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14 Administrative Officer, Clinical Assistant and Various Vacancy – AYJNIHH,Maharashtra

Last Date:27 March,2021
Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities (AYJNIHH)

Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities (AYJNIHH Mumbai) will appoint eligible and interested candidates on contract basis on 14 posts of Administrative Officer, Clinical Assistant and Various on fixed term basis.Interested and eligible candidates may send their applications to the given address by 27-03-2021 in provided format along with all required documents of age, qualification and experience.

Employment Notification 14 Administrative Officer, Clinical Assistant and Various Vacancy – AYJNIHH,Maharashtra

Name of the post– Administrative Officer, Clinical Assistant and Various
No of post – 14
Pay Scale – Rs 70000,Rs 65000,Rs 55000,Rs 45000,Rs 40000

Educational Qualification:
MBBS with PG Degree,MBA,BSc (Sp. & Hg.) or BRS (MR) and min 2 yrs experience.

Apply to 14 Administrative Officer, Clinical Assistant and Various Vacancy – AYJNIHH,Maharashtra

General Information:

  • Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for Speech & Hearing Disabilities (Divyangjan), Mumbai invites Application from eligible candidates in prescribed format for selection and recruitment of following temporary consultant positions on contractual basis at COMPOSITE REGIONAL CENTRE FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT, REHABILITATION & EMPOWERMENT OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, NAGPUR, KridaPrabodhini Hall, Yashwant Stadium, Dhantoli, Nagpur-440012 (Maharashtra)
  • The post will be filled purely on contractual basis.
  • The incumbent will have NO RIGHT to claim for any regularization or extension / renewal of engagement in any circumstances.
  • No post based reservation is prescribed for any post as post is being filled up on contractual basis for short term.
  • If the engaged person does not attend office on any working days the proportionate remuneration for the period of absence will be deducted from monthly remuneration.
  • The period of contractual engagement as consultant will be for 11 months. The selected candidate will be entitled to only the lump sum monthly consolidated remuneration as mentioned against each post. No other Allowances such as Dearness Allowance/House Rent Allowance/Medical Allowance/GPF/NPS and other allowances entitled for Government servant will be paid.
  • Duration of PhD will be considered as Experience as per UGC guidelines.
  • Separate application is to be submitted for each post. The envelope containing application should be super scribed “Application for the position of at CRC Nagpur”.
  • Bringing in any type of Political/Official interference, influence, canvassing, other pressures in any form etc., will render disqualification of the candidature and action as deemed fit will be taken against such candidates. No correspondence in this matter is entertained.
  • Applications will be strictly rejected if received beyond last date.
  • The details of eligibility for each posts i.e., Age limit, Educational qualification, Experience and other requirement are available on AYJNISHD(D) website and at
  • The prescribed application format is also available & can be downloaded from the website and
  • The Application Form Duly Filled Supported with Self-Attested passport size photograph, copies of mark sheets and certificates in support of their age, educational qualification, caste, experience etc. should reached Director Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for Speech and Hearing Disabilities (Divyangjan), K. C. Marg, Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050 within 15 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the Employment News.
  • Interested candidates may send their applications in given format all related as required along with photo copies of all relevant documents of qualification, experience, age and photographs to given address so that it reaches by 27-03-2021 .
  • Candidates must keep a copy with themselves for future reference. Further notice about interviews (If shortlisted for), will be made through email/post.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 14 Administrative Officer, Clinical Assistant and Various Vacancy – AYJNIHH,Maharashtra

  • Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities (Divyangjan) (AYJNISHD(D)) was established on 9th August 1983. It is an autonomous organisation under the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), Government of India, New Delhi. The Institute is located at Bandra (West), Mumbai – 400 050.
  • Regional Centres of the Institute have been established at Kolkata (1984), New Delhi (1986), Secundarabad (1986) and Bhubaneshwar (1986- in association with Government of Orissa). These are centres aimed at meeting the local and regional needs in terms of manpower development and services. Regional Centre at New Delhi has been shifted to Noida in 2015.and Regional centre at Bhubaneswar has been shifted to Janla in 2008.
  • The District Disability Rehabilitation Centre (DDRCs) under Gramin Punarvasan Yojana (GPY) a programme of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India was started in the year 2000. The objective of the programme is to provide total rehabilitation to persons with sensory (hearing and vision), physical and mental disabilities.
  • Under this programme, 24 DDRCs were allotted to AYJNISHD(D). All the 24 DDRCs, on completion of successful establishment and running for three years, are handed over to State Governments/District Administration/NGO.
  • Composite Regional Center (CRC), Bhopal is a service model initiated by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India, established on 14th August, 2000. The Center is functioning under the administrative control of AYJNISHD(D) since February, 2006. One more CRC at Ahmedabad, Gujarat was established on 16th Aug, 2011 and this CRC also functioning under the administrative control of AYJNISHD(D).
  • To conduct, sponsor, coordinate or subsidize research into all aspects of education and rehabilitation of the persons with hearing impairment.
  • To undertake, sponsor, coordinate or subsidize research into bio-medical engineering leading to the effective evaluation of aids or suitable surgical or medical procedures or development of new aids.
  • To undertake or sponsor training of trainees, teachers, employment officers, psychologists, vocational counselors and such other personnel as may be deemed necessary by the Institute for promoting education, training and rehabilitation of the persons with hearing impairment.
  • To distribute or promote or subsidize the manufacture of prototypes and distribution of any or all aids designed to promote any aspect of education, rehabilitation and therapy for persons with hearing impairment.

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the employment notification

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