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15 Office Assistant, Medical Officer, Nurse and Various Vacancy – IISER,Madhya Pradesh

Last Date: 30 April,2021
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER)
Madhya Pradesh

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal (IISER Bhopal) is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 15 posts of Office Assistant, Medical Officer, Nurse and Various.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 30-04-2021 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 15 Office Assistant, Medical Officer, Nurse and Various Vacancy – IISER,Madhya Pradesh

Name of the post– Office Assistant, Medical Officer, Nurse and Various
No of post – 15
Pay Scale – Rs 56100 – 177500,Rs 56100 – 177500,Rs.44,900- 1,42,400

Educational Qualification:
M.Tech. with MBA ,MBBS ,Master’s Degree ,Bachelor’s Degree .

Apply to 15 Office Assistant, Medical Officer, Nurse and Various Vacancy – IISER,Madhya Pradesh

General Condition:

  • The eligible candidates, who applied for these positions against the advertisement No. NT-01/2020 dated01.10.2020, need not apply again for the same positions.
  • PWD: The candidature of PWD will be considered as per rules. However, preference will be given to SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL)/ EWS/ UR candidates in that order.
  • For further details and submission of applications through online mode, please visit Institute’s website The last date for submission of online applications is 30/04/2021 at 1700 Hrs. & the last date for receipt of hardcopy of application is 05/05/2021 at 1700 Hrs
  • Any corrigendum/ changes/ updates shall be made available only on the Institute’s website: The candidates are advised to check the website on a regular basis for any updates.
  • Under this method of recruitment, the selected candidates will be on an initial contract in lieu of separate probation/ tenure of appointment for a period of up to 5 years with a provision for permanent absorption/ confirmation, which may be extended by one more tenure and subsequent confirmation as per rules, on recommendations of the duly constituted Departmental Confirmations Committee (DCC).
  • Subject to satisfactory performance, the employees appointed on the Institute service on regular basis with initial contract in lieu of separate probation/ tenure will be considered for confirmation, any time during the period of initial contract in lieu of separate probation/ tenure/ probation/ extended period of probation.
  • However, during the period of initial contract in lieu of separate probation/ tenure/ probation/ extended period of probation, the services of the employee are liable to be terminated at any time with one month’s notice or on payment of one month’s salary in lieu thereof without any case assigned.
  • The Director upon the recommendations of the Departmental Confirmations Committee (DCC) may reduce the contract in lieu of separate probation/ tenure, on completion of 2 years of service, with requisite level of performance and fulfilling the pre-requisites for confirmation in respect of the employees who are on initial contract in lieu of separate probation/ tenure appointment. The Director may extend the period of contract in lieu of separate probation/ tenure/ probation in case of shortfall in performance or in case of candidates against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending/ whose performance is falling short of requirements/ whose confirmation process is underway/ who have not completed the pre-requisite trainings etc. The candidates not possessing the requisite qualifications, caste certificate as per the existing rules of the Institute or Govt. of India as on date of due for confirmation or in case of any discrepancies noticed or any examination to be cleared shall not be confirmed till acquiring such qualifications or clearing the examinations or obtaining the certificates in the prescribed proforma or till the final reports are submitted by the
    appropriate agencies in case of pending disciplinary proceedings.
  • All the Group A, B and C selected candidates must be conversant in drafting letters, notes, manuals, documents in Hindi also besides acquiring proficiency in English and use of computer applications. For this purpose, it is very essential that all the employees of the Institute are fully trained to use Hindi Software. In this regard, all the selected candidates from Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ shall ensure that she/ he qualifies in Hindi typewriting skill test to become eligible for confirmation. The Hindi/ Rajbhasha cadre of the Institute should also be conversant with all the rules and practices of the Institute and Non-Hindi/ Rajbhasha cadre should also be conversant in working Hindi environment in a multi-purpose model for achieving better efficiency.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 15 Office Assistant, Medical Officer, Nurse and Various Vacancy – IISER,Madhya Pradesh

  • IISERs were created through a proclamation of Ministry of Education, Government of India, to promote quality education and research in science and related areas. The first two IISERs (Pune and Kolkata) were established in 2006. This was followed by an Institute at Mohali (2007), Bhopal & Trivandrum (2008), Tirupati (2015), and Berhampur (2016). IISERs were incorporated as Institutions of National Importance under the umbrella of the NIT (Amendment) Act, 2012 (NIT Act 2007). The Act was further amended in 2014, entitled the NITSER ACT 2014. Each IISER is a degree-granting autonomous institute.
  • IISER Bhopal aims to provide quality science education to UG and PG students. The prime focus of the Institute is to integrate science education with research. Also, the Institute is committed to impart high ethical values and create social and environment awareness.
  • The vision of the Institute is to provide high quality education to undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students. The Institute also aspires to contribute to the society through teaching and research to help achieve global sustainability. Further, the Institute aims to produce leaders in science and related disciplines.
  • To establish, build, and sustain an Institution of the highest caliber by the complete integration of teaching and state-of-the-art research
  • To make learning in science and other knowledge streams exciting through excellent integrative teaching strategies driven by curiosity and creativity
  • To facilitate and promote entry into research at an early age through a flexible borderless curriculum and research projects
  • To impart and nurture a variety of skills that prepare students for outstanding careers across the world, in various areas, including academia

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