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10 Principal Scientist & Scientist Vacancy – NBRI,Lucknow (Uttar Predesh)

Last Date:27 February,2021
National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI)
Lucknow (Uttar Predesh)

NBRI Scientist Notification 2021 is open (02/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 10 Principal Scientist & Scientist Vacancy Vacancy from M.E./M.Tech, Ph.D pass candidates interested in sarkari result NBRI Scientist Online application can apply before 27 February 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply National Botanical Research Institute NBRI Scientist job opening at official website

Employment Notification 10 Principal Scientist & Scientist Vacancy – NBRI,Lucknow (Uttar Predesh)

Name of the post – Principal Scientist & Scientist
No of post – 10
Pay Scale – 98465/- Per Month

Educational Qualification:
M.E./M.Tech, Ph.D.

Apply to 10 Principal Scientist & Scientist Vacancy – NBRI,Lucknow (Uttar Predesh)

General Information:

  • These posts currently carry usual allowances i.e. Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance (TA) etc. as admissible to the central government employees and as made applicable to CSIR. Council employees are also eligible for accommodation of their entitled type as per CSIR Residence allotment rules depending on availability in which case HRA will not be admissible.
  • In addition to the emoluments indicated against each category of posts, benefits such as applicability of New Pension Scheme 2004, reimbursements of Medical Expenses, Leave Travel Concession, Conveyance advance and House Building Advance are currently available as per CSIR rules.
  • Scientists in CSIR are also permitted to undertake consultancy and sponsored R&D project activity. These activities give them scope to earn consultancy fee and honorarium as per CSIR guidelines governing these activities. Opportunities also arise for foreign deputations for training/presentation of papers/specific assignments etc.
  • CSIR provides excellent opportunities to deserving candidates for career advancement under Assessment Promotion scheme.
  • Deserving candidates may be considered for advance increment(s) as per CSIR Rules.
  • The Competent Authority has a right to amend, delete and add terms and conditions to this advertisement.
  • All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement as on the last date of receipt of the applications i.e. 27.02.2021 . They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for the advertised post as on the last date of receipt of the application. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates. The candidate should therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and experiences in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with documents.
  • The application should be accompanied by self attested copies of the relevant educational qualification, experience. The prescribed qualifications should have been obtained through recognized Universities / Institutions etc.
  • The candidates, applying for the post of Scientist with the qualifications of Ph. D submitted, are advised to enclose authentic documentary proof indicating the date of submission of thesis.
  • Ph.D. certificate should clearly indicate the date of award of Ph.D. degree. Completion of Ph. D degree will be reckoned from the date of issue of provisional certificate/notification.
  • In respect of equivalent clause in essential qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce Order/Letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated, otherwise the application is liable to be rejected.
  • The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily wages, visiting / guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experience for short listing the candidates for interview.
  • If any document/ certificate furnished is in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript of the same duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or notary is to be submitted.
  • The date for determining the upper age limit, qualifications and / or experience shall be the Closing date prescribed for receipt of applications i.e. 27-02-2021
  • The period of experience in a discipline / area of work, wherever prescribed shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational qualifications prescribed for that grade.
  • Persons with disabilities (PWD) fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed under GOI instructions are encouraged to apply.
  • Only outstation candidates called and found eligible for interview will be paid to and fro single second class rail fare from the actual place of undertaking the journey or from the normal place of their residence whichever is nearer to Lucknow Railway Station on production of Rail Tickets/Rail Ticket Numbers or any other proof of journey.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 10 Principal Scientist & Scientist Vacancy – NBRI,Lucknow (Uttar Predesh)

  • The present CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute owes its origin to the era of Nawabs of Oudh when Nawab Saadat Ali Khan established a royal garden in 1800 A.D. Later, Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, the last Nawab of Oudh, dedicated this royal garden to one of his favourite queens, Sikander Mahal Begum, and christened this garden as “Sikandar Bagh”. During British rule, Sikander Bagh became an active centre of horticultural activities and was known as the ‘Government Horticultural Garden’. Famous British horticulturists, namely, Dr. J. Cameron, Dr. E. Bonavia, G.M. Ridley, have been associated with the activities of this garden.
  • During 1932, and in the following years, Prof. Birbal Sahni and Dr. S.K. Mukherjee, both renowned plant scientists, transformed this horticulture garden to a botanic garden by acquiring additional land from Government for the cultivation and study of medicinal plants. Later the Botanic Garden was rechristened as ‘National Botanic Gardens’ .
  • Realising its potential, the National Botanic Gardens (NBG) was later adopted by Council and Industrial Resaerch on April 13, 1953. Prof. K.N. Kaul was appointed as its first regular director. Since 1953, CSIR has been providing financial and various other supports for the development of NBG into a national institute for plant science research. The transformation of NBG into a present day hi-tech research institute with state-of-the-art facilities makes it capable of undertaking advanced research at globally competitive levels. Later in the year 1978, “National Botanic Gardens’ was renamed as National Botanical Research Institute.
  • The CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) – is amongst one of the constituent research institutes of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. Originally set up as the National Botanic Gardens (NBG) by the State Government of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), it was taken over by the CSIR in 1953. Though, initially engaged in research in the classical botanical disciplines, the NBG went on laying an increasing emphasis, in keeping with the national needs and priorities in the field of plant sciences, on its applied and developmental research activities. A time came when it was felt that the name NBG no longer projected the correct nature and extent of its aims and objectives, functions and R & D activities. Consequently, the NBG was renamed as the NBRI, i.e., The National Botanical Research Institute in 1978. This name has since correctly reflected the distinctive character and the R & D activities of this applied botanical institution only of its type in the country.

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