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12 MTS, Electrician and Various Vacancy – CPD,Goa

Last Date:16 April,2021
Captain of Ports Department (CPD)

Captain of Ports Department Goa (CPD Goa) is inviting applications for 12 posts of MTS, Electrician and Various.Interested and eligible candidates with required eligibility may apply as per given format with all required documents of qualification, experience, age to the given address so that application reaches by 16-04-2021 .

Employment Notification 12 MTS, Electrician and Various Vacancy – CPD,Goa

Name of the post– MTS, Electrician and Various
No of post – 12
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:
Certificate of Competency as Inland Engineer or E.R.A ,I.T.I. Certificate in Electrician Course and 2 years experience,Higher Secondary School Certificate.

Apply to 12 MTS, Electrician and Various Vacancy – CPD,Goa

General Instruction:

  • Application is invited by the Captain of Ports, Captain of Ports Department, Dayanand Bandodkar Road, Panaji – Goa., for recruitment to the following Group ‘C’ posts. The applicant should possess i) Valid 15 years residence in Goa and ii) Valid employment exchange registration number/card compulsorily. The application in the prescribed form appended here to should reach in the Office of the Captain of Ports, Captain of Ports Department, Dayanand Bandodkar Road, Panaji – Goa., on or before 16/04/2021 from 10 am to 5 pm.
  • Age 18 years and above and not exceeding 45 years (relaxable for Govt. servant and reserved categories in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Government).
  • Separate application should be submitted for each post, in case the candidate applies for more than on post.
  • Only the eligible candidate fulfilling the criteria as per the recruitment rules/advertisement shall apply and the candidates need not furnish any documents at the time of applying for the post. However, the Only the eligible candidate fulfilling the criteria as per the recruitment rules/advertisement shall apply and the candidates need not furnish any documents at the time of applying for the post. However, the
  • The crucial date for determining the age, qualification and experience shall be 16/04/2021 (closing date) for appointment to the above posts.
  • The written examination/skill test will be taken wherever applicable. Depending on the number of applications received, the Captain of Ports may decide to conduct screening test. The details of syllabus/marked for screening test will be intimated well in advance through official website. Only those candidates, who qualify for screening test, will be called for written examination.
  • The candidate applying for reserved category post shall produce valid certificate issued by the competent authority as per the Government Guidelines.
  • Candidate already in Government Service shall produce the NOC issued by the competent authority form the concerned Department.
  • The candidate shall refer to the detailed advertisement uploaded on the portal
  • Candidates may send applications in given format along with photo copies of all relevant documents of qualification, experience, age and photographs to the given address so that it reaches by 16-04-2021 .
  • Superscribe the envelope properly with name of post applied for. Make sure to send as many relevant documents to gain more chances for getting shortlisted for Interviews as relevant experience is a crucial factor while preparing the list of shortlisted candidates.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 12 MTS, Electrician and Various Vacancy – CPD,Goa

  • The captain of the port is an official who has different functions in the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries.
  • To some extent the role of captain of the port is analogous to that of a harbourmaster.
  • In the Royal Navy, the captain of the port was the officer, usually with the rank of captain, responsible for the day-to-day running of a Naval Dockyard under the authority of the admiral-superintendent. He usually also held the position of Queen’s or King’s harbourmaster and was directly responsible for the captain’s department, which among other things operated the yard craft.
  • From the 1650s until the mid-nineteenth century the position was known as master attendant, and ranked immediately below that of Navy Commissioner. Occupants of the office were required to be “skilful in all affairs requisite in the looking after, equipping and setting out of State ships”, for which they initially received an annual wage of between £90 and £100 plus accommodation.[1] The office was often combined with that of harbourmaster, and existed until the second half of the 19th century, when occupants (in common with Royal Naval masters) began to be commissioned with the rank of staff captain. From the early twentieth century the equivalent appointment became staff captain (dockyard), then captain of the dockyard, and finally captain of the port from 1969.
  • In the United States, the captain of the port is usually the United States Coast Guard sector commander. Captain of the port duties involve enforcing within their respective areas port safety and security and marine environmental protection regulations, including regulations for the protection and security of vessels, harbors, and waterfront facilities; anchorages; security zones; safety zones; regulated navigation areas; deepwater ports; water pollution; and ports and waterways safety.

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