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13 Guest Teacher Vacancy – DoE,Delhi

Last Date:10 December,2020
Directorate of Education (DoE)

Directorate of Education Delhi (DoE Delhi) is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for contractual posts of Guest Teacher.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 10-12-2020 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 13 Guest Teacher Vacancy – DoE,Delhi

Name of the post – Guest Teacher
No of post – 13
Pay Scale – Rs 1445 ,1403 per day

Educational Qualification:
Post Graduate and BEd / Graduate and BEd/ Master Degree in psychology.

Apply to 13 Guest Teacher Vacancy – DoE,Delhi

General Instruction:

  • Public Notice for Drawing a panel of Guest teachers for the posts of TGT( Maths, Science and English), PGT (English, Maths, Physics, Biology,Chemistry, Commerce and Economics), EVGCs and Special Education Teachers for Engagement in Delhi Government Schools.
  • Online applications are invited on behalf of Director (Education), GNCT of Delhi for drawing a panel of Guest Teachers for the posts of TGT( Maths, Science and English), PGT( English, Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce and Economics), EVGCs and TGT Special Education Teachers for Engagement in Delhi Government Schools, on the basis of as and when required, for academic session 2020-21 and onwards. Engagement of Guest Teachers is subject to following Terms and Conditions:
  • Guest Teachers shall be engaged purely on daily wages basis, till the posts are filled up on regular basis. Guest teachers shall not be entitled to regular appointment. This is purely a stop gap arrangement. The candidates so engaged shall not claim salary, allowances, leaves, facilities and other benefits accruing to the regular teachers. The candidates so engaged as Guest Teachers shall not file any court case regarding salary and regularization etc.
  • Directorate of Education will maintain a wait list/panel of candidates to meet any requirement in the academic session 2020-21 and onwards. Further, the engagement will be done on the basis of as and when required.
  • Reservations and age relaxations to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and Disabled persons will be given as per Government Rules. The certificate of OBC should be issued by Authority of Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Certificate issued by any State/UT will be considered for SC/ST candidates. The candidates belonging to Physically Handicapped category (Ortho+VH only) must possess “Disability Certificate” issued from a Government Hospital.
  • Willing candidates may apply and register themselves on our website www.edudel.nic.infrom 01.12.2020( 11.00 AM) to 10.12.2020 ( up-to 6.00 PM).
    Submission of applications other than online mode shall be summarily rejected. Applicants are strictly instructed not to send any hard copy of the application to this department.
  • State wise panel will be prepared on the basis of academic merit separately for each category of applicants including SC/ST/OBC/ Disabled persons and other.
  • As soon as a regular teacher joins the school, the Guest Teacher concerned will be dis-engaged from that school, irrespective of his/her standing in the order of merit list initially drawn for the purpose of engagement.
  • The order of Merit list shall be displayed on the departmental website. Further, documents verification related to age, qualifications, caste certificate etc. will be conducted by the department. The selected candidates will be called for engagement as guest teacher, as per the requirement.
  • Request for change of school shall not be entertained at any time during the engagement, if the person does not join within given time the offer of
    appointment will be cancelled.
  • Percentage of marks must be entered up to two places of decimal.
  • The candidates shall use Google Chrome browser only while filling up application online.
  • Further, to apply on the online module of the departmental website, the applicant shall go to the following link:—RRs/Recruitment—-Guest Teachers Recruitment for 2020-21
  • Interested candidates with qualifications may apply online for concerned posts as per given online application form. No need to send print to Directorate of Education Delhi at this stage. Eligible candidates will be intimated about further proceedings. Keeping a print copy for future use is advised.
  • The candidates shall fill-up his/her name, Date of birth, roll number, year of passing etc. as they appear in the pass certificate of class XII Examination. Any deviation in this regard will lead to disqualification. Candidates in their own interest are advised to fill up all the items on the online application form carefully and before submitting the form online he/she shall check the particulars on the “Preview” Screen. Requests for correction whatsoever shall not be entertained at later stages. For any further information in this regard, please visit departmental website i.e.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 13 Guest Teacher Vacancy – DoE,Delhi

  • Delhi Directorate of Education (abbreviated Del E) is the department under the education ministry of Delhi Government that manages the city’s public school system. It is one of the India’s largest school education system. Delhi government has made several efforts for the growth of education in Delhi. Recognizing the importance of education, the Govt. of Delhi is spending about 10% its total plan allocation on Education Sector. The share o Sector (General Education, Technical Education, Art & Culture and Sports) in total Plan expenditure of Delhi Government for last 5 years is increased from 8.49% in 2004-05 up to 10.32% in 2008-09
  • In 1973 Delhi School Education Act was passed in the assembly, according to which responsibility for Pre-primary and primary level of education in Delhi was given to local bodies like MCD, NDMC and Delhi Cantonment Board; and Directorate of Education was made responsible for secondary and senior secondary level of education. In 1980-81, Delhi had 704 secondary/senior secondary schools, which increased to 1759 in 2007-08. Students enrollment also increased from 254,000 in 1980-81 to 793,000 in 2007-08. Because of the space constraint, the majority of Sarvodaya Vidyalayas were made to operate in two different shifts – a morning shift for girls and an evening shift for boys.[4] Due to the high growth rate of the Delhi’s population and shortage of infrastructure, Directorate of Education had also introduced primary classes in its 364 Sarvodaya Vidyalayas.
  • Directorate of Education divides Delhi region into 12 districts and 28 zones with hierarchy from district to zones. Each district consist one or more zones in it with District Education Officer as the head of education, similarly each zone has Zonal Education Officer to command the education department of zonal level.
  • In Delhi public schools the total school enrollment for boys is higher than females. In 2007-08 163,500 girls were enrolled accounting to 46.82% of total enrollment as compared to 185,700 enrollments of boys.
  • Delhi’s public schools were never been popular for their good infrastructure, for many years majority of the Delhi’s school even didn’t have proper school buildings which forced the students to attend the classes in open or in temporary tin-shades. But since last 15 years the conditions have changed and with the efforts of Directorate of Education, many schools have received well architecturally developed state-of-the-art buildings and other infrastructures. The DoE has engaged the Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (DSIIDC) and the Public Works Department (PWD) for this upgradation and refurbishment.

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