Last Date:05 March,2020
Advt No : RHCJ/EXAM CELL/S.C./Translator /2020/86
Rajasthan High Court (HCRAJ)
HCRAJ Translator Vacancy invites application for the posts of for 15 Translator Vacancy 2020 from Post Graduate pass candidates interested in HCRAJ Translator Recruitment opening. Follow this article for HC Rajasthan Translator Salary, Qualification, eligibility criteria and High Court Rajasthan Translator Last Date is 05 March 2020.
Employment Notification 15 Translator Vacancy – HCRAJ,Rajasthan
Name of the post – Translator
No of post – 15
Pay Scale – 26500/- (Per Month)
Educational Qualification:
Candidate must be a Post Graduate in English Literature from any recognized university established by Law in lndia.
Apply to 15 Translator Vacancy – HCRAJ,Rajasthan
General Information:
- Candidate must be a Post Craduate in English Literature from any recognized university established by Law in lndia.
- Person who has appeared or is appearing in M.A. (final) English Literature, shall be eligible to apply for the post but he/she has to submit proof of having acquired the requisite educational qualification before written Test. to the office of Registrar (tixamination), Rajasthan High Coun, Jodhpur, within 07 days of holding of Written Test.
- the uppcr age limit shall be relaxcd b) 5 lears in case oithe mcmbcr ol the Scheduled Castc or Schcduled Tribe or Other Backward Classes or More Backward Classcs or Women candidates;
- there shall benoage limit in case ot’ widow and Divorcee women candidate;
- the uppcr age limit tbr the reservists. namely deflncc services personnel transt’errcd to the reserve shall be 50 years.
- The age relmatbn tirr persons rvith disabilities will be admissible as applicable in the State Governmcnt tiom time to time.
- thc uppcr age limit mentioned above shall not appl) in lhc case ol cx-prisoner. who had scrved undcr Covcrnmcnt on a substantivc basis on an), post bcli)rc his convicti(nl and was eligiblc lbr appointrrlcnl under the rules.
- No male or female candidate. who has more than one wife/husbard living. shall bc eligible for appointment lo thc service
- No female candidatc. who is married to a person having already a wit’e living. shall be eligible lor appointmcnt.
- No marricd candidate shall be eligible tbr appointment to the servicc il’he/she had at the time ol hivhcr marriagc accept€d any dowry.
- For the purpose ofthis rulc dorrrl has thc same mcaning as in the DoTvrl Prohibition Acl. l96l (Central Act 28 of 1961.
- No candidate shall be eligible tbr appointmcnt. ii he has more than two children on/or alier thc commcnccmenl of thcse rules.
- Provided that the candidate having more than two children shall not be decmed to bc disqualilied fbr appointmcnt so long as numbcr ofchildren he/she has on the date ofcommcncement ofthis rule does not increase. Providcd funher that where a candidate has only one child fiom earlicr deiivery but more than onc child is bom out of single subsequent delivcry. the children so born shall be deemcd to be one entit), while counling thc total number of children.
- EXPIANATION: For the purpose of this sub rule. child born rvithin 280 days t’rom thc date ol’ commencement ofthese rules shall not constitute disqualilication.
- “Provided also that any candidate who perlirrmed remarriagc which is not against any la$ and betbre such remarriage he is not disqualified for appoinlmcnt under this sub-rule, he shall not bc disqualitied if any child is bom out ofsingle delivery from such remarriage.
- Provided also that while counting the total number of children of a candidate, the child born from earlier dclivery and having disability shall not be counted.”
- Interested candidates may apply Online through the website from 10.02.2020 to 05.03.2020.
About Us:
Vacancy Notice 15 Translator Vacancy – HCRAJ,Rajasthan
- The Rajasthan High Court is the High Court of the state of Rajasthan. It was established on 29 August 1949 under the Rajasthan High Court Ordinance, 1949.
- The seat of the court is at Jodhpur. The court has a sanctioned judge strength of 50.
- There were five High Courts functioning in the various units of the States – at Jodhpur, Jaipur and Bikaner, the High Courts of former Rajasthan and Matsya Union, before unification of the Rajasthan. The Rajasthan High Court Ordinance, 1949 abolished these different jurisdictions and provided for a single High Court for the entire State. The High Court of Rajasthan was founded in 1949 at Jaipur, and was inaugurated by the Rajpramukh, Maharaja Sawai Man Singh on 29 August 1949, later on after complete integration of Rajasthan in 1956 it was moved at Jodhpur with recommendation of satyanarayan rao committee.
- The first Chief Justice was Kamala Kant Verma. A bench was formed at Jaipur on 31 January 1977 under sub-section (2) of Section 51 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956 which was dissolved in 1958. Currently the sanctioned strength of the judges is 50 and actual strength is 34.
- A cluster of Princely States with an oasis known as Ajmer-Merwara, a British India Territory, was given geographical expression as Rajputana. These Twenty and odd Rajputana States before 20th Century AD were dynastic and the Rulers were the fountain head of all Executive, Legislative and Judicial Authority in the States. As soon as the country got freedom from British Imperialism, the process of integration of the princely States to form bigger units was initiated.
- The High Court was duly inaugurated on August 29, 1949. In an impressive function, presided by Rajpramukh His Highness Maharaja Sawai Man Singh, oath was administered to Hon’ble Justice Kamal Kant Verma (former Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court and former Chief Justice of Udaipur High Court) as Chief Justice alongwith 11 other judges. These 11 judges represented most of the princely States. Justice Lala Nawal Kishore and Justice Kunwar Amar Singh Jasol were from Jodhpur, Justice Kanwar Lal Bapna and Justice Mohd. Ibrahim were from Jaipur, Justice Jawan Singh Ranawat and Justice Sardul Singh Mehta were from Udaipur, Justice Durga Shankar Dave was from Bundi, Justice Trilochan Dutt was from Bikaner, Justice Anand Narain Kaul was from Alwar, Justice K.K.Sharma was from Bharatpur and Justice Kshemchand Gupta was from Kota.
- On September 3, 1949 in modification of the previous notification dated August 25, 1949, the Rajpramukh issued a further notification directing that the High Court of Judicature for Rajasthan shall also sit simultaneously at Bikaner and Kota to dispose of the cases pending before Bikaner High Court and Kota bench of the High Court of the Former United Rajasthan respectively. Under this notification no authority was given to entertain new cases other than the applications for revision or readmission.
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