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10 GDMOs and Nurses Vacancy – KPT,West Bengal

Last Date:29 April,2021
Kolkata Port Trust (KPT)
West Bengal

Kolkata Port Trust (KPT) is going to hold walkin interviews on 28-04-2021 and 29-04-2021 (10 AM) at the given venue for eligible candidates for filling up 10 contracual posts of GDMOs and Nurses (SMP) in Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port.Eligible Candidates with Interest in these contractual vacancies may appear for walkin Interviews with application, Bio data and all certifictes related to quaification and experience as proof of eligibility of the candidate.

Employment Notification 10 GDMOs and Nurses Vacancy – KPT,West Bengal

Name of the post– GDMOs and Nurses
No of post – 10
Pay Scale – Rs 74800,Rs 27900

Educational Qualification:
MBBS,Diploma in General Nursing cum Midwifery (GNM)/BSc (Nursing)/MSc (Nursing).

Apply to 10 GDMOs and Nurses Vacancy – KPT,West Bengal

General Condition:

  • Your engagement will be for a period of six months and on expiry of the said period, the contractual engagement will be automatically terminated. However, on expiry of the contract, SMP, Kolkata reserves the right to enter into a fresh contract for such period and on such terms as may be
    mutually agreed upon by the parties. Contract will not continue beyond 65 years of age.
  • You may avail of the facility of SMP, Kolkata accommodation (unfurnished & twin share basis) on payment of license fee/rent as applicable, subject to availability.
  • You will be responsible for total nursing care of the patients admitted in the hospital, in particular the following:
  • Admission, orientation and assessment of the patients’ nursing needs and planning patients’ care.
  • Observation and collection/recording data for making diagnosis and nursing intervention, eg. Vital signs (BP, temperature, pulse, respiration) intake-output chart, secretions and excretion and conditions of wounds etc, preservation and maintenance of hospital documents.
  • Performing routine ward activity in making round in the wards with doctors and implement physician’s order in administering medication, injection, surgical dressing, catherisation, bladder wash, Ryle’s Tube intubation and aspiration, intravenous and blood transfusion, helping in physical examination and investigations, collection of specimens and sending to the laboratory, enema and bowel wash, tube feeding (Lavage), Pre and Post Operative Care etc.
  • Assist in direct care of the patients, eg. Maintaining personal hygiene bed making and assist in activity of daily living (ADL), eg. Bed making, feeding, sponging, dressing etc.
  • Maintenance of safe environment, segregation of Bio Medical Waste as per WBPCB guidelines, protect patients from any kind of injury and preserve legal and human rights in terms of health and illness.
  • Provide patients and their family members with information about health, treatment, therapy and life style changes and impart health education to patients’.
  • Assist in planning and administrating therapeutic diets.
  • Co-ordinate health care with other members of the health team and maintain prior relationship.
  • Assist in making ward requirement and periodical stock verification and keeping necessary records.
  • Service booking for radiological and pathological test etc.
  • Hand over and takeover of ward equipment when changing shifts.
  • Such other jobs as may be called upon to do in respect of his nature of duties.
  • You will be entitled to 8 days leave in 6 months which may be availed of with prior approval. For any unauthorized absence in excess of 8 days, pro rata deduction would be made from the consolidated remuneration.
  • Additionally, sick leave to the extent of 5 days in six months (6 months from the date of engagement and proportionate in case of engagement for a lesser period) on the ground of illness may be allowed without any deduction from the remuneration on the basis of certification from the
    SMP, Kolkata Medical Officer. Intimation of sickness should be conveyed to the Head of the Department/Reporting Officer forthwith in writing together with certificate of illness from a Registered Medical Practitioner, in addition to verbal intimation over phone.
  • You will also enjoy total no. of 5 holidays, out of 19 authorised SMP, Kolkata holidays. Must be present on unpaid holidays.
  • You will be entitled to Indoor and Outdoor medical facilities as are available in SMP, Kolkata Centenary Hospital for self only. However, no reimbursement for medicine/medical articles purchased from outside, diagnostic test done outside or treatment received outside, will be allowed.
  • You will be required to work in general shift duty for 6 days in a week and will be given a staggered weekly day of rest. If situation so warrants, the weekly day of rest may be changed with prior intimation. For work on any weekly off day/National Holiday in exigency, you will be
    granted a compensatory day of rest conveniently in lieu thereof and for this, no other compensation, monetary or otherwise, will be allowed
  • Normally, you will report to the Matron (Centenary Hospital) or to the officer as nominated by the CMO.
  • Your office will normally be at the Centenary Hospital of SMP, Kolkata. However, you may be required to work at any place within the jurisdiction of SMP, Kolkata.
  • You will be responsible for the charge and care of SMP, Kolkata’s goods and stores and all other properties that may be entrusted on him and will be accountable for the same.
  • The contractual engagement may be terminated by giving one month’s notice from either side, or paying back one month salary at the discretion of the Chief Medical Officer. However, the engagement is also terminable on 24 hours’ notice for unsatisfactory performance and/or any act
    considered to be derogatory/ detrimental to the interest of the SMP, Kolkata.
  • You must submit a character and antecedent certificate will be required for engagement under SMP, Kolkata.
  • You will have to undergo a pre-employment medical examination at your own expense prior to joining to the said post.
  • Candidates are advised to see the SMP, Kolkata website ( for ascertaining their eligibility, date of interview, result of selection etc.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 10 GDMOs and Nurses Vacancy – KPT,West Bengal

  • Port of Kolkata or Kolkata Port (KoPT), officially known as Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port Trust, is the only riverine major port of India, located in the city of Kolkata, West Bengal, around 203 kilometres (126 mi) from the sea. It is the oldest operating port in India and was constructed by the British East India Company.Kolkata is a freshwater port with no variation in salinity.The port has two distinct dock systems — Kolkata Docks at Kolkata and a deep water dock at Haldia Dock Complex, Haldia. In the 19th century, the Kolkata Port was the premier port in British India. After slavery was abolished in 1833, there was a high demand for labourers on sugar cane plantations in the British Empire. From 1838 to 1917, the British used this port to ship off over half a million Indians from all over India — mostly from the Hindi Belt (especially Bhojpur and Awadh) — and take them to places across the world, such as Mauritius, Fiji, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Suriname, and other Caribbean islands as indentured labourers. There are millions of Indo-Mauritians, Indo-Fijians, and Indo-Caribbean people in the world today.
  • After independence, the port’s importance decreased because of factors including the Partition of Bengal (1947), reduction in the size of the port hinterland, and economic stagnation in eastern India.
  • It has a vast hinterland comprising the entire North East of India including West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, North East Hill States and two landlocked neighbouring countries namely, Nepal and Bhutan and also the Autonomous Region of Tibet (China). With the turn of the century, the volume of throughput has again started increasing steadily. As of March 2018, the port is capable of processing annually 650,000 containers, mostly from Nepal, Bhutan, and India’s northeastern states.
  • In the early 16th century, the Portuguese first used the present location of the port to anchor their ships, since they found the upper reaches of the Hooghly river, beyond Kolkata, unsafe for navigation. Job Charnock, an employee and administrator of the British East India Company, is believed to have founded a trading post at the site in 1690. Since the area was situated on the river with jungle on three sides, it was considered safe from enemy invasion. After the abolition of slavery in the British Empire in 1833, this port was used to ship lakhs of Indians as ‘indentured labourers’ to far-flung territories throughout the Empire.
  • After slavery was abolished in 1833, there was a high demand for labourers on sugar cane plantations in the British Empire. From 1838 to 1917, the British used this port to ship off over half a million Indians from all over India — mostly from the Hindi Belt (especially Bhojpur and Awadh) — and take them to places across the world, such as Mauritius, Fiji, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Suriname, and other Caribbean islands as indentured labourers. There are millions of Indo-Mauritians, Indo-Fijians, and Indo-Caribbean people in the world today.

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