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15 Nurse, Accountant and Various Vacancy – Andaman and Nicobar Administration

Last Date: 15 November,2020
Andaman and Nicobar Administration
Andaman and Nicobar

Applications are invited from all eligible candidates for the recruitment to 15 contractual positions of Nurse, Accountant and Various to be filled in Andaman and Nicobar Administration (Andaman and Nicobar Administration) for given project.Aspirants willing to work on these posts may send their applications in prescribed format along with all relevant enclosures so as to reach the given address latest by 15-11-2020 .

Employment Notification 15 Nurse, Accountant and Various Vacancy – Andaman and Nicobar Administration

Name of the post – Nurse, Accountant and Various
No of post – 15
Pay Scale – Rs 18000,Rs 10000,Rs 8000,Rs 12000.

Educational Qualification:
10th /MBBS /Graduate in Psychology / BCom /ANM and min 2 yrs experience.

Apply to 15 Nurse, Accountant and Various Vacancy – Andaman and Nicobar Administration

General Information:

  • Applications were invited for the various post of Project Coordinator cum Vocational Counselor/Account cum Clerk/Cook/Chowkidar/House Keeping Staff/Doctor/Counselor Social Worker/Psychologist/Yoga therapist/Dance Teacher/Music Teacher/Art Teacher/Nurse/Ward Boys/Peer Educator purely on contractual basis for the Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCAs) Nicobar District
  • Engagement of above posts are purely on contractual basis for a period of 11 months which is likely to be extended on mutual consent and this does not confer any right/privilege for regular appointment or continuity of service in the department.
  • The Deputy Commissioner (N), A & N Administration , reserves the right to terminate the engagement of contract without assigning any reason thereof after serving one months notice or by paying one month salary without serving any notice or reason. Similarly, the incumbent shall have to give a Notice of one month before he may decide to resign from the post or deposit a month’s salary in lieu of the same.
  • No TA/DA and Accommodation shall be providing for the candidates appearing in the interview.
  • While applying, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respect.
  • In case it is detected at any stage of selection that a person does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any in corrected/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcoming is/are detected even after selection, his /her engagement is liable to be terminated without assigning any reason thereof.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 15 Nurse, Accountant and Various Vacancy – Andaman and Nicobar Administration

  • All aspiring candidates for the posts Project Coordinator cum Vocational Counselor/Account cum Clerk/ Cook / C howkidar/ House Keeping Staff/ Doctor/Counselor Social Worker/ Psychologist/ Yoga therapist/Dance Teacher/ Music Teacher/Art Teacher/Nurse/ Ward Boys/Peer Educator should submit their application in the prescribed Performa address to ‘The Nodal Offieer(IRCAs), ICDS Tribal Project, Head Quarter,Car Nicobar, Nicobar District-74430 I mail by send postal service/email.
  • Last date of receipt of application is 15.11.2020. Applications received after the last date and time will be considered rejected.
  • The shortlisted candidates are requested to bring mark sheets and certificate in support of Educational Qualification, Employment Registration Card. Local Certificate, Computer Certificate etc. for verification during the personal interview on 26.11.2020.
  • Approved by Deputy Commissioner(N), A & N Admin., Car Nicobar.
  • The candidates shall himself/herself do the self marking of essential 8i Desirable qualifications and of computer knowledge as per following method.

About Us:

  • Admiral D K Joshi, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, NM, VSM (Retd.) was the 21st Chief of Naval Staff, having assumed office on 31 August 2012. Born on 04 July 1954, in Almora (Uttarakhand), he is a specialist in anti-submarine warfare. He is an alumni of Naval War College (USA), College of Naval Warfare (Mumbai) and National Defence College (New Delhi). He has also been the Senior Instructor (NAVY) at Defence Services Staff College (Wellington).
  • Admiral Joshi has served in a variety of command, staff and instructional appointments. His commands at sea include guided missile corvette INS Kuthar, guided missile destroyer INS Ranvir and the aircraft carrier INS Viraat, during which he was awarded Nausena Medal, VishistSeva Medal and YudhSeva Medal respectively. Admiral Joshi was also the Defence Advisor in the Indian High Commission at Singapore from 1996 to 1999, with concurrent accreditation to the Philippines.After his elevation to Flag rank, Admiral Joshi commanded the Eastern Fleet where he was awarded the AtiVishishtSeva Medal (AVSM).. He has also served in the Integrated Headquarters, as head of all the nodal branches. He served in the Personnel Branch as the Assistant Chief of Personnel (Human Resource Development), and Warship Production and Acquisition as the Assistant Controller of the Aircraft Carrier Programme (ACACP), and thereafter in the Operations Branch both as Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Information Warfare and Operations) and as the Deputy Chief of Naval Staff.
  • Admiral Joshi voluntarily retired on 26 February 2014 having completed less than half of his tenure as CNS. On 08 October 2017, he assumed the appointment of Lt Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. He has also been designated as Vice Chairman, Islands Development Agency, for which orders were issued in 2017
  • The Chief Secretary is the Head of the Civil Services in the A&N Administration. He is the Principal Advisor to the HonbleLt. Governor on all matters of Policy and Administration. He provides guidance and leadership to other officers and staff in the administration. He is responsible for ensuring coordination between different departments of the A&N Administration and with various Central Government Departments and Organisations.He also functions as

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