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15 Manager, Medical Office and Various Vacancy – OMCL,Odisha

Last Date:15 May,2021
Odisha Mining Corporation Limited (OMCL)

Applications are invited from dynamic and hard working candidates for the recruitment of Manager, Medical Office and Various in Odisha Mining Corporation Limited (OMCL) on contract basis. Application form duly filled must be accompanied by copies of date of Birth proof, Mark Sheets of SSC/HSC and graduation as well as copy of Degree Certificate/provisional certificate, Caste Certificate & PH certificate (if applicable) and submit to the given address before 15-05-2021 .

Employment Notification 15 Manager, Medical Office and Various Vacancy – OMCL,Odisha

Name of the post– Manager, Medical Office and Various
No of post – 15
Pay Scale – Rs 78,800 to 2,09,200,Rs 67,700 to 2,08,700

Educational Qualification:
BE/B. Tech,Bachelor’s Degree,MBA / PGDM,MBBS.

Apply to 15 Manager, Medical Office and Various Vacancy – OMCL,Odisha

General Instruction:

  • Candidates are required to visit Corporation website at regular intervals for any notification, news, updates, results etc. relating to recruitment.
  • At any stage of recruitment process, if it is found that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information then the candidature /appointment of the candidate is liable to be cancelled.
  • Canvassing in any form will be viewed adversely & may lead to disqualification.
  • Finally selected candidates shall have to produce the required documents at the time of joining at respective places of posting as per provisions of OMC R&P Rules, 2012 (visit OMC website
  • The decision of OMC Management will be final & binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application / candidature, selection of candidate, cancellation of the recruitment process, etc. No enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
  • Any dispute arising in this connection will be subject to jurisdiction of appropriate courts of Odisha. Interested eligible candidates are required to fill up the application format & submit the same duly filled in by 15.05.2021 positively. Applications received after the last date due to delay in postal/courier or any other reason shall not be entertained and will be rejected.
  • The qualifications prescribed for all the above posts must have been obtained through regular course. Equivalent Qualification, Qualification obtained through Correspondence Courses shall not be considered subject to the condition that the departmental candidates, who are already in OMC regular service as on 01.10.2012, acquiring AMIE (A&B) and other qualifications in correspondence courses from the recognized University/ Institute approved by AICTE can apply for the respective posts.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 15 Manager, Medical Office and Various Vacancy – OMCL,Odisha

  • Application Form at Annexure-I shall be downloaded from our website: to be filledup by the candidate after carefully reading the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post.
  • The applicant must affix recent colour passport size photograph at top right side of the application form.
  • The applicant must attach self-attested copy of all the mark sheets, certificates/ testimonials/documents from HSC / 10thonwards towards proof of qualification, age, mark secured, caste/SEBC, experience etc. along with the application form. In case a Degree is based on semester pattern, then the candidate needs to submit the mark sheets of all semesters including the final mark sheet of final semester. Further, in support of any qualification, if the marking is CGPA based, then, the candidate needs to submit the proof of CGPA to Percentage conversion formula against the
  • The candidates already employed in Govt./Semi-Govt./Central PSU/State PSU shall submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ issued by their present employer at the time of Interview.
  • The application in the prescribed form shall be accompanied with a one page write up on “Why I consider myself suitable for the Role” along with statement of purpose.
  • Applications without supporting documents/incomplete/not fulfilling the prescribed criteria in any respect are liable to be rejected.
  • Interested eligible candidates are advised to download the application format from OMC website: & submit the same duly filled in & signed along with attested copies of Certificates /Marksheets/ Testimonials, Experience Certificate in support of their eligibility by Speed Post/Courier in a cover superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POSTOF ” so as to reach the General Manager (P&A), Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd., OMC House, Bhubaneswar-751001 by 15.05.2021 positively. Applications received after the last date due to delay in postal/courier or any other reason shall not be entertained and will be rejected.

About Us:

  • Odisha is one of the richest states in India in terms of mineral wealth. However, this wealth was largely untapped as mining is a very capital intensive industry and in the early years of independence capital was scarce. Under these circumstances, the Odisha Mining Corporation Limited (OMC) was incorporated on 16th May 1956 as a joint venture Company of Govt. of Odisha and Govt. of India with the objective of harnessing the mineral wealth of the State of Odisha through exploration, extraction as well as value addition.
  • Four years later, following the withdrawal of the Govt. of India from the company, OMC became a wholly State-owned Corporation of Govt. of Odisha on 17th Nov 1961. As of now, it continues to be a wholly owned corporation of the Odisha Government, which has subscribed to the entire paid up capital of Rs.31.45 crores out of an authorized capital of Rs.100 crores.
  • The major minerals mined by OMC are chrome, iron and manganese ore which cater to the requirement of mineral based industries such as steel, sponge iron, pig iron, ferro-manganese, ferro-chrome, etc.
  • OMC has been growing steadily over these years and today it stands as the largest State PSU in the mining sector of the country. It recorded the highest ever turnover of Rs.2850 Cr. in FY2017-18.
  • OMC is ably managed by an eminent Board of Directors consisting of Government Directors as well as Independent Directors. The Chairman and the Managing Director look after the day-to-day running of the Corporation under the guidance of the Board of Directors.
  • That OMC has been classified as a “Gold” Category State PSU”, is a 100% debt free profit making corporation, is a testament to the excellent processes and systems put in place by the management team.
  • One such system was the adoption of SAP, an ERP tool, since 2004 to streamline its business processes, bring synergy in functional activities across the organization, handle numerous business locations and expanding volumes. SAP also helps in bringing greater transparency in financial transactions and effective monitoring and financial control enabling the organization to take informed and timely decisions. As a matter of fact, OMC was awarded with the Golden Peacock Award in 2006-07 by the Institute of Directors, New Delhi for successfully implementing SAP across the organization.

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the employment notification

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