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146 Accounts Assistant, Lower Division Assistant & Executive Assistant Vacancy – OFDC,Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

Last Date:12 November,2020
Odisha Forest Development Corporation Limited (OFDC)
Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

OFDC aka Odisha Forest Development Corporation Limited invites application for the post of 146 Accounts Assistant, Lower Division Assistant & Executive Assistant. Apply Online before 12 November 2020. OFDC Recruitment Qualification / eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below… Official website is

Employment Notification 146 Accounts Assistant, Lower Division Assistant & Executive Assistant Vacancy – OFDC,Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

Name of the post – Accounts Assistant, Lower Division Assistant & Executive Assistant
No of post – 146
Pay Scale – 8,880/-, 9,500/-, 16880/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
B.Com, Graduate.

Apply to 146 Accounts Assistant, Lower Division Assistant & Executive Assistant Vacancy – OFDC,Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

General Information:

  • Online Applications through OFDC’s website are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts of JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT (ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT)/ AUDITOR, LOWER DIVISION ASSISTANT, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT (JR.STENOGRAPHER) on contractual basis in different units of Odisha Forest Development Corporation Limited in the state of Odisha. Details of Advertisement containing Terms of Reference
    for recruitment, online application form and procedure for making online application to the various posts can be viewed under the Career Section of the website at Online Enrolment for applying to different posts through the portal shall be commenced w.e.f 27.10.2020 at
    10.00 a.m and the last date of submission of online application is 12.11.2020 up to 5:00pm. Application other than online mode shall not be accepted.
  • The candidates are advised to visit the OFDC website regularly for updating themselves about the information related to issue of admit card / program of different tests and the OFDC will not be held responsible for any lapses on the part of applicant in this regard. The OFDC will not send any printed admit card to any candidate through post.
  • The reservation of posts for candidate of different reserved categories like SC, ST, SEBC, Women, PWD*, Ex-Serviceman and Sportsman shall be followed as per the policies/ rules of the Government of Odisha.
  • Person with more than 40% of any qualified disability as certified by competent authority shall be eligible for reservation.
  • Persons appointed against contractual posts shall continue on contractual basis for a period of Six years. The period of six years shall be counted from the date of their contractual appointment. On satisfactory completion of six years of contractual service, they shall be regularly appointed after completion of necessary formalities. A formal order of regular appointment shall be issued by the appointing authority.
  • Subject to satisfactory performance, the consolidated remuneration shall be enhanced by ten percent on completion of each year of service.
  • In case of any revision of consolidated monthly remuneration during the contractual period of engagement by the Government of Odisha for the Government employees and if the same is applicable to OFDC Ltd. then such revised remuneration will be paid from such date as may be approved by the Board of Directors of the OFDC Ltd.
  • On completion of six years of contractual service and being regularly appointed, they shall be entitled to draw the time scale of the post alongwith other allowances for the post for which appointment has been made, as admissible in the corresponding pay band / level.
  • They shall not be entitled to DA, HRA, Medical Allowance, RCM and other allowances during the period of contractual engagement.
  • Leave, Conduct & Discipline and other conditions of service will be regulated by the Service Rules of the OFDC which is in force and as amended from time to time.
  • A citizen of India,
  • Good mental condition, sound health, good physique and active habits, free from physical defects likely to interfere with discharge of duties in the service,
  • If married, must not have more than one spouse living. Provided further that the OFDC may if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person or there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from operation of this rule.
  • Able to speak, read and write Odia and have passed the M.E School Examination with Odia as a language subject; or passed Matriculation or equivalent examination with Odia as the medium of examination in non-language subjects; or passed Odia as language subject in the final examination of Class-VII or above; or passed a test in Odia in M.E. School Standard conducted by the School & Mass Education Department.
  • All appointment in the Corporation shall be on probation for a minimum period of two years from the date of joining which may be extended or curtailed on individual basis by the Appointing Authority. During the period of probation, an employee shall be liable to be discharged from the service of the Corporation without notice or without assigning any reason at the sole discretion of the Appointing Authority.
  • All appointment in the Corporation will be subject to the selected candidates being found medically fit by the Corporation’s Medical Officer/ Corporation’s approved Medical Professional/ CMO of a Public Sector Hospital or from a Government Doctor not below the rank of Chief Medical
    Officer. In the event, on medical examination, the candidate is found medically unfit, the offer shall stand automatically cancelled.
  • Notwithstanding any of the above, the Corporation reserves the right to change, delete, amend, modify any of the above conditions and the decision of the Corporation is final and binding on the candidate applying for appointment to the post.
  • Posting of selected candidates shall be made in any of the offices of O.F.D.C.Ltd. situated in the State of Odisha and at the discretion of the Corporation.
  • The last date of receipt of online applications in response to this advertisement is dt 12.11.2020upto 5.00 p.m. The Online Application Forms will be automatically disabled and no application for this post will be available thereafter. Incomplete application, paper application and application received after the last date will be summarily rejected. However, the applicants are advised to submit online applications well in advance without waiting for the last date in order to avoid the last hour rush in online application system. It is the responsibility of the candidate to furnish correct information and the authorities shall not be responsible for the rejection of candidature by system due to any wrong information furnished.
  • Candidates selected after written examination for different tests and those finally selected will be intimated by e-mail. Their names will also be made available in the Website of OFDC
  • The selected candidate will be required to join at the place of posting within 15 days of issuance of appointment order. Request for extension of joining time will not be ordinarily entertained and in no case, it will be extended beyond 30 days of issue of appointment order.
  • OFDC Management reserves the right not to fill any or all the positions so advertised without assigning any reason thereof.
  • OFDC Management reserves the right to modify, alter any of the above terms and conditions and even cancel the recruitment process, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof at any stage.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 146 Accounts Assistant, Lower Division Assistant & Executive Assistant Vacancy – OFDC,Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

  • Odisha Forest Development Corporation Limited (OFDC) came into being with effect from 14.11.1990 by merger of all forest corporations of the state. Odisha Forest Corporation (1962), its subsidiary Odisha Composite Board (1983), Similipahar Forest Development Corporation Limited (1979) and Odisha Plantation Development Corporation Limited (1985) on merger were renamed OFDC Ltd.
  • The corporation has a Board of Directors headed by a whole time chairman. There are 12 Directors in the Board. In the corporate office the Chairman cum Managing Director (CMD) is assisted by three Directors – Director (Commercial) and Director (Operation) from the IFS cadre and Director (Finance) from OFS (S). There is presently one General Manager- General Manager (Hqrs.). One qualified company Secretary is also available.
  • In the field, there are four General Managers one for each Bhubaneswar, Bolangir, Sambalpur and Berhampur zones. GMs in the field are assisted by Divisional Managers in charge of thirteen Commercial cum KL divisions and seven Commercial divisions.
  • The total staff strength at present of the organisation is 4371 while the approved cadre strength is 3011 and hence there are total 1360 no of surplus staffs in the corporation. Besides, there are 148 casual workers on piece meal basis.. Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) approved by the Public Enterprise Department with DFID assistance has been introduced during 2001-02 and so far 423 employee have retired under the scheme. The 2nd round of VRS applications ( 38) are under process.

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