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100 ITI Trade Apprentices Vacancy – CCI,Telangana

Last Date:20 January,2021
Cement Corporation of India Limited (CCI)

CCI ITI Trade Apprentices Notification 2021 is open (TCF/02/02/ APPRENTICESHIP/ADVT-11/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 100 ITI Trade Apprentices Vacancy from 10th, ITI in related Subjects pass candidates interested in sarkari result CCI ITI Trade Apprentices Online application can apply before 20 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Cement Corporation of India Limited CCI job opening at official website

Employment Notification 100 ITI Trade Apprentices Vacancy – CCI,Telangana

Name of the post – ITI Trade Apprentices
No of post – 100
Pay Scale – As per rules

Educational Qualification:
10th, ITI.

Apply to 100 ITI Trade Apprentices Vacancy – CCI,Telangana

General Instruction:

  • Cement Corporation of India Limited is a profit making Central Government Public Sector Undertaking engaged in manufacturing and marketing in Cement. Its vision as to emerge as one of the best Cement Companies committed to contribute to the economy and enhancing the value of stakeholders.Cement Corporation of India Limited [CCI], Tandur invites applications from Ex-ITI [NCVT] candidates for trade apprenticeship training under Apprentices Act- 1961 read in conjunction with Apprenticeship Rules 1992.
  • SC/ST, EWS and OBC [NCL] : Vacancies for SC/ST, EWS & OBC [NCL] candidates are reserved in accordance with Section 3A(1) & (2) and Section 3B (1) & (2) both of Chapter II of Apprentices Act1961 read with Schedule II A of Rule 5 of Apprenticeship Rules 1992.
  • For Physically Handicapped : 3% of vacancies for Apprenticeship training are reserved in accordance with Section 3.6.2 Chapter III of Apprenticeship Training Manual.
  • Matric/Std. X with a minimum of 50 % [aggregate] marks for UR/OBC [NCL]/EWS candidates and 45 % [aggregate] marks for SC/ST candidates & ITI Examination in relevant Trade with aggregate of 60% marks qualified from NCVT [National Council for Vocational Training].
  • Minimum 18 years and Maximum 25 years as on 20.01.2021. Relaxation in upper age limits as per Government guidelines for SC/ST/OBC [NCL] candidates.
  • Candidates who have already undergone or are currently undergoing Apprenticeship training under Apprentice Act, 1961 in any Govt./Public Sector/Private Industrial organization are NOT eligible to apply for the current enrolment.
  • The minimum rate of stipend per month payable to apprentices shall be followed [Rule 11 of Apprenticeship Rules, 1992 is relevant].
  • Selection of the candidates will be on merit basis i.e. on the basis of marks obtained in Matric & ITI marks.
  • Accommodation: Selected candidates will have to make their own arrangements for accommodation during Apprenticeship period.
  • Typed applications given full details as per the prescribed ‘Format’ available in CCI website [ ]. The applications should be accompanied by Xerox copy of:
    [a] SSC Board certificate/Matriculation Mark Sheet and proof of date of birth
    [b] ITI pass Certificates and Marks Sheets
    [c] Caste Certificate [for SC/ST/OBC [NCL]/EWS only]
    [d] Medical Certificate applicable for physically handicapped only
    [e] Aadhaar Card & Pan Card [Compulsory]
    [f] One self- addressed envelope of size 22cm x 10 cm. Dully filled in prescribed application complete in all respect along with all required documents should be sent through SPEED POST ONLY on or before 20.01.2021 and addressed to The General Manager, Tandur Cement Factory, Karankote Village, Tandur Mandal, Vikarabad District, Telangana – 501158, Applications received after due date and incomplete applications will be rejected and no further correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • As per Apprentices Act, 1961, it shall NOT be obligatory for CCI to employ Apprentices on completion of training. There are no provisions for providing direct employment in CCI on completion of apprenticeship training.
  • Mere fulfillment of eligibility criteria/norms does not entitle a candidate to be considered for engagement as Apprentice. Management reserves the right to reject the application without assigning any reason and to raise standard of specifications to restrict the number of candidates to be called for engagement as Apprentices. The selection process can be cancelled/suspended/restricted/enlarged/modified without assigning any reasons. The decision of the Management will be final and no appeal will be entertained.
  • The application is liable for rejection at any stage of training process in case of suppression/furnishing of false information, without enclosing necessary documents, unsigned or incomplete application and/or application received after closing date for receipt by speed post only.
  • Preference shall be given to candidates belonging to Vicinity Village and Employees [who are working in any unit of CCIL].
  • Candidates holding ITI certificate can only apply. Those candidates awaiting their certificates are NOT eligible to apply for the above apprentice training.
  • Interested candidates may apply in prescribed application form along with self attested copies of relevant document send to The General Manager, Tandur Cement Factory, Karankote Village, Tandur Mandal, Vikarabad District, Telangana – 501158 on or before 20.01.2021

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 100 ITI Trade Apprentices Vacancy – CCI,Telangana

  • Cement Corporation of India Limited (CCI) was incorporated as a Company wholly owned by Government of India on 18th January 1965 with the principal objective of achieving self sufficiency in cement production. The authorised and paid-up capital of the company is Rs. 900 crores and Rs. 811.41 crores respectively.
  • CCI is at present having three operating units with a installed capacity of 14.46 lakh MT per annum. In line with the advancement in cement technology CCI had been adopting the latest one with one million tonne plants at Tandur. Bokajan unit at Assam is under expansion.
  • CCI manufactures various types of cements like Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), Portland Slag Cement (PSC) & Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) of varying grades viz 33, 43,53 and 53S(special grade cement for manufacture of sleepers for Indian Railways) grades. Under strict quality control with the brand name of CCI Cement.
  • CCI with a strong & skilled work-force has always encouraged balanced regional growth with most of its factories located in underdeveloped/backward areas. CCI has also been contributing to the development of areas around factories by adopting nearby villages and providing the basic facilities like school, health center, drinking water etc.
  • For maintaining the ecological balance CCI is launching massive tree plantation drives from time to time at all units and in surrounding areas.
  • To emerge as sustainable cement company committed to contribute to the economy and to enhance value for the stakeholders.
  • To improve the net worth of the company, inspiring employees in delivering an improved product and to aim for diversification in related fields.

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