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11 Faculty Vacancy – NIT,Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)

Last Date: 02 November 2020
National Institute of Technology (NIT)
Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)

NIT Hamirpur Recruitment 2020 notification page for latest vacancy updates, eligibility criteria and how to apply NIT Hamirpur Vacancy 2020 . We check and verify the job location, selection process and age limit from NIT Hamirpur Job 2020 Official website. We provide all details including application fee, salary pay and scale and NIT Hamirpur Exam 2020 Date. Sarkari Result Naukri is best Place for searching all NIT Hamirpur recruitment 2020 updates. Moreover we will provide you full syllabus of NIT Hamirpur vacancy 2020 and current exam parent to get success. Official Website is

Employment Notification 11 Faculty Vacancy – NIT,Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)

Name of the post – Faculty
No of post – 11
Pay Scale – 70000 per month

Educational Qualification:
B.Tech. , M.Tech, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D

Apply to 11 Faculty Vacancy – NIT,Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)

General Instruction:

  • National lnstitute of Technology Hamirpur is one among 31 NlTs established by GOl, an lnstitution of National lmportance declared by the Act of Parliament and a premier Technical lnstitution of the country, offering several undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in Engineering/Technology, Architecture, Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences, Management & allied areas and also provides excellent ambience for academic research and cocurricular activities.
  • The lnstitute invites online applications for filling up Faculty positions purely on contract basis with Consolidated Salary for routine teaching services in different Departments of N lT Hamirpur. Temporary Faculty will be engaged for one year as per requirement / need of the department within the validity period of the select list.
  • lnterview schedule will be displayed separately on the lnstitute website. No separate letter/email/intimationwill be issued. Thecandidates are strictly advised to keep in touch with the lnstitute’s website for updates, if any,
  • The applicant who wants to apply is required to fill up the online application form on lnslitrb website at above mentioned link.
  • lt is also required to bring ore set of photo copies of relevant degree & experience certiflcate, one pass-port size photograph along with identity proof at the time of joining alongwith original certificates for final document verification.
  • lf a candidate intends to apply for more than one department, separate application is required to be submitted for each.
  • lf any of the document submitted by the candidate found false or fabricated at any stage, the selection of the applicant shall be treated as null & void.
  • lnterested and eligible applicants are requested to fill the on-line application form on lnstitute website.
  • Applicants must fully satisfy themselves about their eligibility as prescribed in the advertisement, before filling the application form.
  • Any corrigendum/changes/updates on recruitment process shall be made available on the lnstitute website only, No separate/ individual communication shall be made. The candidates are strictly advised to keep in touch with the lnstitute’s website for updates, if any.
  • The services of Temporary Faculty may be terminated at any time by a notice in writing given either by the Temporary Faculty to the Appointing Authority, or by the Appointing Authority to the Temporary Faculty. The period of such notice shall be one month, unless othenruise agreed upon by the lnstitute and the Temporary Faculty. The other terms and conditions of the service shall be specified in the letter of appointment.
  • Candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes (Non Creamy Layer) IOB (NCL)]category should submit proper caste certificate as per the proforma of Government of lndia. OBC-NCL Certificate and which should among others specifically mention that he/she does not belong to the
    persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in the Department of Personnel & Training, 0 M. No. 360331 1 12013-Estt. (Res), dated 1 3.09 .2017
  • Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribes (ST) must bring category certificate issued by the Competent Authorities as mentioned in Govt F.No 36028/1/2014-Estt. (Res.), dated 3’o September, 2015.
  • The Selection Committee will prepare the merit list based on performance in the interview andlor presentation on common consensus basis and draw a merit list of the successful candidates from each category. lf required, the selection committee may also draw a waiting list with sufficient
    number of eligible candidates from each category. No correspondence shall be entertained during the process of the selection.
  • The number of advertised vacancies may change. lnstitute also reserves the right to defer or cancel the advertisement at any stage of processing without assigning any reasons, if required. Further, the lnstitute has right not to fill the vacancy/vacancies and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Canvassing in any form and/ or bringing any influence, political or othenivise, will be treated as disqualiflcation for the post applied.
  • Weightage/preferance will be given to the experienced candidates serving NlTs/ Technical lnstitutes under Ministry of Education in the AGP of 6000/7000 in 6th GPC / Pay level 10/11 in 7th CPC.
  • ln case the candidate is not able to connect online during the interview process in the first instance, 2nd chance for five to ten minutes only will be given to the candidate for re-connection after that no further chance will be given and no responsibility lies on the part of lnstitute.
  • Only selected candidates will be informed through a letter/email/intimation by the Authority and candidate has to join in person in the lnstitute,
  • Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in Hon’ble High Court of Juridiscation at Shimla,

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 11 Faculty Vacancy – NIT,Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)

  • National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (NIT Hamirpur or NITH) is a public technical university located in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India. It is one of the thirty one National Institutes of Technology established, administered and funded by MHRD. NIT Hamirpur offers a comprehensive curriculum for undergraduate, graduate and doctorate studies in various fields of Architecture, engineering, pure sciences and humanities.
  • The institute came into existence on 7 August 1986 as Regional Engineering College, Hamirpur in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India, it was a joint enterprise of the Government of India and the Government of Himachal Pradesh. The classes commenced at Government Polytechnic College, Hamirpur as REC Hamirpur did not have a campus initially. The classes and administration moved to current location in 1987 when few buildings were constructed. At the inception, the institute only had three departments, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Later, two more departments Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering were added in 1988 and 1989 respectively. The department of Architecture was established in 2000. Recently in 2013, Chemical Engineering department also came into existence. The institute only offered undergraduate courses until 2005, when it started offering graduate and Ph.D programs.
  • On 26 June 2002, REC Hamirpur was awarded the status of deemed university and upgraded into a National Institute of Technology. As a result of this transition the institute came under the sole purview of the Government of India. It was awarded the status of Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament along with other NITs and IITs. NIT Hamirpur has been ranked as best NIT in terms of infrastructure by the World Bank in 2007.
  • Computer Centre is a central facility, which caters to the needs of academic departments. The aim of the centre is to provide professional services, promote and assist the use of new computing technology among the students, staff and administration.
  • The institute library was set up in 1986 in one room of Government Polytechnic Hamirpur and was shifted to the institute campus in 1988 in Visvesvarya Block. At present it is in a separate building with the floor area of 3200 square meters. The library has more than 100,000 books and numerous scientific journals in both print and electronic format. The reading halls of the library can accommodate around 600 people at a time. Building is facilitated with water coolers, heaters Wi-Fi etc.
  • The institute campus is situated in the Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh, India, at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. The campus spawns across 320 acres and is located on a hilly terrain which is surrounded by pine trees. According to MHRD survey NITH is the second most beautiful campus in the country including all engineering institute. The distance to campus from main bus terminus of Hamirpur city is approximately 4 kilometres. Bus and cab facilities are easily available for the campus.

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