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09 Senior Resident Vacancy – NITRD,Delhi

Last Date:07 May,2021
National Institute of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (NITRD)

National Institute of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (NITRD) will hold a walkin interview for 9 posts of Senior Resident on contract basis.
Eligible candidates may appear in the walkin interview with their duly filled application in the given format along with all original documents, photocopies of all certificates in the proof of age, caste, quaification, experience and photographs on 07-05-2021 (10 AM) at the given venue.

Employment Notification 09 Senior Resident Vacancy – NITRD,Delhi

Name of the post– Senior Resident
No of post – 09
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:
MBBS with Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality.

Apply to 09 Senior Resident Vacancy – NITRD,Delhi

General Instruction:

  • Eligible candidates from Indian Nationals may appear for walk in interview for the posts of Senior Resident in various specialties in pay level 11 of pay matrix as per 7th CPC on Friday 07.05.2021 at 10.00 AM in NITRD.
  • Detail of the posts, qualifications, terms and conditions etc. can be obtained from website /Institute’s notice board.
  • Eligible candidate will present themselves for registration at 10.00_ AM in Administrative block on the day specified for the interview of a particular specialty alongwith the application duly filled in the prescribed format as per annexure-I with all relevant document in original together with attested copies (by Gazetted Officer) in the support of their candidature for the post. No application of candidate will be received after 12.00 noon. Interview will start from 11.00 AM onwards.
  • Crucial date of determination of eligibility with regards to age, educational qualification etc. will be the date of registration of the candidates appearing in the interview.
  • Candidates must be registered with Delhi Medical Council before joining the post, if selected.
  • House Rent Allowance will not be admissible. Residential Accommodation in the Institute campus, if available, will be provided to facilitate working.
  • Other service conditions will be applicable as per prescribed by the Govt. of India from time to time.
  • The candidate who is already in Govt. Service should submit NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the employer at the time of interview.
  • Inter-hospital/Inter-Institution transfer shall not be permitted.
  • Candidate must bring the following original certificates with attested (by Gazetted Officers) copies at the time of interview:
    • Certificate in support of age (10th Certificate).
    • Certificate in support of educational qualifications.
    • Experience certificate, if any.
    • Medical registration certificates of DMC.
    • Mark Sheets of MBBS Part I, II & final year.
    • Undergraduate/Post graduate attempt certificate.
    • SC/ST/OBC Candidates must bring community certificate in the prescribed
    format of Govt. of India.
    • Physically Handicapped Certificate from Competent Authority, where applicable.
    • The candidate must bring the filled application from as per format given ANNEXURE-I and also paste recent passport size photograph on it.
  • No correspondence or personal inquiries shall be entertained.
  • The candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria and mention in the advertisement before coming for walk-in-interview.
  • No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
  • Application form in Annexure-I alongwith eligibility criteria can be download from our official website
  • Eligible applicants are required to attend walkin interview on 07-05-2021 (10 AM) with their application in the given format along with attested photocopies of the documents related to qualification, experience, age, cast etc to the given venue.
  • Applicants must bring their all original certificates at the time of interview. Candidates must reach to the venue before one houre at the time of interview.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 09 Senior Resident Vacancy – NITRD,Delhi

  • LRS TB Hospital was established by TB Association of India in 1952. The hospital was upgraded into an autonomous Institute in 1991 by Govt. of India. The Institute was renamed as LRS Institute of Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases as an autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. The Institute is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (XX1).
  • The Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare is the President of the Institute and the Union Secretary (Health & Family Welfare) is the Chairman of the Governing Body. Director General Health Services is the Vice-Chairman and the Additional Secretary (Health) is the Alternative Vice-Chairman of the Governing Body of the Institute. The Director is the Chief Executive Officer. test demo
  • To act as an apex Institute in the country for prevention, control and treatment of Tuberculosis and Allied Diseases.
  • To promote National Tuberculosis Control Programme in the country and to formulate strategies which are socially acceptable and economically feasible in order to assist and strengthen the programme.
  • To provide facilities for training, teaching and research activities to fulfill the above two objects.
  • Multidisciplinary and cost effective approach to control and prevention of Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases.
  • Determination of standards and maintenance of quality diagnosis and treatment of Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases.
  • Information, Education and Communication for the well being of the community.

click above to download
the employment notification

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