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10 Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – DRDO,Andhra Pradesh

Last Date:15 January 2021
Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
Andhra Pradesh

DRDO JRF Notification 2021 is open (Advt. No. : VRDE/FG-3/RF/8050(R)) and inviting application for the posts of 16 Junior Research Fellow Vacancy on contractual basis for various projects from B.E/B. Tech pass candidates interested in sarkari result DRDO JRF Online application can apply online before 04,06,08 & 11 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Defence Research and Development Organization DRDO JRF job opening at official website

Employment Notification 10 Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – DRDO,Andhra Pradesh

Name of the post – Junior Research Fellow
No of post –10
Pay Scale – 31000/- Per month

Educational Qualification:
Graduate, B.E/B.Tech.

Apply to 10 Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – DRDO,Andhra Pradesh

General Instruction:

  • Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the award of following Junior Research Fellowships initially for a period of two years (extendable as per rules) at a Monthly Stipend of Rs. 31,000/- + House Rent Allowance as admissible as per rules.
  • Upper Age Limit: 28 years as on closing date of application. The upper age limit shall be relaxable for the candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC as per Govt of India orders.
  • Those who possess the prescribed educational qualification acquired from recognized University/Institutions only need to send application for Interview. NSTL reserves the right not to select any candidate, if suitable candidates are not available.
  • Candidates working in the Public Sector undertakings/Autonomous Bodies should be in possession of No Objection certificate from the concerned authorities at the time of Interview.
  • It may please be noted that Award of fellowship does not confer on fellows any right for absorption in DRDO.
  • Interested candidates should download and fill the application form in the prescribed format (available on the ‘what’s new’ section of the website The duly filled in and signed application along with the under mentioned documents should be sent by Post to “The Director, NSTL, Vigyan Nagar, Visakhapatnam–530027” to reach this office on or before closing date. Incomplete/Partially filled applications shall liable to be rejected.
  • Self attested copies of marks sheets and certificates in support of Educational Qualification
  • Self attested copy of Birth certificate or Matriculation/10th class certificate in support of Date of Birth
  • Self attested Copy of valid NET/GATE score card (if applicable)
  • 02 recent passport size photograph (taken within one year)
  • Crossed Indian Postal Order OR Demand Draft of Rs. 10/- drawn in favour of “The Director, NSTL, Visakhapatnam”. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC are exempted from this payment.
  • Screening of the applications will be carried out by a duly constituted screening committee (discipline-wise) and the candidates will be shortlisted for interview in the ratio 1:4 on the basis of their percentage of marks obtained in qualifying degree i.e. M.Tech OR B.Tech & NET/GATE score etc.
  • The shortlisted candidates residing in and around Visakhapatnam will be called for attending interview physically, to be held at NSTL, Vigyan Nagar, Visakhapatnam-530027. Interview of outstation candidates will be carried out through web-based video conference over internet.Further information/instructions regarding interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates only via e-mail. The mobile number and e-mail id mentioned by the candidates in their application form should remain active till the selection procedure is completed.
  • Candidates should ensure internet connectivity, webcam and necessary software at their end to attend online interview and NSTL shall not be responsible for any connectivity failure or communication fault during the online interview.
  • Based on the performance of candidates in the interviews (online and offline), a panel of selected candidates will be prepared for the available vacancies and future anticipated vacancies. The Panel would operate for a period of one year from the date of declaration of results.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 10 Junior Research Fellow Vacancy – DRDO,Andhra Pradesh

  • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) (IAST: raksā anūsandhān evam vikās sangaṭhan) is an agency of the Government of India, charged with the military’s research and development, headquartered in New Delhi, India. It was formed in 1958 by the merger of the Technical Development Establishment and the Directorate of Technical Development and Production of the Indian Ordnance Factories with the Defence Science Organisation. It is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
  • With a network of 52 laboratories, which are engaged in developing defence technologies covering various fields, like aeronautics, armaments, electronics, land combat engineering, life sciences, materials, missiles, and naval systems, DRDO is India’s largest and most diverse research organisation. The organisation includes around 5,000 scientists belonging to the Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS) and about 25,000 other scientific, technical and supporting personnel.
  • The DRDO was established in 1958 by amalgamating the Defence Science Organisation and some of the technical development establishments. A separate Department of Defence Research and Development was formed in 1980 which later on administered DRDO and its 50 laboratories/establishments. Most of the time the Defence Research Development Organisation was treated as if it was a vendor and the Army Headquarters or the Air Headquarters were the customers. Because the Army and the Air Force themselves did not have any design or construction responsibility, they tended to treat the designer or Indian industry at par with their corresponding designer in the world market. If they could get a MiG-21 from the world market, they wanted a MiG-21 from DRDO.
  • DRDO started its first major project in surface-to-air missiles (SAM) known as Project Indigo in 1960s. Indigo was discontinued in later years without achieving full success. Project Indigo led to Project Devil, along with Project Valiant, to develop short-range SAM and ICBM in the 1970s. Project Devil itself led to the later development of the Prithvi missile under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) in the 1980s. IGMDP was an Indian Ministry of Defence programme between the early 1980s and 2007 for the development of a comprehensive range of missiles, including the Agni missile, Prithvi ballistic missile, Akash missile, Trishul missile and Nag Missile. In 2010, defence minister A. K. Antony ordered the restructuring of the DRDO to give ‘a major boost to defence research in the country and to ensure effective participation of the private sector in defence technology’. The key measures to make DRDO effective in its functioning include the establishment of a Defence Technology Commission with the defence minister as its chairman.The programmes which were largely managed by DRDO have seen considerable success with many of the systems seeing rapid deployment as well as yielding significant technological benefits. DRDO has achieved many successes since its establishment in developing other major systems and critical technologies such as aircraft avionics, UAVs, small arms, artillery systems, EW Systems, tanks and armoured vehicles, sonar systems, command and control systems and missile systems.

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