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13 Specialist and Senior Resident Vacancy – ESIC,Gujarat

Last Date:12 January,2021
Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)

Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) invites all eligible candidates exclusively for Walk-In-Interview to fill up 13posts of Specialist and Senior Resident (Valsad) on contractual basis under the given project.Candidates should appear for this Walk-In-Interview at the given venue along with the application form and all original documents. The date and reporting time of Walk-In-Interview is 12-01-2021 (9 AM).

Employment Notification 13 Specialist and Senior Resident Vacancy – ESIC,Gujarat

Name of the post – Specialist and Senior Resident
No of post – 13
Pay Scale – Rs 60000 – 86000,Rs 67700

Educational Qualification:
PG Degree in concerned specialty and min 3 yrs experience OR PG Diploma in concerned specialty and min 5 yrs experience ,/PG Degree/ Diploma in concerned specialty.

Apply to 13 Specialist and Senior Resident Vacancy – ESIC,Gujarat

General Information:

  • Medical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital – Vapi invites eligible candidates for the engagement of Full Time / Part Time Specialist (For 1 Year) and Senior Residents (for the Annually Renewable Period of 3 Years) under Residency scheme on contractual basis as per given schedule through Walk — in interview. If no suitable candidates are available against the advertised Reserved Posts, then any Eligible Candidates irrespective of Category, if present may be considered for Part Time Contractual Specialist as per Rule.
  • No TA / DA shall be paid for attending the interview and joining time.
  • The selection of candidate in interview does not hold right for appointment on this contractual service.
  • MS may reserve the right to issue Call Latter for any advertised post on which any candidate selected in interview.
  • Vacancies in any particular department shall be increased or decreased at the discretion of the Medical Superintendent as per the need of the Hospital.
  • Medical Superintendent Reserve right to alter the date or cancel the interview.
  • Selection is subject to the candidates’ proving their Medical Fitness from any Government Hospital.
  • Conditions related with the Contractual Service and there on.
  • Selected Candidates will have to sign an Agreement of Term and Condition on the Stamp Paper of Value not less than Rs. 100/- with his own expenditure.
  • On the engagement of SR Doctors/Full /Part time specialists will have to deposit Security money of Rs. 10000/- through demand draft in favour of ESIC Fund Account No. 1 at the time of joining which is refundable after completion of engagement period and on production of “No Dues Certificate”
  • In case of selection candidate has to join duty within seven days or as per the prescribed date whichever is later.
  • No accommodation facility is provided by ESIC for contractual engagement.
  • The service on this Contractual engagement does not give right to candidate for appointment or regularisation in ESIC and no claim for any service benefits like PF, Pension , Gratuity, Medical Allowance or Medical Facility, Seniority, Promotion and Leave etc will not be admissible.
  • The contract period for Full Time / Part Time Specialist is of one year, which may be extendable for time in Extra Ordinary Conditions. It may be cancelled immediately on joining of regular incumbent. In case of Selected Candidates may relieve from the contract after giving One Month of Notice or one Month Pay.
  • The contract period for Senior Residents is of three year but renewable every year on the basis of satisfactory work and conduct during the previous tenure on recommendation of Competent Authority. It may be cancelled immediately on joining of regular incumbent. In case of Selected Candidates – may relieve from the contract after giving One Month of Notice or one Month Pay.
  • The SR will not be allowed for private practising as NPA is being paid.
  • Any deficiency in the Character and Antecedent of Candidate may lead to cancelation of the Contract at any time.
  • Application fee is Rs 300/- (Nil for SC/ST/Female candidates), to be paid in shape of demad draft in favour of ESIC Fund Account 1 payable at Vapi.
  • Final selection is based purely on the marks secured in the personal Interview.
  • Candidates should attend Walk In on 12-01-2021 (9 AM) after ensuring all the eligibility conditions. They should bring their resume duly filled in all respect in the prescribed proforma along with copies of all certificates at the time of interview with a recent passport size photograph pasted on it.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 13 Specialist and Senior Resident Vacancy – ESIC,Gujarat

  • Employees’ State Insurance (abbreviated as ESI) is a self-financing social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers. The fund is managed by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) according to rules and regulations stipulated in the ESI Act 1948. ESIC is a Statutory Body and Administrative Ministry is Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
  • In March 1943, Dr.B R Ambedkar was appointed by the Government of India to create a report on the health insurance scheme for industrial workers.[2] The report became the basis for the Employment State Insurance (ESI) Act of 1948.The promulgation of Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 envisaged an integrated need based social insurance scheme that would protect the interest of workers in contingencies such as sickness, maternity, temporary or permanent physical disablement, death due to employment injury resulting in loss of wages or earning capacity. The Act also guarantees reasonably good medical care to workers and their immediate dependents. Following the promulgation of the ESI Act the Central Govt. set up the ESI Corporation to administer the Scheme. The Scheme thereafter was first implemented at Kanpur and Delhi on 24 February 1952. The Act further absolved the employers of their obligations under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923. The benefits provided to the employees under the Act are also in conformity with ILO conventions.
  • The act was initially intended for factory workers but later became applicable to all establishments having 10 or more workers. As on 31 March 2016, the total beneficiaries are 82.8 million.
  • Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), established by ESI Act, is an autonomous corporation under Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. As it is a legal entity, the corporation can raise loans and take measures for discharging such loans with the prior sanction of the central government and it can acquire both movable and immovable property and all incomes from the property shall vest with the corporation.The corporation can set up hospitals either independently or in collaboration with state government or other private entities, but most of the dispensaries and hospitals are run by concerned state governments.
  • For all employees earning ₹21,000 (US$300) or less per month as wages, the employer contributes 3.25% and the employee contributes 0.75%, total share 4%. This fund is managed by the ESI Corporation (ESIC) according to rules and regulations stipulated there in the ESI Act 1948, which oversees the provision of medical and cash benefits to the employees and their family. ESI scheme is a type of social security scheme for employees in the organised sector.
  • The employees registered under the scheme are entitled to medical treatment for themselves and their dependents, unemployment cash benefit in certain contingencies and maternity benefit in case of women employees. In case of employment-related disablement or death, there is provision for a disablement benefit and a family pension respectively.:67 Outpatient medical facilities are available in 1418 ESI dispensaries and through 1,678 registered medical practitioners. Inpatient care is available in 145 ESI hospitals and 42 hospital annexes with a total of 19,387 beds. In addition, several state government hospitals also have beds for the exclusive use of ESI Beneficiaries. Cash benefits can be availed in any of 830 ESI centres throughout India.

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