
10 Fellow Vacancy – Ministry Textiles,Maharashtra

Last Date:31 December,2020
Ministry Textiles

Ministry Textiles Fellow Notification 2020 is open and inviting application for the posts of 10 Fellow Vacancy candidates interested in sarkari result Ministry Textiles Fellow Online application can apply before 31 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Ministry Textiles job opening at official website

Employment Notification 10 Fellow Vacancy – Ministry Textiles,Maharashtra

Name of the post – Fellow
No of post – 10
Pay Scale – 12000/- Per Month

Educational Qualification:
As per rules.

Apply to 10 Fellow Vacancy – Ministry Textiles,Maharashtra

General Instruction:

  • The Textiles Committee, a statutory body under the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India invites applications for the post of Fellow (Textile Testing) purely on short term contract basis for a period of 11 months duration on a consolidated stipend of Rs. 12,000/- per month. Engaging of Fellow (Textile Testing) at the Laboratories of Textiles Committee is aimed to impart and enhance the skill sets of candidates on textile testing. The selected Fellow (TT) will be given in-depth training on the various aspects of textile testing as well as the analysis of the test data. The Fellowship term with the Textiles Committee will serve as a platform to gain a comprehensive understanding and experience on the quality aspects of textile testing.
  • Requirement of total No. of Fellow (Textile Testing): 10 (*)
    {Textiles Committee Laboratories at JNPT (1), Bangalore (1),Tirupur (2), Coimbatore (1) Jaipur (1), Hyderabad (2), Guntur (1) and Chennai (1)} (*) There can be change in the number of Fellow (TT) as per our requirement.
  • The maximum age limit shall be reckoned as on 31st October, 2020
  • No allowances/compensations are applicable other than the consolidated stipend amount of Rs. 12,000.00 per month on a six-day-per-week-working basis. During the fellowship period, no earned leave or medical leave is permitted. Only 8 days casual leave are admissible.
  • The Committee reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview on the basis of qualification and experience.
  • Selection will be done by interview which will be intimated to the candidates.
  • The offer is purely on temporary basis and for a short term period of 11 months. No right shall be conferred on the selected persons for appointment on a regular basis or for continuation beyond one year.
  • No TA/DA will be paid
  • Application in prescribed format accompanied by self attested copy of certificates and testimonials and recent passport size photograph, should be forwarded to address of which is given below, to reach on or before 31st December, 2020:

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 10 Fellow Vacancy – Ministry Textiles,Maharashtra

  • The Parliament in its 14th year of the Republic enacted the Textiles Committee Act, 1963 ( 41 of 1963), which received the President’s assent on 3rd December, 1963 and was published in the Gazette of India on December 4, 1963. The Textiles Committee, as an organisation, started functioning from 22nd August, 1964. By virtue of Section 3 of the Act, the Textiles Committee is a statutory body with perpetual succession. The Textiles Committee is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India.
  • The Textiles Committee’s main objective is to ensure the quality of textiles and textile machinery both for internal consumption and export purposes. The Textiles Committee, as corollary to its main objective of ensuring the quality of textiles and textiles machinery has been entrusted with the following functions, under Section 4 of the Act:
  • To undertake, assist and encourage, scientific, technological and economic research.
    To establish standard specifications for textiles, textile machinery and the packing materials.
    To establish laboratories for the testing of textiles and textile machinery.
    To provide training in the techniques of quality control.
    To provide for the inspection and examination of textiles and textile machinery.
    To promote export of textiles.
    To collect statistics and
    To advise the Central Government on all matters relating to textiles and textile machinery, etc.
  • The Committee is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. The Textiles Committee is managed by a Committee comprising of 29 members as laid down under Section 3(3) of the Act and Rule 3 of the Textiles Committee Rules, 1965. It comprises a Chairman from the Industry, a Vice-chairman-Textile Commissioner (ex-officio), and a Secretary, who is the Chief Executive of the organisation as a Member Secretary. There are 12 other ex-officio members representing various Textile Federations, Export Promotion Councils etc., and 14 other members representing almost all interests of the textile sector. The Committee has powers to constitute Standing Committee and Adhoc Committees.
  • The Committee’s headquarters is at Mumbai. There are 29 other offices in major textile manufacturing/exporting centres, of them 18 have textile testing laboratories, including 9 eco-parameters testing laboratories.
  • Apart from the above Divisions, the Textiles Committee also has a well established Library in Mumbai, which has technical books and manuals on textiles and also subscribes to textile magazines and periodicals, which are of use to the textile manufacturers.

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