & Various Vacancy from 10th, ITI, Diploma pass candidates interested in sarkari result MIDHANI Operator Online application can apply before 23 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited MIDHANI Operator job opening at official website

Employment Notification 09 Operator, Junior Staff Nurse & Various Vacancy – MIDHANI,Hyderabad (Telangana)

Name of the post –Operator, Junior Staff Nurse & Various
No of post – 09
Pay Scale – 4.5 Lakhs (Per Annum)

Educational Qualification:
10th, ITI, Diploma.

Apply to 09 Operator, Junior Staff Nurse & Various Vacancy – MIDHANI,Hyderabad (Telangana)

General Conditions:

  • Only Indian Nationals may apply.
  • S.No 1 to 6 posts for Rohtak Plant and S.No 7 for Hyderabad Plant requirements.
  • Age, Qualification & experience stipulated above should be as on 09.01.2021
  • The Upper age limit indicated above is for unreserved category. Age relaxation is applicable in accordance with the Govt. of India’s orders issued from time to time.
  • Relevant valid higher educational qualifications as on cutoff date of advertisement will be considered for all the above advertised posts.
  • Candidates seeking reservation as OBC are required to submit a certificate regarding his/her ‘latest OBC status and non-creamy layer status’ issued by Competent Authority.
  • Management reserves the right to restrict/increase the number of posts & alter the eligibility criteria. Candidates applying for multiple positions have to make separate payments for each of the positions.
  • Last date for filling up of online applications will be 23.01.2021
  • Appearance of the shortlisted candidates for the written test is provisional and it does not entitle them any claim for the post. They will be treated as debarred ab-initio at any stage of the recruitment process in case they do not fulfill essential eligibility criteria. Incomplete applications in any respect will be summarily rejected;
  • MIDHANI reserves the right to cancel the advertisement and /or the selection process there under without assigning any reasons.
  • Decision of MIDHANI Management regarding selection will be final. Further, MIDHANI Management reserves the right to fill up or otherwise any or all the notified post and also to fill up future vacancies if any from the valid panel of selected candidates as per the rules of the company.
  • Decision of MIDHANI Management regarding selection will be final. Further, MIDHANI Management reserves the right to fill up or otherwise any or all the notified post and also to fill up future vacancies if any from the valid panel of selected candidates as per the rules of the company.
  • Medium of selection tests (Written, Practical/Trade Test) will be in English only.
  • Before applying, the candidates should satisfy themselves regarding eligibility criteria desired for the post.
  • Necessary information regarding the Selection, Written Test, Practical/Trade Test etc. will be hosted on MIDHANI URL:// from time to time. Candidates are requested to visit the website from time to time.
  • Corrigendum if any related to this advertisement shall be given on our website

How to Apply:

Vacancy Notice 09 Operator, Junior Staff Nurse & Various Vacancy – MIDHANI,Hyderabad (Telangana)

  • The interested and eligible candidates can visit the MIDHANI URL:// > careers > e-recruitment and then read carefully the eligibility criteria and the instructions to apply online.
  • Application should be submitted strictly ‘ONLINE’ by logging on to Midhani website given above. The website will be kept open between 1000 Hrs on 09.01.2021 till 1700 Hrs on 23.01.2021 for this purpose.
  • Candidates are required to possess a valid E-mail ID, and contact mobile number which is to be entered in the application so that intimation regarding Written Test/Trade Test can be sent. MIDHANI will not be responsible for bouncing of E-mail sent to the candidate.
  • The candidates have to make a payment of Rs.100/-(Rupees one hundred only) towards application fee through online payment using the debit card/ credit card/ net banking using the payment link available. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen category are not required to pay the application fee.
  • Candidates have to upload all the relevant documents pertaining to date of birth proof (SSC Certificate) Qualification, category, experience, pay scale, CTC per annum through the link available in the application form. Application without supporting documents will not be considered.
  • After successful submission of online application, the candidate can take print out of the submitted application and keep it for future reference. “Candidates need not send the hard copy”. Applicants from Govt / Quasi Govt / PSU should submit No Objection Certificate at the time of written/trade/practical test.

About Us:

  • Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (abbreviated as MIDHANI), is a specialized metals and metal alloys manufacturing facility in India, located in Hyderabad, Telangana. It is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) , under the administrative control of Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, Government of India.MIDHANI is the only producer of Titanium in India.
  • MIDHANI specializes in manufacturing a wide range of superalloys, titanium, special purpose steels and other special metals and alloys meeting stringent international standards for application in aerospace, defence, atomic energy, power generation, chemical and various other high technology industries.
  • Midhani has been manufacturing bulk quantities of armour steel products offering ballistic protection against a variety of weapon systems including 9mm SMC, AK-47, 7.62mm SLR based on technologies developed by DMRL, a constituent of the DRDO. some of the armour products are : “Rakshak” Bullet-proof jackets, “Patka” (Head band) for protection of head, Bullet proof protection of personnel carriers for paramilitary forces & VVIP cars, Custom-made / fabricated armour systems.
  • Bhabha Kavach is an armour panel which gives personal protection against bullets of different threat levels. A special process developed in BARC is used to create panels offering Level III and Level III+ protection and these are much lighter than currently available armours. BARC has transferred the technology of Bhabha Kavach to Midhani and the Ordnance Factory Board, for its large-scale production.
  • Midhani is the only company in India capable of manufacturing non-synthetic type welding electrodes for various defence applications (mainly for the construction of nuclear submarines, surface ships, among others).
  • Midhani manufactures custom made implants/ biomedical products to suit the specific requirements of patients and doctors e.g. Hinge Knee Joint, Ace tabular Cup with attached Iliac Wing, Lumbar Puncture Needle Device. Midhani conforms to ASTM, BS, ISO & IS & other standards for materials as well as biomedical products. Midhani has facilities for inspection and quality control for surgical implants like: Full range of Mechanical Testing, Comprehensive Physical and Magnetic testing, Total range of NDT including gamma ray, ultrasonic, magnetic, dye penetrate test etc.
  • Forging, rolling, heat treatment, investment & sand castings and other conversion jobs are carried out by Midhani for its customers. Manufacture of finished machined and fabricated products is also undertaken by the Company which makes use of in-house and external facilities to carry out assignments by taking single-point responsibility for the end products.
  • MIDHANI has acquired an in-depth understanding of the Processing – Structure Evolution – Material Performance / Behavior interrelationships which have contributed to solving several daunting technological problems. The Company offers failure analysis, material selection and alloy design services on a consultancy basis to customers.

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