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10 Stenographer Vacancy – Gujarat High Court

Last Date:04 May,2021
Gujarat High Court

Gujarat High Court has released an Official Notification for the post of 10 Stenographer (English & Gujarati) Vacancy for Graduate Pass candidates interested in sarkari result Gujarat High Court Stenographer Online application can apply before 04 May 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Gujarat High Court Stenographer govt job opening at official website

Employment Notification 10 Stenographer Vacancy – Gujarat High Court

Name of the post– Stenographer
No of post – 10
Pay Scale – 39900 – 1,26,600/-

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 10 Stenographer Vacancy – Gujarat High Court

General Information:

  • Benefit(s) of Relaxation in Upper Age Limit and/or Examination Fees shall be granted to the Candidates belonging to Reserved Categories
    i.e. SC/ST/SEBC/EWS/PH (only Orthopedically Disabled) / ExServicemen, provided that requisite Certificate in respect thereof, issued by the Competent Authority, is produced by the Candidate as and when called for. The final decision, as to the suitability of a Candidate for the post shall rest with the High Court.
  • Candidate belonging to SC & EWS Categories, shall ONLY be entitled for relaxation in Examination Fees.
  • The Candidate who has successfully submitted CONFIRMED Online Application and paid the requisite Examination Fees, shall only be eligible for appearing at the Stenography Test / Written Test, subject to their qualifying therefor.
  • The decision of the High Court as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Stenography Test / Written Test shall be final. No candidate, to whom e­Call Letter has NOT been issued by the Recruiting Authority, shall be allowed to appear for the Stenography Test / Written Test.
  • The Candidate shall have to appear at their own expenses, to­andfro, for the Stenography Test/Written Test, if called for, at the place and time that may be decided by the High Court.
  • Candidate shall be required to download his/her e­Call Letter from the website ­ https://hc­, during the Preceding
    Week, by using Advertisement No., his/her Confirmation No. and Date of Birth, for appearing at the respective Examination and/or the same may be communicated at the relevant time through ‘SMS’ on the Mobile Number registered in the Online Application of the candidate concerned.
  • The list of eligible/qualifying candidates will be placed on High Court website as well as on HC­OJAS portal at the relevant time.
  • At every stage of examination, Candidate shall produce, Identity proof i.e. Election Card / PAN Card / valid Driving License / valid Passport / Aadhar Card etc. in original & a copy thereof, along with the ‘e­Call Letter­cum­Admission Slip’.
  • Entry in the Compound of the Examination Centre with Mobile/Cell Phone, Tablets, Laptop, Electronic Gadgets etc. is strictly prohibited. No arrangement for safe keeping, will be arranged, which may kindly be noted.
  • A Candidate who is found indulging in unfair practices, viz. copying or misconduct during examination, using electronic gadgets or Mobile
    Phones etc., tampering with Question Paper / Examination Material, influencing any Official concerned with the Examination Process, will be
    debarred from the present Recruitment Process as also from the future Recruitment Processes to be conducted by the High Court for any number
    of years or permanently, as may be decided by the High Court.
  • Result of all Examinations / Tests will be made available on the High Court websites.
  • ONLY after conclusion of the Recruitment Process, Results (Marks) of each stage of Examination shall be available to each Candidate except
    Candidate(s) disqualified at either of the Examination Stage, by providing a link to a webpage on the HC­OJAS website ­
    https://hc­, with individual password (OTP ­ One Time Password) via SMS on his/her registered mobile number.
  • Mere success in the Examination shall not confer any right to appointment and no Candidate shall be appointed to the post unless
    the High Court is satisfied, after such inquiries as may be considered necessary that the Candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the post.
  • The selected Candidate will not be appointed unless the Medical Authority specified by the High Court, certifies him/her to be fit to discharge the duties ascribed to the post.
  • Candidate is required to produce the following original testimonials / documents as well as one set of self­attested copies thereof
    alongwith recent passport size colour photograph, as and when called for, by the High Court :
    (i) Print­out of the duly filled­in (Confirmed) ‘Online Application’ alongwith e­Receipt/Challan.
    (ii) School Leaving Certificate or Birth Certificate issued under Birth & Death Registration Act.
    (iii) Mark­sheets and Certificates of SSC, HSC & Eligibility Criteria as stipulated in Para 2 (a) & (b) above.
    (iv) Certification showing the requisite Speed in English Stenography.
    (v) Certificate of Basic Knowledge of Computer as per Para 2 (b).
    (vi) Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the State of Gujarat, in case, the Candidate has applied under Reserved Category (SC/ST/SEBC) and if belongs to SEBC Category, NonCreamy Layer Certificate valid for the current financial year.
    (vii) Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Eligibility Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the State of Gujarat, in case the
  • Any Application with respect to instant Recruitment Process, even under the R.T.I. Act, seeking any information, will NOT be entertained till the
    completion of the entire Recruitment Process.
  • The decision of the High Court of Gujarat in respect of all matters pertaining to this Recruitment Process would be final and binding upon
    all the Candidates

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 10 Stenographer Vacancy – Gujarat High Court

  • The Gujarat High Court is the High Court of the state of Gujarat. It was established on 1 May 1960 under the Bombay Re-organisation Act, 1960 after the state of Gujarat split from Bombay State.
  • The seat of the court is Ahmedabad. The present strength of the Gujarat High court is 30 against sanctioned strength of 52.
  • This high court was established on 1 May 1960 as a result of bifurcation of the former State of Bombay into two States of Maharashtra and Gujarat. The High Court started functioning near Akashwani, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad. The High Court has later shifted to the new building at Sola, Ahmedabad, from 16 January 1999.
  • The Gujarat High Court has jurisdiction over the entire state of Gujarat. It has jurisdiction on all district, administrative and other courts in Gujarat. This high court is a Court of record and empowered to punish anyone for contempt of court.
  • Unlike Union Judiciary, the state judiciary possesses wide powers which include powers such as Appellate, Second Appellate in some cases, Revisionary, Review etc. It also has power to issue various writs to courts and authority under its jurisdiction. Intra-Court appeals, when permissible under Clause – 15 of Letters Patent, also lie within the same court from decision of a Single Judge to a Division Bench which comprises two Judges. It has power of superintendence on all courts under it under Article 227 of the Constitution of India. The High Courts are also empowered to hear Public Interest Litigations.
  • The bench of high court is presided by the Chief Justice on administrative side. They are appointed by President of India under warrant. However, the president is required to consult the Governor of Gujarat and the Chief Justice of India before making such appointment. The Governor of Gujarat administers the oath of office at the time of appointment. The present Chief Justice of the court is Justice Vikram Nath. Various benches are constituted depending upon the requirements of that High Court. These benches usually consist of division benches (two judges) and benches presided over by single judges. A roster is maintained by the High Court to assign the matters between various benches. Chief Justices in all the High Courts as also the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court are masters of the roster.

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