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14 Research Associate, SRF and Various Vacancy – MAFSU,Maharashtra

Last Date:05 Febuary,2021
Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU)

Eligible candidates are invited by Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU) to appear in a walkin interview to be held on 04-02-2021 & 05-02-2021 (9 AM) for 14 contractual posts of Research Associate, SRF and Various.Interested Candidates may come for for appearing in the walkin Interview with filled application in, Bio data and all original documents, photocopies of all certificates in the proof of age, caste, quaification, experience and photographs at the given venue.

Employment Notification 14 Research Associate, SRF and Various Vacancy – MAFSU,Maharashtra

Name of the post – Research Associate, SRF and Various
No of post – 14
Pay Scale – Rs 49000 – 54000,Rs 31000,Rs 15000

Educational Qualification:
PhD OR Master Degree ,MSc with NET ,Bachelor degree in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Chemistry/ Biochemistry.

Apply to 14 Research Associate, SRF and Various Vacancy – MAFSU,Maharashtra

General Information:

  • Applications from eligible candidates are invited for engagement of various posts, under the World Bank funded ICAR-NAHEP-CAAST project entitled “Centre of Excellence for Advanced Research on Animal Food Safety” implemented at Mumbai Veterinary College (MVC), MAFSU, Mumbai-400012. These positions are purely on contractual temporary basis and will exist until the termination of the project and subject to the financial support from the funding agency.
  • The interested candidates should remain present on below mentioned address with their filled application, complete biodata, all original and self-attested photocopies of all essential documents In- Person for an interview on their own expenses. Candidates need to report and register themselves at venue between 9.30 am to 11:00 am for interview.
  • The engagement in the scheme is purely time-bound, non-regular and on co-terminus basis with the scheme. The services of the incumbent shall stand terminated automatically on expiry of the period given in the sanction.
  • The candidates are required to submit the application as per the format annexed (use Annexure of relevant post) duly signed.
  • The candidate must bring one set of their complete bio data with self-attested copies of the testimonials and age proof with a passport size photograph along with all original certificates of all required certificates from matriculation onwards and experience certificate in original (if any)
    with them. Candidates needs to submit relevant proofs of their qualifications, age, relevant experience etc. with their application and the original documents at the time of interview. No Objection Certificate (NOC) from employee is essential in case of employed candidates.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates appearing for the interview.
  • The candidates will have no claim for his/her continuation of service as well as for appointmenton regular establishment in the service/s of MVC/MAFSU/ICAR Establishment. The posts will be discontinued with termination of the project.
  • The selected candidates can discontinue/ leave the job justifying proper reasons and giving at least one-month prior notice to this office or he/she has to deposit one month’s salary in the office.
  • The selection committee reserves the rights to reject one or more applications at their discretion without any reason thereof.
  • The consolidated pay given in this advertisement may be changed in future as per decision of the university/ the funding agency.
  • Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification of the candidature or termination even after appointment.
  • All posts are full time worker and required to adhere to the disciplinary regulation of the ICAR/MAFSU/ College; hence, regular attendance of the project staff will be maintained by keeping an attendance register.
  • Non-maintenance of the discipline and failure to perform the assigned duties will make the candidate liable for termination during the appointment period as per ICAR rules.
  • The Upper Age Limit for unreserved and reserved candidates will be as per ICAR/Government of Maharashtra/ India rules.
  • The NAHEP-CAAST project will have intellectual property rights/proprietary rights on output of the research work carried out by RA/SRF during project period.
  • The terms and conditions may change if the Council modify, add, delete and/or amend/change the guidelines/rules of recruitment with the approval of the Governing Body.
  • Salary for the selected candidates after joining will be paid as per the ICAR norms and the income tax will be deducted at source as per rules.
  • The consolidated pay/ emoluments given in this advertisement may be changed in future as per new amendments or revision made by the University/ the funding agency.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 14 Research Associate, SRF and Various Vacancy – MAFSU,Maharashtra

  • MAFSU formally notified on 17 November 2000 was established under the State Act No. 1998 (Mah XVII of 1998) on 3 December 2000. This university is one of the pioneer institutes related to Veterinary Research and Extension in Central India.
  • The Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU) was formally notified on November 17th, 2000 and was established under the State Act No. 1998 (MAH.XVII of 1998) on December 03rd, 2000 with its headquarter at Nagpur. The University has been carved out of the four Agriculture Universities in the state by transferring five Veterinary Colleges, one Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary & Animal Sciences and one Dairy Technology College. Although the University is in its infancy, the constituent colleges were quite old.
  • Thus beginning with the five Veterinary Colleges, one Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary & Animal Sciences and one Dairy Technology College at different geographical locations of the state in December 2000, University made a commendable progress in developing Fishery Faculty and strengthening Dairy Technology Faculty by establishing two new Fishery College at Nagpur & Udgir and one Dairy Technology College at Udgir. Besides ten colleges in three faculties, Director of Instructions, Director of Research and Director of Extension Education, the University has a well developed Students Welfare Section, University Library, Bio-informatics Center and training and placement centers. With the new concepts of research and extension responsibility, the University plans to initiate and coordinate research projects with the other Universities, institutions of ICAR.
  • Each college has some highly specialized and well developed departments which include India’s first Veterinary Nuclear Medicine Center (VNMC) at Mumbai, Embryo Transfer Technology Laboratory and Mineral & Hormonal Assay Laboratory at Akola, Swine Fever Surveillance Center at Nagpur etc. The University draws its major financial support from the State Government’s Annual Grants for meeting its expenses on salaries and recurring and non-recurring expenses relating to the plan and non-plan subjects. In addition, University also receives a major financial support from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research as development grants being a State Agriculture University (SAU). The research projects are supported by DBT, DSIR, MoFPI, DST, NABARD, Pharmaceuticals companies.

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