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14 Project Assistant, JRF, Research Associate and Various Vacancy – NPL,Delhi

Last Date:23 March,2021
National Physical Laboratory (NPL)

National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is inviting eligible candidates to apply for 14 contractual posts of Project Assistant, JRF, Research Associate and Various.Interested Eligible Candidates may send their applications as per prescribed format to concerned E-mail address by 23-03-2021 . All the relevant documents must be sent alongwith application form, as proof of suitability for the posts. Email subject must be formed properly, containing name of post applied for.

Employment Notification 14 Project Assistant, JRF, Research Associate and Various Vacancy – NPL,Delhi

Name of the post– Project Assistant, JRF, Research Associate and Various
No of post – 14
Pay Scale – Rs 20000,Rs 31000,Rs 47000,Rs 54000

Educational Qualification:
BSc with 55% marks,M.Sc. Physics,M.Sc. OR B.Tech/M.Tech.

Apply to 14 Project Assistant, JRF, Research Associate and Various Vacancy – NPL,Delhi

General Instruction:

  • The applicant must be a citizen of India.
  • Only those Candidates who have completed the essential qualification for whom the result has been declared are eligible to apply. Result awaited/Final semester appeared or
    appearing/Ph.D submitted etc. are not eligible to apply for any post. Experience if required in any post should only be post-qualification experience.
  • The total duration for which Project staff could be engaged will be for the duration of each project. Where the duration of the Sponsored/Consultancy Project is less than 5 years, the
    services will be co-terminus with the duration of the project. There would be no automatic shifting of Project staff from one project to another. On completion of the tenure in one
    project, in case, one wants to apply for engagement in another project, he/she will have to go through the process of selection by submitting a fresh application under the new project.
    Appointment under the new project would be made only after submission of `No Demand Certificate’ and `No Dues certificate’ in the previous project and submission of
    resignation from the previous project. The maximum duration, for which any Project staff could be engaged in different projects taken together, will be 5 years, i.e. the total period
    of five years of engagement of any Project staff in different projects taken together should be counted from initial date of engagement in a project onwards. The performance of the
    Project staff would be reviewed periodically so that any one not found up to the mark, could be replaced. As such, the offer of appointment will be given for short duration i.e. 6-
    months/1 year, which may be extended further based on the recommendations of the committee duly constituted by the Director.
  • Leave: Project staff will be entitled for one day leave for each completed month’s service.
  • Reservation: As regards reservation, if all things are equal, SC/ST/OBC candidates may be given preference over General candidates so as to ensure their representation.
  • Project Staff will be provided dispensary facility if available. Project Staff engaged as temporary project manpower shall be covered under group medical insurance
    scheme offered by insurance companies and expenditure shall be debited from the project staff.
  • Registration for Ph.D.: The facility for Ph.D. registration shall be allowed to those Project Staff who have worked for a minimum period of two years and have at least cleared CSIRUGC Lecturer ship (NET) or GATE examination or published 01 paper in international peer reviewed SCI indexed journals.
  • There would be no component of increment etc. for Project staff and the consolidated remuneration to be paid to Project staff may be called “Stipend”.
  • A Candidate may apply for maximum of 02 (Two) posts. Separate application may be submitted for each post code if a candidate is desirous of applying for more than 01 (One) Post.
  • The candidates will be shortlisted for interview through a screening process. Only the short-listed candidates will be interviewed by Selection Committee.
  • In case the final certificates reflect CGPA, GPA, etc, in that case, the candidate should convert the same in to equivalent percentage as per the approved formula of the
    university in the application and a copy of such conversion formula must be attached alongwith the application.
  • Relaxation of age for SC/ST/ OBC /PWD /Women: Age limit for Project staff shall be as advertised with relaxation for statutory groups and women as per GOI rules.
  • CSIR-NPL reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the Offer of engagement in case of any discrepancy found, in the candidature of any empanelled candidate at any stage.
  • Other terms & conditions will be governed as per guidelines issued by the funding agency/CSIR Hqrs. for the engagement of above Project Staff as amended from time to time.
  • The candidates will be free to answer in Hindi during interview.
  • If a large number of applications are received then the Candidates will be shortlisted by a screening committee based on academic qualification and /or experience. In case of short
    listing done by screening committee, the committee will adopt its own criteria for bringing down the number of candidate to be called for interview. All shortlisted candidates will be
    provided link via email for attending the interview which will be held through video conference.
  • Eligible candidates should fill the downloaded application from website and send the application along with scanned copies of self attested testimonials in support of Educational
    Qualifications (mark sheets & certificates), Experience, Publications and Category in a single PDF file by email to latest by 23rd March, 2021
    at 3:00 Noon. Eligible candidates should fill the downloaded application from website and send the application along with scanned copies of self attested testimonials in support of Educational
    Qualifications (mark sheets & certificates), Experience, Publications and Category in a single PDF file by email to latest by 23rd March, 2021
    at 3:00 Noon.
  • Incomplete/wrong information, detected at any stage, would render the candidate liable to rejection.
  • Apply separately for different projects and positions.
  • No interim communication at the given Email ID except the application form will be attended and entertained. Any mail, email or call would not be entertained regarding
    the status of application form.
  • Director CSIR-NPL reserves all rights to cancel recruitment of any or all of the positions advertised above at any stage and reject any application without assigning any reason
  • Total tenure of engagement (current as well as service rendered earlier in CSIR-NPL and/or any other CSIR lab/ hqtrs. taken together), will be limited to 5 years only.
  • All those candidates who are continuing as Project Staff in CSIR-NPL labs in any project will only be considered on submission of the No objection certificate from current concerned
    PI of the project.
  • Only short listed candidates will be intimated to be interviewed through online platform.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 14 Project Assistant, JRF, Research Associate and Various Vacancy – NPL,Delhi

  • The CSIR- National Physical Laboratory of India, situated in New Delhi, is the measurement standards laboratory of India. It maintains standards of SI units in India and calibrates the national standards of weights and measures.
  • In the Harappan era, which is nearly 5000 years old, one finds excellent examples of town planning and architecture. The sizes of the bricks were the same all over the region. In the time of Chandragupta Maurya, some 2400 years ago, there was a well – defined system of weights and measures. The government of that time ensured that everybody used the same system. In the Indian medical system, Ayurveda, the units of mass and volume were well defined.
  • The measurement system during the time of the Mughal emperor, Akbar, the guz was the measure of length. The guz was widely used till the introduction of the metric system in India in 1956. During the British period, efforts were made to achieve uniformity in weights and measures. A compromise was reached in the system of measurements which continued till India’s independence in 1947. After independence in 1947, it was realized that for fast industrial growth of the country, it would be necessary to establish a modern measurement system in the country. The Lok Sabha in April 1955 resolved : This house is of the opinion that the Government of India should take necessary steps to introduce uniform weights and measures throughout the country based on metric system.
  • The National Physical Laboratory, India was one of the earliest national laboratories set up under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research. Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation stone of NPL on 4 January 1947. Dr. K. S. Krishnan was the first Director of the laboratory. The main building of the laboratory was formally opened by Former Deputy Prime Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on 21 January 1950. Former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, inaugurated the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the Laboratory on 23 December 1975.
  • The main aim of the laboratory is to strengthen and advance physics-based research and development for the overall development of science and technology in the country. In particular its objectives are:
  • To establish, maintain and improve continuously by research, for the benefit of the nation, National Standards of Measurements and to realize the Units based on International System (Under the subordinate Legislations of Weights and Measures Act 1956, reissued in 1988 under the 1976 Act). To identify and conduct after due consideration, research in areas of physics which are most appropriate to the needsof the nation and for advancement of field
  • To assist industries, national and other agencies in their developmental tasks by precision measurements, calibration, development of devices, processes, and other allied problems related to physics.
  • To keep itself informed of and study critically the status of physics.

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